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Does multiverse exist ?

well we all know a universe but is there any parallel universe or number of universe (i.e. multiverse) that exist? are they connected? if yes then in which way? are they related to our past or future in some way or the other? these are the questions that arise in my mind after reading alot on black holes, space time and worm holes etc.

Please be logical and support your answer with the principle, law or equations involved......!

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Current science suggests that we live in a multiverse. Our reality exists as a vector orientation projected by the 3rd generation (Tau Neutrino). Until the nature of the fourth dimension is better understood, it not known if it these vector orientations are juxtaposed, superimposed, intersecting, exclusive or dependent. The '4D' particles, bosons and neutrinos, do not follow the physical laws of our reality. They can exist in many places at once and appear to be doing a great deal more than we know.

    So, if the fourth dimension is a kind of foundry prepared to render reality to an observer in the third dimension through nuclear transmutation using only four coordinates,W-attraction, Z-orientation, Photon and Gluon, then it has the unique ability to show all possible states of a thing at once to different observers.

    Tau appears to vibrate at 32 quadrillionths of a second. During that period, our reality is projected from the 4th dim. This would suggest there are 31,999,999,999,999,999 other universes that, along with our own, comprise this multiverse.

    This is all speculation and thought experiments and conclusive results will come from experiments at Fermi Lab and the Hadron Collider. But no, to answer your question, it is most definitely not science-fiction. But it will be a long time before it is understood and even longer before we can manipulate these conditions to achieve space travel.

  • 8 years ago

    Space is bizarre, isn't it? Like most theories go, we can't know if they're right or wrong until they can be tested and proven or disproven. This is an augmentation to an older theory known as 'eternal inflation' which postulates that the universe underwent a faster-than-light inflation rather than a violent explosion as suggested by the big bang theory. In any case, what gives this theory some merit is that what we call empty space is not empty at all. At the smallest scale, empty space is seething with particles that constantly "pop" in and out of existence. Occasionally, due to quantum fluctuation, some of these particles undergo an inflation, creating "bubble" universes. These universes are completely spliced off from all other universes the moment they begin to inflate. It gets a bit more complicated, but this is the basic idea. There hasn't been very much hard evidence to support this theory, but recent discoveries by a group of physicists have finally found some positive evidence of a multiverse. The link below explains it in better detail.

  • 8 years ago

    I believe that multiverse exists.. I like to give u one example.

    i hope u might be knowing about DEJAVU concept. Its a condition or a situation in which it appears to us that events of life which we are seeing now is something which we already seen before. Sometimes it happens , many of us experienced that including me. Now how that possible? how can we see the future even if it not created yet. The answer is MULTIVERSE.

    There are infinite universe, for every super second there is one universe. And in every universe we all exists and in every universe we all are doing one same thing That is THINKING. Our thoughts are very powerfull and superfast. We go as fast as possible even much faster than speed of light. Everytime our brain releasing thoughts and we know that our thoughts have energy and frequency we can measure them with some instruments. And our thoughts can travel between the universe same way we are releasing thoughts in our future and once these thoughts or brain waves collide with each other or superimpose with each that's it DEJAVU. We see the future . But its so Random and mostly it happens during a dream !! So whole concept is that if we are watching our future or if we are somehow travelling in future then actually we will be travelling through different universes or parallel universes. Because to see something we need light and some frame so that that light can reflect back to us. So if time travel concept is true then multiverse concept is also true.

    But as per our current knowledge in this subject its at initial stage all such theories are hypothetical and without and fundamental proofs principles, laws or equations. But i personally believe that one day we will have proof for all such hypothetical concepts. AS CURIOSITY IS MOTHER OF ALL INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES.

    Source(s): I watch lot of science documentries and such studies facinates me alot !!
  • 8 years ago

    The set of, so-called, multiple possible universes (or multiverse) is supposedly a hypothesis.

    The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The term was coined in 1895 by the American philosopher and psychologist William James. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.

    The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it and the relationship between the various constituent universes, depend on the specific multiverse hypothesis considered. Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, transpersonal psychology and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy. In these contexts, parallel universes are also called "alternative universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternative realities", "alternative timelines", and "dimensional planes," among others.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Due to current learning we all believe in the "Big Bang". This event created our universe which is continuously growing at whatever speed. Think about it.

    Our universe is growing. It is therefore not infinite. Time did not begin at the Big Bang. Time is infinite. Our universe is a small growing part of a much larger multiverse. Parallel universes are just some sci-fi **** until somebody with much more intelligence than any of us figures out how to bend light and time in such a way to pass the universal divide.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I don't think this is fiction nor a fact mainly because no one has confirmed the existence of parallel/multi universe, although some scientists have proposed a theory but it's completely a hypothesis of uncertainty over how big the universe is about. NO ONE could tell if this is really a fact that we should tell to our children in the next gens, only God knows. No one else does, actually.

  • 8 years ago

    No. There is no multiverse. That is simply a theory that has provoked some interesting thoughts. As far as support for this conclusion goes, there is no tangible evidence for the existence of parallel or multiple universes. Besides, most folks are entirely to busy learning about and understanding what really is out there that can be seen, observed, identified and measured using a wide range of techniques.

  • 8 years ago

    If you did not read so much fiction (ie "black holes","wormholes", etc) , then you could use your mindspace to think about realistic problems of astronomy rather than the mythology of "parallel universes".

    Perhaps you could instead ponder the nature of pulsars, the stability of planetary systems, and the classification of stars. These topics are all based on proven physical laws, and a solid history of observation. Unlike the fantasy topics you mentioned, which have almost zero supporting data and are based on highly questionable conjectures, hyperbolically extrapolated from marginal theories.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In My Opinion = NO. Only one Universe. Parallel Universe is pure science fiction.

  • 8 years ago

    maybe they exist..i dont know what science says but , in scriptures(vedic) i think we do have mention of parallel universes(bramhandas...which means universes)..i recently read a book in which the author says that his guru told him about astral universes which are much more bigger than our physical universe and further said that people go there after dying..he also mentions how they function..but still ..we never know until we know..

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