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51 year old woman. Long time high tech admin. assistant - who recently followed her heart and became a preschool teacher. Liberal. Spiritual. Love jazz and show tunes. Love movies. Love the theatre. Myers Briggs personality type ENFJ. Enneagram - 2. I tend to be opinionated - but open-minded at the same time.

  • Republicans:  regarding the impeachment?

    Would you consider giving me an intelligent, thorough reason as to why you don't believe the president withheld funds from Ukraine in order to serve himself personally?  I really am trying to understand your side of things.  Key words:  intelligent, thorough.  Thank you!

    13 AnswersPolitics1 year ago
  • Who can give me an intelligent answer as to why Kennedy retired from SCOTUS, other than to help his banker son?

    Please don't say because he was old and ready to do so. It is a fact that he had already hired his staff for the next term, so he had not planned his retirement at this time.

    11 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Required amount of play time?

    According to licensing - is there a required amount of playtime for kids in a child care center in CA? If possible, lease provide a reference so I can show it to someone.

    1 AnswerSmall Business5 years ago
  • If a dealership orders a car for me do I have to buy it?

    I want to buy a Honda Fit with manual transmission - but none the dealerships here have them. I'd like to TEST DRIVE the car I am going to buy. If they order one for me- will I be required to buy it?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling5 years ago
  • Bible verse for somebody not doing their fair share?

    In order to get my point across, I'd like to quote a bible verse to somebody who is not doing their fair share of work. I don't want to use the words slug/sluggish or sloth/sloth-like - as that seems so insulting. Any proverbs or verses about laziness/not working hard enough that don't use those words?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What are some good inspirational quotes for a preschool yearbook page?

    I work at a large private school with ten preschool classes. Each classroom is putting together a collage page for the yearbook. We would like to add an inspirational quote to it, which speaks to the children. While the Dr. Seuss quotes from "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" are perfect - several teachers are already using them - so we want to choose something different.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPreschool7 years ago
  • Can you provide an example of long term effects of slavery on people other than African Americans?

    If you look at our African American society today - the number of them on welfare, in prison, and uneducated is mush higher in percent than other races in the U.S. I feel that this is a long term effect of slavery. Are there other groups of people in the world who have been enslaved and suffered the long term effects of it? How long will it take before the African American population is no longer feeling the effects of what happened over 200 years ago?

    9 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • What can I do with old real estate sandwich board signs?

    We are no longer in real estate - but have about 40 sandwich board signs (with names and phone numbers and company logos) in our garage. What do we do with them? I called some companies to see if they would buy them - but nobody is interested. Should we get ready for a trip to the landfill? UGH!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • What's a bad thing that can happen to a cow?

    So - I'm writing a little puppet show for preschool kids about caring. The chicken cannot find corn and needs somebody to help him. The sheep has straw stuck to her back - and needs somebody to get it off for her. Next comes the cow? What would a cow need? I mean - it can't be something horrible like "Oh - i'm going to be slaughtered" or "Oh I have mad cow disease" - as these children are only three and four years old. I don't think I want to bring up "cow tipping" But what kind of help might a cow ask for? Thanks for your thoughts and ideas!

    4 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • On facebook, I'm trying to find a newsfeed post that I posted about a year ago. How do I do that?

    Scrolling through a whole year would take way to long. Is there any way to get to a certain date - or search for a certain word?

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • What should I buy someone who likes to paint?

    My sister in law loves to paint. She already has lots of paints and brushes and even canvases. I have about 50 bucks to spend on her upcoming birthday. Is there some new, cool medium - or something original that I could send her?

    8 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • 1990 Honda Civic has power but won't start?

    There were a few times recently when the car wouldn't start (no noise - nothing - just dash lights coming on), but if I just held the key in the on position, it finally did. Yesterday it took a few tries and then it started. Today it won't start and I've tried it about 10 times. The lights, radio, everything works - so I don't think it's the battery. Any ideas? It's an old car - so I am always concerned that I won't be able to get parts.

    2 AnswersHonda8 years ago
  • How do you get a children's book published?

    Just finished writing a children's book with a friend. It will be marketed toward 5 - 8 year olds. We do not have illustrations. I have read that we should NOT attempt to have somebody do them (unless they are a professional illustrator. I also read that we really need an agent - and if we try to deal directly with the publishers it is highly unlikely they will talk to us or read our book. Just asking if you agree. Should we find an agent? (and if so - HOW?) - and should we leave the illustrations to be done once the book is picked up by a publisher? Thanks.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • When do people start to tithe at the mormon church?

    She is 18 years old and going to be baptized in the Mormon church. Will they expect her to tithe? What if she doesn't tithe?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How long will the Mormons let you hang around without joining?

    My 18 year old started socializing with a lot of Mormon kids her age a couple of months ago, and started dating a Mormon boy in the last month or so. She has always been a social butterfly, and recently she really got tired of putting up with many of her non-religious friends who were not making the best choices - and not really the nicest people either. She says that she goes to "The Institute" on her college campus and attends their Sunday evening services - just for the social aspect of things. I believe her. I attend the Center for Spiritual Living (please don't judge unless you know what that is) and it was never forced on her - but since she was six or seven years old - she would come and enjoy the SOCIAL aspect of it too. Then - couple of years ago - not many teens were attending - so she stopped as well. Last night she said that the sisters asked her to be baptized under the priesthood. She told them that she was not ready to do anything like that yet - and would have to talk to her family. The Mormon religion is very different than anything I believe. I think it is very different than what I know my child to believe. She would have to REALLY change her way of thinking in order to become a Mormon. I also know that Mormons are extremely active in recruiting - and some people might even call it brainwashing. My question is.... How long are they going to let her hang around and just socialize if she continues to say that she's not ready? Right now - I'm close to positive that she just wants to hang out with these kids and continue to date this boy. From what I know about the Mormon religion - I think it's safe to say that they will really pressure her - but will they ever give up if she stands her ground?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can a bladder infection cause some mental issues for 4 year old?

    A little girl in my class was going potty (unritating) a lot each day. She missed a week of school and the parents told us she had a bladder infection. She was out for a whole week. Now she is back and still asking to go potty a lot. The parents have told us that she has been treated for the infection and it is cured. They told us that we need to make sure that she is not stressed out and please provide her with a calm environment. They told us that the doctor said that sometimes a bladder infection can cause a child to mentally think they need to go a lot - even though they have been treated and cured. Has anybody out there ever heard of such a thing?

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago