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How long will the Mormons let you hang around without joining?

My 18 year old started socializing with a lot of Mormon kids her age a couple of months ago, and started dating a Mormon boy in the last month or so. She has always been a social butterfly, and recently she really got tired of putting up with many of her non-religious friends who were not making the best choices - and not really the nicest people either. She says that she goes to "The Institute" on her college campus and attends their Sunday evening services - just for the social aspect of things. I believe her. I attend the Center for Spiritual Living (please don't judge unless you know what that is) and it was never forced on her - but since she was six or seven years old - she would come and enjoy the SOCIAL aspect of it too. Then - couple of years ago - not many teens were attending - so she stopped as well. Last night she said that the sisters asked her to be baptized under the priesthood. She told them that she was not ready to do anything like that yet - and would have to talk to her family. The Mormon religion is very different than anything I believe. I think it is very different than what I know my child to believe. She would have to REALLY change her way of thinking in order to become a Mormon. I also know that Mormons are extremely active in recruiting - and some people might even call it brainwashing. My question is.... How long are they going to let her hang around and just socialize if she continues to say that she's not ready? Right now - I'm close to positive that she just wants to hang out with these kids and continue to date this boy. From what I know about the Mormon religion - I think it's safe to say that they will really pressure her - but will they ever give up if she stands her ground?

17 Answers

  • Dave
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mormons will allow her to hang around as long as she would like. Yes, they will probably ask her if she would like to become a member, especially if she is hanging around all the time and she has friends. I wouldn't assume you know enough about the Mormons by what you hear from others. If you want to know what the Mormons teach and what your daughter may have gotten herself involved in, ask the Mormons. I'm a faithful Mormon who attends regularly. The real name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have a neighbor who has attended for years with his wife. He comes to the Sunday School class, has had the missionary discussions, and has not joined. No one gives him a hard time or pressures him. He is welcome to attend as long as he wants. He's a good man, we talk all the time as neighbors. I have known many others in the same boat. I believe in Jesus Christ, that he came to earth approximately 2000 years ago, suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and the cross for our sins. I believe that it is by his grace that we are saved after all we can do. No one can go to heaven except through Him. I believe that He was resurrected and that He will return again in the future in glory. I believe that He is real, that He loves all men and me personally. I love Him for all He has done for me, and you and all men. We look to Christ, not Joseph Smith, for our salvation regardless of what you may have heard. Mormons are not perfect, we have weaknesses like all men, but hopefully we all are striving to emulate the example of Christ and His teachings in our lives and we invite all men to do the same.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Short answer: They will let her hang around as long as she likes.

    Mid answer: They will probably always try to talk to her about joining the church. It will be a bell shaped curve...not much at first then talk to her a lot about it...then it will die off and they won't pressure her as much.

    Long answer: I know a lady who married a Mormon guy...They have 3 kids together and both attend the mormon church EVERY sunday, they have been married over 10 years. She has never been baptized and no one really pressures her anymore because they've realized she's made a decision and no amount of harassment will change her mind. The only reason I'd see for the mormon kids to "kick" her out of their hangout group is if she starts doing things that are drastically against the religion, not just making mistakes but starting to act like the kids you daughter stopped hanging around because they "were not making the best choices".

  • 8 years ago

    Your daughter loves you and wants you to be happy, so I suspect she is actually more involved than she lets on. It sounds like she is testing the waters. You don't have to be afraid of the church. They will teach her to love God and to keep his commandments, and to remember the sacrifice of the savior. They are very different, but not in a bad way. Mormons are persistent because of their devotion, but I wouldn't characterize them as pushy. Most are fairly shy. Your daughter goes to the Institute because of the beauty that she has found in their teachings, and because of the love she has felt among the members. I don't believe she would be going if she was weirded out by the whole thing.

    I suggest that you ask her if you could go with her as a visitor one night. You would be welcome, and it might put your fears to rest, and let you see for yourself how serious your daughter really is. Mormons don't teach fire and brimstone, nor do they lecture a person to death. They don't shame people into doing things. If you go, you'll discover that it is rather pleasant.

    Oh, and to answer your question - with rare exceptions, visitors are always welcome. She can attend as long as she wants. Since the Institute is a college class, she may be asked to pay the $30 dollar or so tuition. If she attends church, there is no fee, and no plate is ever passed.

  • 8 years ago

    As a Mormon, I can tell you that they will let her socialize and hang out with them for as long as she wants! Of course they might ask her if she wants to be baptized, but If she tells them straight up: "No, I do not want to be baptized right now, please stop asking but I still like you guys and I want to hang out with you," then the missionaries will respect that. I can tell you however it's not brainwashing...she has a complete choice in what she wants to believe and if it's not the Mormon way of thinking, that's perfectly okay. I go to Brigham Young University, traditionally a Mormon university, and one of my classmates is atheist. However, she still attends all the social aspects of our church. It's perfectly okay for someone who isn't a member of our church to attend all of our church functions. We do a lot of fun stuff and want everyone else to take part!

    Plus, I'm sure a lot of the Mormon kids by now view her as a close friend. :)

    One thing I can tell you is that if she's dating a Mormon boy, chances are she's VERY safe. He's not going to try to pull anything with her.

  • 8 years ago

    Speaking from personal experience, there is no point in time when they will say "get lost." I know many people who are not members of the Church, and yet they do many things when socializing with its members such as attending Church, going to activities, paying tithing, service projects etc. Bottom line: No one should ever join the Church until they are ready. Will your daughter experience pressure to join? Yes. Why? Because the members of the Church are genuinely concerned for her and want her to have the same blessings that they do.

    Hope this helps. God Bless.

    Source(s): I'm a Mormon
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    That doesn't really sound like they are pressuring her. I think Mormon's are just sure of what they believe so they invite people to pray about it, to be baptized, etc.

    I hung around the Mormon religion for years & wasn't baptized. People will ask her about it, but I doubt they will pressure her. Just support her and her choices & be a good mom. With time, she'll decide if she wants to be a part of it or doesn't.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    She is welcome to hang around as long as she likes. We believe in loving our neighbor as ourselves, as Jesus taught. Yes, we will be available to answer her questions and to teach her at her own speed. If she wants to study, pray and practice what is preached, then she will eventually make a decision for herself whether to join or not. Right now she is attracted to the quality of people available for friendship. She can't do any better than mingling with our Institute groups.

    We won't pressure her if she is not wanting to be pressured. I would suggest that you be supportive of her agency, as we will be. She will feel comfortable with her new found friends and eventually she will realize that a choice will need to be made. She will be ready when that time comes. Trust her to make the right decision for her happiness.

    Source(s): my LDS opinion
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    definite we can enable all and distinct who needs to hitch, see you later as they're keen to keep their covenants. We believe that our bodies are a temple and that the way we gown reflects our recognize to our "temple" and to heavenly Father. the man you talk of must be allowed to hitch, yet ought to probably eventually of his own loose will reduce his hair and clean up his visual charm. there's a gentleman in my ward who became raised LDS- he's probably in his late 30's. He wore his hair lengthy and scruffy until eventually about 3 or 4 years in the past. He became a temple endowed member in complete fellowship. He even taught the man Sunday college type. He wanting to reduce his hair and seem good, and he has worn it short each and every because that. The precieved administration does no longer somewhat exist in the LDS church.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I've had friends who come to church every week actively and consistently for years without being baptized.

    It's her choice, as long as she's around invitations will be extended (not to bother her, but we all clearly value our religion and so offering others to be part of it is a measure of kindness.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Non-Mormons are highly encouraged to attend at

    THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints.

    Everyone is welcome.

    Latter Day Saints believe in all that is good and holy in the Universe and

    all that is true, too. Chat.

    God bless.

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