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Athiests, I respect your desire to not be proselytized, however you are also proselytizing.?

No one like's to have other people rudely push their ideas, way's, belief's onto other people.

Proselytization, I believe is very wrong-headed and rude approach to solving social issues.

If you wish to have your right to live your life as you wish to live it, respected. Wouldn't it be considerate and nice to also respect other people's right's to live as they wish?

I am not saying that there hasn't been a lot of religious persecution out there, and it wasn't right, and it isn't very nice.

However, I don't think pushing atheism onto people is right either.

I think all people's have the right to believe as they want, and other people should respect their differences, and mostly don't bother people who they differ with.

What I see, in Yahoo Answer's, isn't an approach by many to seek wisdom and understanding.

Mostly it's a, anyone who disagree's with me, I am rude too, and it get's kind of offensive on all sides.

You do not have to support or agree with anyone else's point of view, but why not provide some common decency?

I myself was raised jewish, and at age 50 I am not that religious, but mostly I just feel sad at all the hatred and disrespect that I see.

It's kind of sad.

As a jew, I am used to being irrationally persecuted, and maybe because of that I am sensitive to other people being wrongly hurt or punished.

I know this isn't an ideal world, but why can't we try once in a while to just show common decency and some love and kindness.

Isn't that preferable to the endless fighting and arguing, that really is just very pointless and goes nowhere?

Thank you for your time.

17 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm... the whole issue of proselytization is somewhat tricky. If someone, anywone really believes something and believes that this thing (whatever it is) is relavant to his neighbor, wouldn't it be wrong for him not to try to share it?

    For example, if you were driving down the highway towards a bridge, and I really thought that the bridge was out, wouldn't it be wrong and crazy for me not to try to persuade you that that was the case? Would it really be kind for me to ignore our "differences"? Wouldn't it be more humane of me to call you repeatedly on your cell phone even if it annoyed you?

    Obviously, there's a right way (peaceable) and a wrong way (violence/coercion/forceable) to proselytize, but I don't see how anyone who really believes ANYTHING can avoid "proselytizing" on one level or another.

    Source(s): sorry, no immediate sources here, although I'm sure this isn't original to me....
  • 8 years ago

    This is an open forum for exchange of ideas. Posting here what you think is not proselytizing.

    Wanting prayer in school is proselytizing

    Trying to have a creation myth taught beside real science is proselytizing.

    Have atheists ever pushed to have schools explicitly teach that god does not exist? No. We just want religion left out of public schools and our laws.

  • S K
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Since Athiests are asked more questions than any religion in here, we feel it is our duty to answer them. That's not proselytizing

  • 8 years ago


    Internet fighting lets off steam. Would you rather some of these angry people go postal in the real world?

    I really don't see how people still get this irrationally emotional over internet comments.

    Are you people new to this planet? This planet's history is dominated by hate. Hatred of the commies put a man on the moon!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i think of we could constantly appreciate the perception, not inevitably the movements of the believer, and we could constantly additionally comprehend why they experience they could proselytize. I admit, I also have a tendency to get indignant myself, fairly whilst quite pushy or boastful or patronizing all and sundry is in touch and that i tend to not constantly "prepare what I carry forth" in that way -- yet there's a distinction between respecting a perception which the proselytizers could or won't signify properly and respecting people who disrespect you/your faith/your ideals -- intentionally or not. And as quickly as I say appreciate the perception, I propose appreciate their magnificent to have faith it and supply them the courtesy they don't constantly provide others by potential of not attempting to actively substitute their perception.

  • 8 years ago

    1, this is a rant not a question

    2, as I told another ranter: you would never really hear from non-believers if it weren't for the loud mouths of believers. so direct your rant there.

    3, in a place set up for this topic, you cannot accuse people of proselytizing unwelcomed.

  • lola
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    This is an open forum. If you ask questions, expect people to give you answers and opinions. You are actively soliciting for answers/opinions.

    Proselytizing is pushing your religion/views on someone, without their having asked for it.

    Do you see the difference?

  • 8 years ago

    " I am sensitive to other people being wrongly hurt or punished."

    Yet, you direct the question only to atheists.. Glad your so sensitive to only see the one side..

    "I think all people's have the right to believe as they want, and other people should respect their differences, and mostly don't bother people who they differ with."

    And I would agree, But that's not what is happening on the Theist side.. We are in a fight like it or not.. Theists are everyday trying to get legislation passed into law that prohibits people who don't believe like they do.. Get their religious texts and stories taught as science in schools when it clearly is not.... and we should just sit back and be nice??

    We are not pushing atheism... we are pushing keep theism to yourself... big difference!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You direct questions at us, we answer and you say that's proselytizing? I don't go door to door or call people on the phone to propagate anything.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The following is a standard answer...

    I can't be bothered changing words to suit you...

    Kid... you don't mind if I call you 'kid', do you?

    Kid, if you and your people didn't go to such extraordinary lengths to try to convince me and my people that all that imaginary little space chappie stuff was anything more than primitive superstition, you and your people would probably never hear from me and my people... just saying ;)

    “Theists, especially Christians, try to control and restrict us based on their views.

    If all Christians stop crusading against science, education, culture, art, sex and sexuality, religious freedom and such, stop dishonestly misrepresenting your beliefs as facts, and stop telling everybody else they're going to be tortured throughout eternity unless they join you, I assure you that you won't encounter nearly as much hostility.”


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