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Scott H asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why is it that Americans "aren't willing to do the jobs, illegals are willing to do"?

Yes, the jobs are low paying, but why won't Americans work low paying jobs?


Grrrrr. I didn't mean to put that comma in there. Please forgive me.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they don't have to.

    A few years ago, I was working as a tutor, but it didn't pay all the bills, so I started waiting tables.

    I was easily putting in 70-80 hours per week because the pay rate at my jobs wasn't very high.

    Now... I'm not entirely sure how it works, but if you look around, you will discover that there are quite a lot of government programs that allow poor or low income people to receive extra funding, stuff like food stamps. This means that people can work low pay jobs or not work at all, and still survive.

    So what? Right? Well, I'll tell you "so what:"

    Because those financial gaps are filled by the government, people need to only work one job.

    Still don't get it? I understand. If people are working one job and there are still low wage jobs out there, we should be celebrating immigrants, right? No. You don't understand.

    Look, because these people only work one low paying job (or not) and get the gaps filled by government assistance, it means that they can afford to wait.

    They can wait. They can wait for the fantasy position that they want, and just sit around and do a poor job or no job wherever they may or may not be employed.

    Thus, there are lots of jobs that could support lots of people who, without the government, would be supporting themselves off those low wage jobs (like I've done); however, nobody will do that because nobody has to do that because the government is paying people's survival with tiny checks that probably amount to about $5.00/hr.

    In the meantime, these people are NOT finding lucrative jobs. They aren't doing the jobs that need doing.

    The illegals arrive and can do those low wage jobs, and then the middle class fades away because nobody needs 'em.

  • 8 years ago

    Listen, I'm really tired of hearing this. Granted a lot of people don't want low paying jobs cause they have families to support but these illegals aren't just taking low paying jobs that USED to go to school kids and were used by AMERICANS as a second job. They are working in the higher paying jobs, like mine, and this makes me mad!

  • Charro
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Because the truth is they had rather get handouts from the government. What is easier, an 8 hour shift at McDonald's or sit home and do nothing? I believe we have developed an entire society of people who want and expect to be taken care of from birth until death. Many young people now do not want to work and if they are working will not do what you ask them to do. I have worked with some of them and if you tell them once to put their cell phone away you have to tell them 100 times. The co-workers have to deal with them not working and telling the bosses doesn't help because as long as the work is getting done they don't care who does it. I hope the financial markets do not crash because most people who expect to be taken care of would not be able to provide for themselves other than stealing it from others.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No need to work low paying jobs, they can work the system for more than minimum wage

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    For 40 years the traitors in Washington have done all they can to replace American voters -- with Mexicans.

    Why do you suppose that is?

  • 8 years ago

    Cause we dnt know hardships! Hardships to us is not being able to log on to Facebook! While these people have had it hard their whole life! No food,shelter,clothing etc. They come here and see oppurtunity grasp it and never let go! We Americans are lazy and ungrateful! I speak for myself as well

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When I was growing up ( and the illegal immigrant population was estimated at under 1 million ) teenagers cut lawns , babysat and did housekeeping .

  • 8 years ago

    they say there is 12 million illegals in our country yet we have to let 200,000 visas to pick our crops every year what is the matter with the 12 million

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Why sweat your @ss off and break your back for just a little more than what you can get for doing absolutely nothing?

    That is part of the problem.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You can't live like a king on $5 a day in the USA.

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