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Atheists, why are most mass murderers atheists?

First off this is a question only for atheists. This is a genuine question, as an agnostic, I would like to know, if you think that lack of belief in God, has anything to do with why more mass murderers are atheist than religious. Now I know alot of you are going to say "but we have nothing in common except not believing in God so you can't group us together like religions" however I would like to cite an atheist serial killer who raped his dead victims "if a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges?” - Jeffrey Dahmer.

So of course now you are going to say "well he was an evil person anyways so atheism had nothing to do with it'but if that was true, then people are just bad and good and it doesn't matter what they believe about religion so theres no point in criticizing religion. A few more big name atheist serial killers are: Joseph Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Benito Mussolini, and Mao Zedong.

Also for the people who say "those people were raised 'fill in certain religion' " Yes, they were but specifically said when they were adults that they were atheists. Now we can't calculate all the old wars started by religious people (ie the crusades) or atheists (ie multiple Roman emperors) and religious fundamentalism has faded quite fast since we started recording history, so the statistics of recorded history indicate that atheists have killed about 259,432,000 people. We can blame alot of that on Communism and call Communism a "religion" but the fact is Communism was started by an atheist and continued by atheists. So just a genuine question, remember I am an agnostic, why do you think, as an atheist, that most of the mass murders in history have been committed by atheists?


Some of you obviously didn't read the whole post. Again, like I said, none of them were religious even though some went to religious schools, thats how they were raised not what they believed. Also, I already said that stuff like the crusades was so long ago we don't know how many people were killed and the Romans killed Christians too so you're conveniently forgetting that.

Update 2:

I'm not saying they're weren't religious mass murderers, I'm saying that they were more atheist mass murders and besides, I already told you that fundamentalism is dying and those were the kind of religious people who took everything literally

33 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jeffrey Dahmer.

    - My goodness, one person.

    Joseph Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Benito Mussolini, and Mao Zedong.

    - Stalin was head of the Russian Orthodox church and ran his regime as if he was a deity.

    - Napoleon was highly religious. Confronted his officers about many times.

    - ALL of the N.Korean idiots think themselves gods and the country is one of the most "religious" in the world.

    - Mussolini was catholic.

    - Mao was considered a deity.

    - Try actually thinking next time.

    old wars started by religious people (ie the crusades) or atheists (ie multiple Roman emperors)

    - EVERY religious person starting a war did it for religious reasons. No Roman started a war because he was an atheist. He did it for money and power. Its that thinking again.

    so the statistics of recorded history indicate that atheists have killed about 259,432,000 people.

    - No, POLITICS killed those people.

    but the fact is Communism was started by an atheist and continued by atheists.

    - And ran a POLITICAL government.

    why do you think, as an atheist, that most of the mass murders in history have been committed by atheists?

    - They weren't and a question for you - why are you publically proving your stupidity.

    Again, like I said, none of them were religious even though some went to religious schools,

    - Yes, you did "say" that, but that doesn't mean you have the slightest idea about which you speak.

    Also, I already said that stuff like the crusades was so long ago we don't know how many people were killed and the Romans killed Christians too so you're conveniently forgetting that.

    - And you are conveniently not thinking.

    I'm saying that they were more atheist mass murders and besides,

    - NO ONE has killed for atheism, but millions have been killed by the religious and millions have been killed for being atheist. And the only religious killed for being religious were killed by the religious who did not like that particular religion.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Atheist Murderers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Atheists, why are most mass murderers atheists?

    First off this is a question only for atheists. This is a genuine question, as an agnostic, I would like to know, if you think that lack of belief in God, has anything to do with why more mass murderers are atheist than religious. Now I know alot of you are going to say "but we have nothing in...

    Source(s): atheists mass murderers atheists:
  • 5 years ago

    Here s a delicious list of atheist murderers, complete with actual sources (something, incidentally, which none of you have provided).

    Also, why is God the biggest murderer of all time? Sure, if God exists, you could argue he s killed people, but what s your proof that He s murdered them? Murder implies the taking of life without the right to do so, but why would God not have the right to take someone s life? Why is God necessarily bound to the same rules as humans? He would be the author of life and death. Why would he be bound by rules regarding that? Why would you think God would be bound by any rules? I don t see why He would be. Any objections? Come on, let s hear them.

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  • 7 years ago

    Most "mass murderers" or evil leaders are Intelligent (not condoning what they do but it takes a smart man to actually do it.)

    Most intelligent people are atheists.

    So naturally most "mass murderers" are atheist.

    Oh and they aren't evil because they are atheist. They are evil because they are evil. That should be obvious.

  • 5 years ago

    You people really need to learn History man

    Bonaparte burned down churches with people in them he was a atheist yes did many good things but that s the pretty thing to get you on the hook then he became a egomaniac Stalin proclaimed himself head of the church after he took control over Russia as he controlled tried to control all aspects of communication

    FYI serial killer are mostly atheist. More psychopaths are CEOs.

    Great number of Scientist are Agnostic or Deist and religious

  • 8 years ago

    You have just admitted that if it was not for your religion / belief in god / fear there may be one you'd be a murderer too.

    You have revealed that you don't know the differences between serial killers, mass murderers and politicians.

    You have just revealed that you are ignorant of history

    Why didn't you use the Search Y! Answers to find out how many times this load of old cobblers has been asked and save yourself the embarrassment?

  • 5 years ago

    I would like to correct one statement said.

    Hitler was a christian. Hitler was born into a catholic family but so are most atheist in america today. They use to be religious and christian but they changed or always had problems with the teachings they were born into.

    In any case, saying Hitler was a christian dumbfounds me. Hitler rebuilt all the churches in Germany and replaced the cross with the Nazi symbol. Schools were teaching that Hitler was the Messiah. There is only one messiah and Hitler if he was a christian wouldn't question who that was. Jesus. To be a christian, the core fundamental belief is to believe in Jesus Christ. Christianity is not the Jewish God or the Muslim God. Christian God is unique in this fashion. No christian admits they are the messiah or they are equal with God or Jesus.

    Yet the atheist constantly site passages to the effect that Hitler and Nazi's are Christian? They may have been christian in origin but the regime is no more christian than I would say he would be a atheist.

    There are plenty spiritual people that are not religious that commit awful crimes. Hitler is a prime example of this.

  • 8 years ago

    "Atheists, why are most mass murderers atheists?"

    Are they? You have not provided a source to indicate that they are.

    It may be true that a fear of God will deter some people from mass murder. I would be willing to concede that it may be better if psychopaths were religious, and thought that there would be negative consequences for them if they carry out negative actions.

    This says nothing about the reality of the existence of a god.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    First of all, I need a source. You've listed 7 alleged atheist "serial killers," yet there have been more than 7 mass murders in the history of the world, I assure you. There is also a huge difference between Dahmer and Stalin. Dahmer actually did kill all of his victims. Stalin and the like probably didn't actually personally kill anyone.

    And what matters is mental health. Severely mentally ill people commit mass murders, be they atheist, Christian, Muslim, what have you.

    Edit: You have yet to provide any source that shows there were more atheist mass murderers than religious. You just keep saying it, and I'm sorry, but your word does nothing for me.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Anyone can be a mass murderer, and when religious leaders are in charge they can go out and kill many people they think insulted God, Spanish Inquisition? Why do priest moleste? Or pastors? Ministers? Evil people are everywhere doesn't matter if your athiest or not.

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