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Why did God choose to end His favor upon the Israelites?

Yes,the covenant is suppose to be forever and ever after but God put an abrupt end when sending the last prophet of the Israelites, who was the fatherless Messiah, followed by the destruction of the temple in 70 AD.

The fact that there was not a single prophet rose since John the Baptist is self evident.

John the baptist was citing for the lack of fruit.What fruit was he talking about?


Steve: Hilel, Akiba, and Moses de Leon were all scholars but none receive God sent messages. Also, they were unknown to Jewish communities outside their own country of residence.

Update 2:

jadamgrd: I dont think any Jew ever recognize him, if Steven was,he was a contemporary person rather than after.

Update 3:

Cader and glider scrambler: I don't mean ending favor in the sense of depriving them of God grace.God is all graceful that even unbelievers will not be deprived of the air to breath. But,it has something to do with what they use to have and now they have not, eg temple, kings and prophets,religious community,the halakha,etc

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they are very arrogant, tempting race. If you look in history books, they were hated all around the world for a reason. Everywhere they go, they deceive the high officials and try to control the economy as that is their mission, to rule over the gentiles. I had a Jewish boss and he was one of the worst men i have ever met in my life. Selfish, cheap, stuck up, uncaring, self centered, and deceiving. But there is obviously good in every ethnic group, but it is difficult to find one in Jews as they are taught to deceive the gentiles.

    Source(s): Experience
  • 8 years ago

    lucky for me, i'm not jewish, so i can tell you exactly how arrogant and asinine this question is.

    let's have a look at this supposed suspension of the covenant, shall we???

    jesus has not a single characteristic that was not already associated with other sacrificial saviors who preceded him. he is virtually identical in every way to gods like horus, dionysus, and mithras. mithras is another syncretized god the greeks borrowed from his native culture and transformed to create a salvation mystery. i susupect dionysus has a similar story but don't know as much about him. horus is the earliest known of these, so is closest to the original concept. the point is, jesus is not jewish, and his father is not the jewish god. he's at best a hellenized jew, an apostate cut off from his native culture by adopting the ways of the pagan greeks, and the new testament is ample evidence that he adopted the ways of the pagan greeks.


    jesus fulfilled not a single one of the legitimate messianic prophecies. the 'prophecies' christians claim he fulfilled are all based on mistranslation and misplaced context. [and nobody ever called him emmanuel]


    the gospels are completely out of sync with known history. nazareth wasn't a city during jesus's supposed childhood; the pivotal scene of the entire story is drastically ahistorical. there was no clear charge of blasphemy against jesus, so there could be no prosecution under judean law, night trials were illegal in both rome and judea, trials in private residences were illegal in both judea and rome, crucifixion was a punishment only for sedition and treason under roman law but there was no such charge and there was no 30-day waiting period before execution, pilate was so cruel even the romans had to recall him - he would not have 'washed his hands', he would have had the whole crowd put down, and there has never been a jewish custom of releasing a prisoner at passover.


    even the old testament says that the covenant is eternal, so basically what you've done is call your god a liar.


  • 8 years ago

    In following the Biblical stories...

    I really don't see where he put any favor upon them to start with. It's not like the followers were all the faithful. Or that their god did very much. Most is him saying, through a prophet, to go somewhere and conquer the inhabitants. Usually iin the most gruesome and heinous ways thinkable...

    Take Jericho for example...

    Seems odd that anything that this god promises, needs to be accomplished by man...


  • Basically rejecting the Messiah is an exceedingly bad sin, although of course most Jews will deny Jesus was the Messiah. They got punished by capitivity in Assyria and Babylon for earlier straying and rejection of the prophets' guidance, and Messiah-rejection is much more serious.

    But I think there is possibly still some elements of favor on them, seeing as they have done well in Science, Arts, Banking and so on.

    Ultimately according to Paul in "Romans" they will be restored, and will come to believe in the Messiah, when the full number of gentiles (goyim; non-Jews) have been saved, so when the gospel has spread everywhere. For that to happen, and so that the End-time prophecies to come to pass, thet'd need to return (aliyah) to Israel, which has happened since 1948, after 1900 years of 'captivity', like which they faced in Assyria and Babylon. So the times may be coming soon when God decides his salvation message has been spread to all peoples, and he has people of all nations, and history will start wrapping up with the tribulation time and Antichrist's reign. The desperate time facing the Antichrist, when he attacks Israel, is seemingly going to be the time when they repent and believe on Jesus, "and they will look on the one they pierced and mourn as one mourns for an only son".

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  • 8 years ago

    There was another Prophet after John the Baptist.

    Stephen was, that was why he was stoned to death. Acts 6:8 Stephen is in full faith and power. Acts chapter 7 he lays it out on them very harsh. One thing Stephen does not do that ALL the other Prophets did. Every time before it is laid out how bad they were, what they had done, what God had done for them, then a plea for them to come back to God. Stephen, the last Prophet to the Jews in the Bible does NOT ask them to come back to God. Because God's favor is about to go out to the rest of the world on the back of one man watching that stoning that day. Saul, who would later be named Paul.

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Why do you think that there have been no more Jewish prophets? Hilel, Akiba, and Moses de Leon could all qualify for that kind of accolade...

  • 8 years ago

    He didn't end it. Can't you see that they still have Israel? they are back there again.The jews rule most of the banks and so. And in my country there is a tunnel what goes near a jewish cenatory and it has been reaired for mant times and still dosen't work

  • 8 years ago

    Because they grew ungrateful, not to mention deviated from the teachings. I think worshiping a golden calf was evidence of that even during Moses' time.

  • 8 years ago

    The truth that Jesus Christ is the messiah..dont worry God has not forgotten you....wait for the nations to rise up against Israel and her doom look ominus and certain ,then He will come!

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