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On the topic of being born gay.?

Okay. First of all, I am a Libertarian. I support homosexual rights, gay marriage, all that, while still holding onto a majority of conservative values.

I've noticed alot of conservatives that don't think that there is a gay gene. But how can there NOT be a gay gene. Everybody remembers that one kid from kindergarten or whatever that was just flaming gay from day one. A good friend of mine is going through it right now with his 7 year old kid. I mean, he's always been a little nancy pants, but it's really coming out now. He's wearing his mom's shoes and putting on make up, talks like a girl. Loves pink.

I know my friend well and am certain that nobody is abusing the child or anything like that to make him like that. He's just gay. How can there not be a gay gene whenever some children show gay tendencies so early?


Well, Corrine. It would be easy to stop talking about if I didn't have gay pride = signs shoved in my face everywhere.

It's kind've hard to stop talking about something whenever everyone else is doing that all the time.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know about a gay gene, but looking back to late childhoods, early teens, there were girls who were masculine and boys who were more feminine. They turned out to be gay as adults. So from my own experience they were born that way.

  • 8 years ago

    While I am not buying most of the claims, I will admit 2 things.

    1. Babies come preloaded with a personality. Anyone who has raised a newborn knows that.

    Where that comes from is open to debate but seems to me it comes from a spiritual realm, wherever that soul came from.

    2. Orthodox Jewish men have a litany of prayers they say every morning. Part of that is "Thank you G-D for not making me a woman". Jewish mysticism believes in reincarnation. Sometimes one comes back as a man or a woman. Has to do with Karma.

    So yes, some are born gay. I think, however, that the majority have been either contaminated somehow or it may be as simple as not having a father figure, or one they could not get the male energy/identity from, so therefore they go through life craving what they missed out on as kids.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Scientists don't think there is a gay gene either, because in identical twin studies, one twin can turn out straight but the other may be gay. If there is a gay gene then that cannot happen. Gays want desperately to have a gay gene because that would mean they are like minorities, since minorities cannot change their race. That is exactly their argument in front of the Supreme Court, as they go around claiming discrimination similar to racial discrimination. OTOH, they claim that there is no polygamy gene so people are polygamous because they choose to do it. Scientists, OTOH, believe otherwise. They believe that men in general are born to be naturally polygamous since by doing so, they leave more descendants.

    Gays claim that homosexuality is a class (like race) and that polygamy is a conduct (a behavior that can be changed). In reality, it is polygamy that is a class and homosexuality is a conduct. Since polygamy is a class, half of the married couples cheat. They just cannot help it. Because there is no gay gene, heterosexual people can give birth to children who may become gay because of the influence of the environment. Therefore Hitler was wrong because he thought that there was a gay gene and he can exterminate homosexuality by exterminating gays.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The blood shed and the lives killed have been the tip results of a violent Civil conflict indoors the nineteenth century. the charges could desire to below no situations be repaid for some households. many things extra approximately the outbreak that destructed the U. S. into 2 worldwide places, the Union and the confederate States. atleast 3 motives and a end it is useful

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  • 8 years ago

    I am not certain about the genetics of it, but I know just from experience of knowing people that at least some have always been gay. it wasnt a choice.

    I do think that some people just experiment and it is a choice, but as I said some are just gay and that is all there is to it.

    There probably is something in genetics, for instance a guy with xxy while male but having that extra female chromosome .. maybe its somehting like that. however other than one genetics class in college im no expert.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The gay gene does not exist. Being homosexual is based off of hormonal development while in the womb. Also, it isn't just straight or gay. Bisexuality exists too, and sexuality falls on a spectrum, not just either-or.

    Google or Yahoo search "homosexuality hormonal development" or something similar, and you'll find info on it.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm sorry; you are saying that just because he likes playing with mommy's clothes, then he is going to want to have sex with men some day? Do you really think that those two actions are equivalent? I've been told over and over again by gay activists that most cross-dressers are heterosexual.

    When I was in kindergarten, my best friend was a girl, and I liked to play with mom's make-up. Yet as an adult, I have no desire to have sex with men.

    You seem to be confusing sexual preference with culturally made gender roles. The child is far too young for us to know with whom he wants to have sex with.

  • 8 years ago

    You're a libertarian and you support gay marriage, the attempt by homosexuals to limit individual freedom for their own interest??

    "How can there not be a gay gene."

    ...if there was, homosexuality would be genetic and gay mothers and fathers would produce gay children. If there was, it wouldn't matter because genes need to be PASSED DOWN and so the 'gay gene' from it's inception, would've disappeared within a few generations.

    There is no evidence that there is a gay gene.

    Men in prison, who would not have identified as gay before their incarceration, have sex with other men. If it is genetic, then why would they need to be isolated from women to notice it?

  • 8 years ago

    Does he have positives males in his life. My cousin who is married to the most feminine man I've ever met with the hand gesture and all but he isn't gay, not one bit. In fact he punched out a gay man who put the make on him. He may just be like this guy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Libertarians do not support gay marriage. Liberals do that. Libertarians do not support licensing relationships however they tolerate latitude in that they do not demand every member be pure Libertarian. That would be unrealistic.

    I am going to have a big job keeping the Liberals from infiltrating our party. You guys seem quite determined to mongrelize our philosophy. You are a left-leaning Libertarian. Part, if not mostly a Liberal.

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