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Who would you be if you wore different clothes, had a different car, lover, friends, kids, job?

What of you would remain? Can you be specific?


Heya Stephen! Was wondering where you had gotten off to. Nice to "see" you again!

22 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you can't magicly change like a rainbow, dodecahedron pony

    i don't think?

  • 8 years ago

    Clothes do make a difference.

    When I dress up to go to an event people treat me quite differently than they do if I run around looking like a farm hand. Most of the time I dress casually and that rewards me with yet another response.

    I'm the same, so the clothes make the difference in how I get treated by others. Also, I have to factor in the difference in the crowd I may be in when I dress differently.

    Then again, when I dress up in costume for a party and get into character, I can act quite differently. Eventually that "character" wears off and I revert to who I really am.

  • 8 years ago

    In about 1980 I had long hippie style hair. Hair was a big issue in those days. Some nutters claimed that long hair was part of a communist plot controlled by the Kremlin - and I knew several people who told me they hated all short haired people.

    So I suddenly cut it all off, just for the hell of it.

    For the next 2 weeks I was told every day how much nicer I looked. AND every day I was told how horrible it was. In the end I could not keep a straight face whenever the subject was mentioned, because I knew that I was the same person!

    I regrew it, because I liked having long hair - but the long hair was not who I was.

  • 8 years ago

    It would all depend on the world I was entering. How it was established would determine who I would become. A perfect example is going to prison or to a ghetto. The only thing that remains is resilience. A wise person can play the part of a fool, not because he's being fake, he just has a desire to remain alive. You don't have to voice your opinion. Freedom of speech and expression are a counterintelligence method for securing the knowledge of stupidity.

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  • 8 years ago

    I wear different clothes from when I was younger, I bought my first foreign car in 2010 after years of being the "I only drive American" guy, I have a new wife, I have a bunch of kids, I have a different position at my employer. I am still me. But me isn't real anyway. When my son was younger we stared out over Lake Michigan together. He was so tiny. Now he is much bigger. My little guy is gone forever. So when people grieve after losing a loved one to death, it's a bit strange because we die everyday. The babies I rocked on my chest are big now, those babies are gone forever. So who am I? Who are you? We are change.

  • 8 years ago

    View. We have been educated to think in terms of me and not me (other) ... along with this to attach this thing/concept/role or not this thing/concept/role ... so me associated with this .. and other associated with this or not this ... plus a value assignment of good or not good. A complex construction of separable distinct identity and identities. But as if there is a wrapper or bubble that contains a specific me that remains as a single continuous thread through experience and is somehow untouched by other identities, memory, environment, current state, context and events.

    However, there is a possibility to view it all in a different way. I/we is scalable and consistent. So any collection or even the me is a combination of me's in diversity of expression without any hard boundaries or implied contrived constraints or the resultant conflicts that this inevitably entails.

    Everything goes through transitions, but in this view both the root "me" and evolving collective me remain as consistent wholes in a scalable way.

    [Maybe kind of specific and completely non-specific at the same time .... just like drawing multidimensional circles with integrally connected cloggy bits to variable degrees of cloginess.

    All those parameters already highly variable in experience -like a quiet kind of rainbow effect - except never put the kids in for part-exchange ... they just multiply and diversify instead ... to a degree something of me remains in them .. just cascades and interweaves with other internal and external influences and/or absence of them. "Lover" - tentatively open to offers.]

    Aside: "Gotten off to" ... mainly the stock market (in passing) ... just called for some extensive attention somehow.

  • 8 years ago

    The same person in a different setting. Didn't we all go through these changes already during our present lifetime? Maybe not all the things but most of them.

    Bg 2.16 — Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the eternal [the soul] there is no change. This they have concluded by studying the nature of both.

  • 8 years ago

    You would still be you. Your image is not you. Friends, lovers, children can have an effect on your life but we are all evolving and changing all the time. However underneath all of the externalities and underneath all of the changes, you are essentially still you. No matter where you go, there you are.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If I did all the things you list, or more, I wouldn't be authentic me. Different clothes I could handle, albeit wouldn't reflect my taste, still, is an external element I could deal with. As for different friends - each human being is a world of their own, as we interact with each individual in the long run we become pulled into their world. If their world is a mess, we will get dirty. If theirs is chaos, we'll get disoriented. If theirs is tranquil, we will find rest. Who would I be with friends whose worlds are incompatible with mine? A disaster area!... Different kids? Thing about that, we influence our kids, we imprint them with our personalities, so in that sense, our kids can only be a reflection of ourselves before they find and exert their own unique personality later on, hence one can only have the kids one has...

    I understand your question, so, in general, for sure if I did walk an inauthentic path in life as your question essentially asks, I would be the nonviable dysfunctional former self I used to be - specifically, I would likely hate myself because the atrocious cultural and familial concepts imbued into me were woefully incompatible with my authentic self. -Pat.

  • 8 years ago

    I would still be a sofa potato.

    I would still read a lot.

    I would still be fairly reclusive.

    I would still be fascinated by science and history.

    I would still have a casual interest in Buddhism.

    These things about me don't seem to change much over the years.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What you are asking is how much is your sense of self or your personality influenced by all the things you listed. The demonstratible observation is that they have a lot of influence. How much would have to be measured.

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