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Tips on growing out hair?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just leave it the F alone. No cutting, trimming, straightening, curling, blowfrying, highlighting - nothing. Just wash it when it needs washed, keep it moisturized & healthy, do deep conditioning treatments once a week. But don't make it be something it's not.

    Eat healthy, drink lots of water & get enough sleep. That's pretty much it.

  • 8 years ago

    Hey ! I have long hair, about 3 quarters down my back. what I have to say Is trims are very important. my mother is a professional hair stylist and teaches me everything she knows. if your hair is left to grow , it will. But not as fast as it could. When your hair is dry or have split ends on the tips witch IS what will happen even if you don't do anything to it your hair almost gets clogged. and cannot grow at a fast speed. When your hair has just been trimmed it grows the fastest as it can "breathe" and is healthy. So my advice to you would be don't use hot irons as it just makes more broken ends. trim your hair often but less than a cm is fine. You will thank me later :) best of luck !

  • 8 years ago

    Keep heating tools away from hair.. Also pulling hair into a tighter low bun or pony tail keeps tension on the hair making it grow.. Braiding your hair into tight braids makes it grow faster and longer if you keep the braids in.. Kind of like A cornrow deal. Also there are hair skin and nail pills that you can take to help it grow.

    Source(s): Own
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The best way to get your hair to grow is to focus on your diet. Protein, healthy fats, and hydration (water) are important. You can also improve your hair growth with vitamins like biotin, pantothenic acid, Inositol, and MSM. I like Caribbean Hair Grow, because it has all of the supplements that I need in order to get my hair to grow quick, but you should talk to your doctor before you take anything.

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  • 8 years ago

    Avoid chemical products and permanents. Perms may look nice but always have negative effects on the health of our hair.Stay away from heat styling products and avoid washing hair in too hot of water

  • 8 years ago

    I would suggest not cutting it.

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