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JW's I am DF , have been for many many years .I made a fool of many of you .?

I tricked many of you , Maters Granny , Mick Macka , Asy . Lone Dissenter ,Edo Edo & many many more of you . In light of last weeks study I have decided to confess in public ,I don't want Maters Granny or Lone Dissenter to hide what happened any more .I want everyone to know & I don't want to hide in the dark. I do not expect anyone of you to trust me ever again but I have made a choice to return for real .

I will not post again until I am really reinstated .

I feel so ashamed for what I done but I can not move on without making it public & saying sorry to those I deceived .

My heart felt apology to those I fooled .

If I am reinstated , for real this time can you if I fooled you forgive me ? Should you forgive me ? Should I let regrets stop me ?


Lone sorry but without me where would you be ?

You insulted me ,personal attacks yet I fooled you & pointed you in the right direction , your so smart yet I still tricked you but i don't want to do that any more , why did I post this ? I want to change , is that to hard to understand ,I could have keep my mouth shut , I want all to know because I want to change.

Update 2:

Rachel R

My name is Brian I have done the wrong thing , I have fooled many .

I make this statement because I want everyone to know , I want to clear the air ,I want to start again I want no forgiveness from those who do not know my mistakes .You will see no more from me untill I am in good standing , it may take forever.

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drawing attention to having made others fools in public is not a good way for anyone to start the path to forgiveness.

    There is private email. And of course, just plain waiting till a person gets things settled and has spoken to the elders about such.

    A person needs to step back and look deeper at the heart level this has reached. Maybe there needs to be a deeper analyzing of why anyone would need to blatantly say "I have fooled many".

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses - jw.,org
  • 8 years ago

    Oh my dear, this is really funny. Like ha ha ha funny. It is. Trust me it is. Because the only thing I can do is laugh, if I don't I will cry. While my heart beat regularizes and my breathing returns to normal, I think I'll come out of shock eventually. deserve a standing ovation, really you do. Now everyone will be looking at everyone and begin questioning who is a Witness and who isn't and all of that.

    So everything you've said is basically a lie. And the people who trusted you on here and in real life...well. Let's leave it as is, shall we?

    I just have one question *one* tiny little question if you don't mind me asking: but if you've been d/f'ed for many years, are we talking about 20+ plus years or the little 5 -6 years that you've been on here?

    As for your questions: (not gonna use your real name and I really don't think you should have revealed the identities of some people) Pestie, Jehovah will forgive you, probably has already. So who are we to say we won't forgive you? Yes, everyone will feel hurt because you have deceived them all this time but I guess in some way I can fathom the reason why you did what you did. I don't think it's fair to wait until you are reinstated to forgive you. It'll be hard for others, but you did something that is wrong, and you confessed. You have more guts than me because I was never doing what you did.

    You've fooled me for sure among others. And I guess it's our willingness to openly trust our brothers. For me personally I forgive you. My dad died last year November by the way, and one thing I've learnt is that life is too short to live with regrets and hold grudges till death. Those who want to do that, so be it. But I'm not going to waste my time holding this against you. Like I said, Jehovah has probably forgiven you (he has a really big heart you know) and therefore I forgive you too. Should I forgive you? Yes, I should and I have. If I can't forgive you for this, how will I expect Jehovah to forgive me what wrong I've done and will do? Should you let regrets stop you? No you shouldn't. Pestie, regrets are really Satan's tools against us. If we were to ponder on all our past wrongdoings and sit down and mope about it whole day, we'll never love Jehovah because we'll feel unworthy and we'll never serve him. Just remember, Jehovah loves us, and the scripture that talks about how happy he is when one returns to him, trust me, when you get reinstated, he'll be overflowing with joy.

    So, Pestie, thank you very much for stating the truth about the matter. It takes a big person to do that, and you've proven your worth by doing so. Whatever the outcome of this is, just remember that you did the right thing. And don't worry, Jehovah is still there for you. *hugs* wish you all the best, and email us and let us know when you are reinstated. And don't ever give us a scare like this again please.

    EDIT: Seeing that you have no problem with me using your name, Brian it's not going to take forever. You may not remember the conversations we had, but I do and I remember your story. But even if it takes forever, don't give up.

  • 8 years ago

    Now that you've talked the talk, let's see you walk the walk. You know I trusted you, especially when we were so worried about Pete, and it hurts to know you weren't the person you were pretending to be. But I have known many people who have been DF'd then returned to the truth. Just make sure all is sorted out with the elders and the congregation before expecting full forgiveness. When you have mended your relationship with Jehovah and He has shown you mercy, then I will be most happy to welcome you back and hope you get in contact again.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm absolutely certain that you are not the only JW who was trying to fool the other JWs here, there are a lot more! This shows what the Watchtower literature meant by trusting the internet, and conversing with others whether they are known apostates, or known anti-JWs, or the ones who are the unknown disfellowshipped, because anyone can fool everyone else on the internet! This should be a lesson for JWs for not listening to the warnings from Brooklyn Headquarters!

    Answering the question...of course I forgive you and the unknown number of other disfellowshipped posters, but Jesus is the One you want for forgiveness, not the JWs or other people whoever they may be!

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  • 8 years ago

    NOTE: I am answering this only for those reading and wondering what the deal is with Jehovah's Witnesses because this is bringing reproach IMO

    Everything should be in the Bible for all to see and prove who they are. Bottom line.

    Here is a scripture and I put CAPS for emphasis.

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart FABRICATING HURTFUL SCHEMES, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, A FALSE WITNESS that LAUNCHES FORTH LIES, and anyone sending forth CONTENTIONS among brothers.

    No one should be fooled here. IF anyone is acting this way, they will pay the price for it!


  • So you liar you decided to come clean ??????

    I never thought you would have the guts to admit what you done , you know how much you hurt me , Granny , Mick & David .

    Proof . You can talk the the talk .

    I don't trust you .

    I don't trust you .

    Your more a trap than UL but I can forgive but I want to talk to your Elders this time .

    Brian do you know how many people you hurt ?

    If Jehovah had not called me I would have left because of you .

    Just come back , this time for real .

    Mick made an important point I forgot because I was happy you admitted what you done , I will not be able to answer you again ....your DFed.

    Brian , this post hurt me at first but I feel you have shown great courage , just follow through & do not contact me until.....

  • 8 years ago

    Petros sent me a text , I have come out of retirment from yahoo answers to respond .

    I never in my wildest dreams thought you would admit to what you did to us but I see it as a step forward .Yes you fooled us but just come back to Jehovah . You have made a big step & I admire you for doing so. Make sure you tell thye Elders what you done . Awaiting your return .I will try to let David , An Noy & Jerry know .

    It is a big step to make it pulbic , I love you for it , come back I want a BBQ with you , forget Hui & Yang , Just come back . I can not talk to you again untl you return just don't lie again .

    Granny if you see this I miss you & love you

  • IJAH
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You are still one of my contacts. I don't know about any of this, but i just wanted to say that rick g is right, and forgiveness is never a problem for any Jehovah's witness, because we do love you even in a df'd state. you know the truth, don't delay, it will be here sooner than you think and it only takes 3 months of attending meetings to get reinstated, so climb aboard the ark my friend.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This is strange because your account has been 'dead' for over a year, prior to which you were entirely supportive of JWs, giving them best answers to your questions and such-like. Does this mean that you were running another Yahoo account, one with which to "fool" JWs? If so, then you need to state the name you operated under for anyone to make sense of your question, and if you are no longer tricking people.

    Well, if you have been disfellowshipped and now want to be reinstated, that's entirely up to you, and whether the JW elders will agree to put you on watch for months before deciding to let you come back.

    If you want to become a Christian, however, you need to confess your sins to God, then trust only in what Jesus did to save you. If you continue to think your salvation is somehow dependent on being loyal to an organization, you will never know what it is to be forgiven by God, to have your conscience cleansed and to be assured of your salvation in Christ. Just read Romans 8, first half, and ponder on the simple fact that the only people who belong to Christ are those who are anointed with the Holy Spirit. Until that happens to you, you cannot call yourself a Christian.

  • mom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    brian, because you fooled me, I am hurt but I will get over it. Jehovah knew what you where doing and you hurt Jehovah. I pray that you do come back before it is too late. time is getting real close. please ask Jehovah for forgiveness and go to the elders. many will tell you to stay disfellowshipped because they turned there back on Jehovah but you know the right thing to do

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