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I have such dramatic mood swings.?

Just before my period a few days prier I get mood swings that go from fits of crying to angry and I've even punched my SG3. My bf getting annoyed at me cause I'm loosing my temper over little things then just break down in tears. Its never been this bad even after having a loving romantic meal, no stress, watching fav film and still I lose. I dont know what to do.

Me and my bf 7 months annivesry tomo and just want to find a nice cafe or restaurant and I'm flipping out over small things.

any advice is helpful.

sorry for spelling

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would definitely visit your family practitioner or any doctor who can talk to you about your period. Severe mood swings caused my menstruation can be neutralized by certain forms of birth control. Birth control alters your hormones, and can help ease the extreme mood swings. Also, I would just ask your doctor if they think your mood swings are caused only by your period. It could be possible that you have some degree of a mental illness (don't get scared, it doesn't mean you're crazy) like bipolar disorder. I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose you with anything. Just from experience, I know what kind of symptoms are present in bipolar individuals.

    Until you talk to a doctor, try your best to eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest, take a warm bath, take midol if you have any and try not to stress you. Keep yourself away from things that you know will make you snap. If you feel yourself about to throw a fit, hold it back and tell yourself that it's only hormones and you can handle it.

    Best of luck to you, dear. :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You should go to the doctors they could give you some tablets. Don't worry you're not alone. Try a lavendar bath :)

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