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Lv 6

Why does God need worship and praise?

Is it because he just likes to hear it, because that doesn't sound like the nature of a perfect being?

And why is the faith so important? Why allow cynicism to become a human trait if it is going to doom people to an eternity of torture? If God creates everything, why not give people a nature that will make them less questioning? It seems cruel to punish people for acting in the fashion he designed.


Paul, so are you admitting that God did not know how we were going to act when he creates us?

Are you admitting that God is not all-knowing?

You can't have it both ways.

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God does not need worship and praise.

    God deserves worship and praise. And since we are fully capable of offering worship and praise to Him (or Her), it would be wrong to withhold it from God.

    With love in Christ.

  • 8 years ago

    Nowhere in the Bible does it even imply that He "needs" worship and praise. These things are done naturally, according to the new nature we receive upon salvation. He is the only person in the universe that is worthy of praise and worship.

    They are just two indicators of salvation. And he has no problem with us questioning or reasoning with him, his plans, or methods of operation.

    You disagree with God's plans and methods. This is because you do not want to repent. It is nothing more than an excuse.

  • 8 years ago

    There are a number of factors involved in answering your question. The 1st I'll tackle is that the Bible is the inherent Word of God in the original language it was written in only. Just the fact that there are so many different translations of the Bible and the fact that all of them cannot be correct when they say different things.

    Then there are the many different Protestant Ministers that take a few verses out of the Bible and make their entire theology out of those view verses and ignore all of the other Bible scriptures that say opposite things. Many Ministers and some Catholic Priests have their own agenda and are not really looking to find what the truth is.

    Let me give you an example that includes a couple of these factors. That "Faith" people talk as if faith is the only thing that is important to God and one of these is to trust His love for us. But these people go to far and twist the scriptures to try to prove their belief. Faith and believe are English words with specific meanings. Faith and believe are Greek words that also have specific meanings but their meanings are different than ours.

    Faith is translated from the Greek word "pistis" and believe is translated from the Greek word "Pistuo". Our English word "believe" means something like "intellectual assent". Do you believe that the moon is 250000 miles from Earth? Sure but so what? That is intellectual assent or agreement. Pistuo is believing something so strongly that you will work as hard as you can to make your actions be in accordance with what you believe. If you are in high school and believe that Hard work and discipline are what will cause you to get the best grades and later, be hired by a good company; if you have pistuo in that, you will work your hardest to get good grades and learn many things.

    Faith is the translation of the Greek word Pistis. Pistis is a belief in something so strongly that you cannot help yourself. You have no choice but are compelled to make every word and action be in accordance with your pistuo. You can see this in the book of James when He is answering the faith vs works argument that was there from the beginning. James says that there must be works because faith without works is dead. I would say it a little differently; If there are no works to demonstrate your pistis the there is no pistis because actions (or works) are included in the definition of pistis.

    Another thing the people who focus on Faith to the exclusion of all else do is to quote only 1/2 of a Scripture. They quote the first 1/4 of Hebrews 11:6 when they say, "Without Faith it is impossible to please God." and ignore the rest of that Scripture which is, "Without Faith (pistis) it is impossible to please God, for first a man must pistuo that there is a God and that He is a rewarder of those who ardently seek Him."

    Remember that Pistis and Pistuo are both forms of the word for belief. So that the scripture could be written, "Without belief it is impossible to please God for first a man must believe, etc. Then again the focus of the sentence is on "pleasing God" and it states that what only pleases God is to ardently seek Him and that if you do, God will reward you. So, the focus of these sentences is not on Faith but on the necessity of ardently seeking God!

    Also, the clear implication is that in addition to the importance of seeking God, God rewards us when we do this which means that God wants us to find Him and will help us in that journey. There is much more I could say about this to you or anyone if they send me a message.

    God bless you for wanting to know the truth about God and not just someone's opinions that has had no real Spiritual experience and because of that they don't really know what they are talking about. You can find what the Bible says in it's original languages of Hebrew and Greek and also the meanings of the original Hebrew and Greek words. I find this an extremely valuable resource.

    God bless you and keep you from all harm. I pray the God lead you into the fullness of knowledge and wisdom and at the proper time grant you entrance into His Holy Kingdom where you will dwell with God in all His fullness and extreme Joe throughout all of Eternity. A I ask in the Blessed Name of Jesus Christ who promised that everything we ask in His Name that is inaccordance with God's Will, will be granted us. What I just prayed is most certainly in accordance with God's Will. This is for many reasons. One is tghat a scripture in the Bible says that it is, "God's Will that everyone will be saved"

    Source(s): The Holy Bible in the original languages. The website <>, personal Spiritual experience. The experience of obeying God's word and experiencing the consequences it promises and also the experience of not obeying God's word and suffering the consequences God warns us will happen. The experience of Union with God.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    God does not need our worship and praise, He is worthy of our worship and praise.

    Without faith it is impossible to please Him. Christians are people who have faith (belief) in God and His word, that it is true. He does not force us to believe, but He has warned us not to be deceived by the devil's deceptions. We choose what to believe or have faith in.

    We get faith from the word of God, i.e. knowing what it says. Which means knowing that people are not doomed to an eternity of torture, which is a deception of the devil to turn people away from God.

    See what the Bible really says -

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  • 8 years ago

    You have it backwards. He does not need anything from us, but we need to worship him and he deserves praise from us because Jehovah not only created us but also because he gives us wise guidance so that we can be happy.

    For thousands of years, mankind in general has tried to navigate its way through life without divine help. Left on their own, however, imperfect humans are completely lost. They simply cannot find the road to true peace and happiness. Why have they been unable to reach that destination? More than 2,500 years ago, the prophet Jeremiah stated: “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” (Jeremiah 10:23) Anyone who tries to direct his own step without accepting qualified help inevitably faces frustration.

    Jehovah God is supremely qualified to provide such direction. Why? Because he understands better than anyone else the makeup of humans. And he is fully aware of how the human race got sidetracked and became lost. He also knows what is required for them to get back on course. Furthermore, as the Creator, Jehovah always knows what is best for us. (Isaiah 48:17) Thus, we can fully trust his promise as recorded at Psalm 32:8: “I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. I will give advice with my eye upon you.” There is no doubt about it: Jehovah provides the best direction. But just how does he guide us?

    A psalmist said in prayer to Jehovah: “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.” (Psalm 119:105) God’s statements and reminders are found in the Bible, and they can help us to overcome obstacles that we may encounter on our path. Indeed, when we read the Bible and let it guide us, we are experiencing firsthand what is described at Isaiah 30:21: “Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people.’”

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    God does not "need" anything from His creation. He is independent of His creation.

    Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for to draw near to Him, one must believe in Him.

    God does not torture for eternity. He punishes those who reject His free gift of grace in Jesus Christ. Punishment and torture are not the same thing.

  • 8 years ago

    God doesn't need anything, He has everything. Its up to you to worship our living God. Every breath you take comes from God, thats worth a praise. You're young and ignorrant and you haven't read His word. You reading and seeing this with your eyes is worth praise. You are missing out on the big picture. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    He doesn't; we do. Worship and praise brings us closer to God, making it easier to communicate with Him. Even if it doesn't bring about direct communication, I always feel better and more grounded after a good worship session.

  • 8 years ago

    Seek help.. god is for needy people. Or Americans who are so full of hate they hate everyone. Unless they are German.

  • 8 years ago

    Here is something that l read and was so impressed that l wrote it down and now l am sharing it with you. " Man depends on God for all things; God depends on man for one. Without man's love God does not exist." Your question is answered.

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