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Are Swat raids to become the Order of the Day for Gun Owners?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, for those of us who decide to make a stand for our right to keep and bear arms instead of quietly submitting to the will of government. many of us will die, the survivors will be villainized by the media (also government-controlled), but at least we stood up for what we believed in is right instead of bending over to the government backed by gun control groups that want to ban guns primarily because they don't like them and feel no one should be able to have them either.

  • 8 years ago

    Assumptions: The Second Amendment is still in place.

    You don’t really specify the reason for a “SWAT” raid (SWAT is actually a trademarked word owned by the LAPD, oddly enough, and TECHNICALLY, they have the only “SWAT” teams in the world . . . stupid trivia, I know), so I’m going to assume they’re being raided for simply owning a firearm.

    Since it’s legal for most people to own a firearm, I would say no. If the police believe that someone is illegally armed, sure, they can send whomever in to search for the weapon. Whether it’s lawful or not is up to a judge and perhaps a jury.

    Now, if you’re talking about a police state sending police teams around door to door to search for weapons, while it makes good gun shop talk, and MOST CERTAINLY it will sell book, guns, and ammo, it’s really pretty farfetched even on a good day.

    Think of it from a purely logistical standpoint. The manpower required to go around and search the homes of the people who the government has reasonable evidence are gun owners would be immense. The general thought is that there are between 20 and 30 million LEGAL gun owners out there. Since you would have to have “the great raid” pretty close to the same time to keep people from hiding their guns, basically you’ll have to have enough law enforcement to hit everyone the same day and time. Ponder that a bit, eh? Let’s say you just do 10% i.e. about 2.5 million homes. You’ll need about 3 to 5 people to search, and let’s say another 2 for support. Round number, let’s say six law enforcement agents per “raid”. At 2.5 million simultaneous “raids”, that means nine MILLION cops will be needed . . . and that’s just for 10%. Okay, probably not going to happen.

    Another serious hurdle which has been highlighted by the recent events is that there are LOTS of law enforcement entities who WON’T support a gun grab. That will be a big problem.

    On a lark, let’s pretend that somehow 2.5 million raids happen one night. Let’s look at some projections:

    90% of the households are legal yielding 2.25 MILLION lawsuits (that will probably win)

    10% have weapons violations yielding 250,000 incarcerations and trials. At $100,000 per trial, that’s how many billion dollars?

    5% of the raids are resisted violently. That’s 125,000 shootouts resulting in over 13,000 officers killed or wounded plus 140,000 dead civilians . . . including 10,000 children killed by local law enforcement.

    Of the raids that ended violently, courts would find later that a full 60 percent of the raids were illegal therefore the government is hit with over 70,000 unlawful death suits (that the plaintiffs WILL win). Basically it will make the asbestos and tobacco lawsuits look like dime store price tags.

    After the raid, the remaining 90% of the legal gun owners in America exact their rage on law enforcement and politicians across America . . . blah, blah, blah . . .

    Like I said, it’s really kind of hip and fashionable to talk about a police state and black helicopters, but we’re not there, yet. Really, we’re not even close. And if anything has been communicated here as of late, it’s that there are plenty of law enforcements and entire states that simply won’t stand for it. For every Colorado there are two other states (Texas, Tennessee, etc . . .) who pass legislation openly stating that unconstitutional Federal law won’t only go unsupported in their state but will be prosecuted by state officials. That’s pretty gutsy in any terms.

  • NXile
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I think they could get away with it a few times within a city, but then the people would arise. We simply MUST protect ourselves, and our Constitution, from this type of tyranny. Those SWAT boys may have some pretty fancy toys, but they are VASTLY outnumbered by We The People.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't know, but apparently annoying dumbass raids have become the order of the day at the Hunting section.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No as long as support for the 2nd Amendment stays strong. Where do you get this stuff?

  • Mav
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I very seriously doubt it! I think we may have to use our guns against N Korea soon! :(

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Eventually, lad. Eventually. *sigh*

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