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liddabet asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 7 years ago

Can you provide an example of long term effects of slavery on people other than African Americans?

If you look at our African American society today - the number of them on welfare, in prison, and uneducated is mush higher in percent than other races in the U.S. I feel that this is a long term effect of slavery. Are there other groups of people in the world who have been enslaved and suffered the long term effects of it? How long will it take before the African American population is no longer feeling the effects of what happened over 200 years ago?


Okay "under seige" - if you want to be specific - slavery ended less than 200 years ago - but it started way more than 200 years ago. and you didn't answer my question at all.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Slavery didn't happen over 200 years ago- and after slavery was 'abolished' there were still things like Jim Crow laws and lynchings, etc. There are audio tapes where you can hear slaves talk about their experiences- it's not something that suddenly ended and became okay over 2 centuries ago.

  • Ian
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There are several other societies in the Americas where class and colour are still closely related along a gradient from darkest to lightest skin tones. Brazil and the Caribbean countries stand out.

    India did not have as much chattel slavery as the Americas, but the Caste System made ( and to an extent still makes) the lowest castes helots of the higher castes. This still has an effect today despite 50 years of positive discrimination. The lower castes are still the ones most likely to live in poverty, have the least educational opportunities, and suffer discrimination in employment despite some high profile success stories.

    The situation in the USA is not just an effect of slavery, it reflects the discrimination that Blacks met in the Northern States too when the migrations took place particularly in the post-war years. New York and Chicago were noted for the hostility of the ruling Irish Democrats to the Black community, which occasionally broke out into race riots. Even in Washington DC there was effective segregation, and under President Wilson Federal Government jobs were segregated too. Until very recently those Blacks who advanced into the middle-class did so in segregated enclaves and via segregated schools and colleges like Brown University. See Condaleeza Rice's upbringing for an example. There is intrinsically no reason why the migrant Black population should not have done as well as migrants from Eastern Europe or South Italy who were not better educated or more skilled and were just as poor and who also met discrimination. Joseph Kennedy (President Kennedy's father) often complained about the Boston Anglo discrimination of his youth and he made his fortune by creating a bank specifically aimed at the Irish community. The history of Joe Kennedy does point up the difference, he made money, was grudgingly accepted for his political pull, and finished as Ambassador in London. No Black man, however wealthy, was going to do that prior to the 1960s at least in part because despite the NAACP they were never politically effective, often frustrated by discriminatory voting laws and gerrymandered electoral boundaries.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Psychological Effects Of Slavery

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Slavery in the USA (and other parts of the Americas) was based on official racism. Official racism didn't end when slavery did. After slavery was abolished in 1865 there were lynchings, Jim Crow laws, and segregation for the next 100 years in some states. Official racism continues. For example, laws passed in the 1980s and 1990s give higher penalties for crack than powder cocaine. Crack and cocaine are the exact same drug, except one is more widely sold in poorer black neighborhoods while richer white people tend to use powder more. Laws like that help to ensure that the black prison population is proportionally larger.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    To continue further to my response: Inferiority exists in ALL inferior nations that did not participate in the mass exploitation of human, material resources from around the world since the beginning of colonization to current era. Japan is an exception because it knew early on that in order to be superior, a country needed technological edge over what western europe was doing at the time between 1860-1930 and followed by South Korea after WWII. Japanese learned early on about the need for technological defense: Air, Land and Sea, some say tech came from the west and some think it could have both combination homegrown scientist, researchers under the Imperial rule. During the same period, deeply fragmented and divided India was behind west by atleast 400 years. At that point Japan, UK, France and many european nations - were all extremely homogenous with a Imperial ruthless force for acquistion of land, wealth. India was fragmented and divided back then, as it divided today. In India, the wealth is centered around family, family owned businesses therefore selfishness takes greater pride first, caste, language and lastly if any is the national pride. That is primary reasons why China fought to keep a single language state over thousands of years. Even chinese think of themselves to be inferior to europeans, that is different analysis.

  • 7 years ago

    Wow, excellent question! My mind tends to run on a different track I guess. My first thought is that there are different kinds of slavery. Sexual slavery is rampant in the world today, a huge problem. Also, the Bible talks about how we have been freed from slavery to sin by the death and resurrection of Christ. Yet many choose to remain slaves to sin rather than accept His gift of salvation and freedom from sin. I sounds like you are writing a paper about the social, economic, and psychological effects of slavery, so I'm not sure if these really fit in, but I couldn't resist commenting!

    Source(s): ECE teacher, mother of 3, grandmother of a whole bunch
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The longterm effects of slavery, I beleive are indirectly and in some cases indirectly correlated with the increased number of diagnosed and non-diagnosed anti-social personality disorders. Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Sociopathy and Pcychopathy are very predominant in our race and society. The lack of empathy towards others in our commmunities and even our homes. That coupled with the personal experiences of individuals, the underlying belief that one should only look out for themselves is reinforced, perpetuated and remains a thorn in the flesh of black homes, some white homes, out communities and country as a whole. When a person is continually seen as less than and as an inferior, he has to develop a sense of self that enables him to survive past the feelings of precieved inadequacy. This in turn creates an alter ego of sorts in which his emotions, character and existence is compartmentalized. The lack of true protection of parents who were victims also reinforces the nee to only care for self. No one else cares about me so I will look out for myself. The ill equipped parents are unaware of the psychological ramifications of bowing and not standing against racisim or creating change that facilitates growth on the domestic home front. They, at a loss for answers turn to religion and tolerance.....further damaging the psyche of impressional young children who are learning from them. The long term results of slavery are very present and very real. It has been very difficult to identify any studies on the subject so my research has all been done at an individual level. Until the latent psychological effects are addressed there will continue to be apathy among blacks of status, other races of priveledge, a lack of empathy across the board and a chronic emotional detachment epedemic between the parents and offspring of the complete blood line of Africans born and raised in America. There are ways to negate these longterm psychological effects, however they are done at an individual level and have to be supported and reinforced at a collective level. It requires more than todays psychologists have to even offer.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    You can give a man all the fish he will ever need to eat but he can not support himself until you teach him to fish.

    Source(s): We cannot exist as a society forever that can not let it's people fail...there are those you help swim, those you teach to swim, and those that you let sink!
  • there should be no reason for them to have that state of mind , it is more likely that it is used to benifit them rather than it being a mental thing , due to somthing that happened before they were even alive . for example Irish slaves were in america Jamica and many others , yet you see no Irish Americans or any others saying they were inslaved , in reality this is for there benefit not some mental break down .

    while there are many Irish slaves, that were sent to America , the best example is Jamica .

    while the people show real suffring from the fact there ancesters were slaves , they do not show any signs of hate towards anyone or any entitlement because there ancesters were inslaved , this has to do with the fact that they were never inslaved , asking sombody to pay you because your ancesters were inslaved is pretty silly .

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