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So I was saved when I was ten but now I'm 14 and i'm having what if's

I know God is real

but I have trouble believing Jesus is real sometimes

the devil is making me think this

I know I'm a sinner


I want to TRUST God and love him more then anyone but I'm just having doubts and I do not wanna :( help.


and the atheist are making me have what ifs

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't worry, because every Christian gets doubts from time to time.

    The good thing is from getting these doubts or questions we can seek to learn more about God, and our faith and understanding can grow.

    Here is some reasons to believe in Jesus:

    First know that non-biblical and non-religious writers of Jesus' time wrote about him.

    Ancient historians/ philosophers such as : Flavius Josephus ,Lucian of Samosata,

    Mara Bar-Serapion .Pliny the Younger, and even The Babylonian Talmud.

    So there can be no denying that Jesus DID exist.

    Proof of His resurrection? I would ask you this question: Why would people such as

    (St Peter who was crucified upside down) be willing to die such brutal deaths for refusing to deny that they seen the risen Christ after His death, and how He was working miracles, if in fact they did not see Him? Sure people could die for a lie, but why should anyone die for something that they knew was a lie, and would only further the faith if in fact they knew it was not true?


    The Bible says this :

    (Romans 1:20) "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

    Here is some scientific evidence from what we can see through nature, to back up the idea of a Creator/ Intelligent Designer/ God :

    – From Biology

    If an event, system or object is the product of intelligence, then it will

    1. Be contingent

    2. Be complex

    3. Display an independently specified pattern

    Among the most compelling evidence for design in the realm of biology is the discovery of the digital information inherent in living cells. As it turns out, biological information comprises a complex, non-repeating sequence which is highly specified relative to the functional or communication requirements that they perform. Such similarity explains, in part, Dawkins’ observation that, “The machine code of the genes is uncannily computer-like.” What are we to make of this similarity between informational software—the undisputed product of conscious intelligence—and the informational sequences found in DNA and other important biomolecules?


    – From Physics

    In physics, the concept of cosmic fine tuning gives further support to the design inference. The concept of cosmic fine tuning relates to a unique property of our universe whereby the physical constants and laws are observed to be balanced on a “razor’s edge” for permitting the emergence of complex life. The degree to which the constants of physics must match precise criteria is such that a number of agnostic scientists have concluded that, indeed, there is some sort of transcendent purpose behind the cosmic arena. British astrophysicist Fred Hoyle writes, “A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.”

    One example of fine tuning is the rate at which the universe expands. This value must be delicately balanced to a precision of one part in 1055. If the universe expanded too quickly, matter would expand too quickly for the formation of stars, planets and galaxies. If the universe expanded too slowly, the universe would quickly collapse before the formation of stars.


    – From Cosmology

    With modern discoveries in the field of cosmology, the concept of a definitive beginning of the cosmos has been demonstrated almost beyond question. The Kalam argument states that

    1. Everything which begins to exist has a cause apart from itself.

    2. The universe began to exist.

    3. Therefore, the universe has a cause apart from itself.

    It thus appears from the data that an uncaused first cause exists outside the four dimensions of space and time, which possesses eternal, personal and intelligent qualities in order to possess the capability of intentionally bringing space, matter—and indeed even time itself—into being

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hi. Don't be discouraged. Faith can be like that sometimes. Even for me, on some days I am on fire with love for Jesus and on other days I doubt whether there is even a God. Don't let this get you down. Being a Christian is a life-long and challenging journey - not for the faint of heart. It's okay to ask questions about why you believe what you do and also to look for answers. Hang in there. There is a lot of great apologetics information out there on youtube and in books, etc. Also, if there is a youth program at your church, it'll be helpful to hang out with others who can support you on your faith journey. Also, is great and even has a sub-forum for teens. Keep praying and ask God to reveal Himself and His truth to you; I promise you, He will. God bless you.

    Jennifer Fulwiler: Science and Belief

    C.S. Lewis (book: Mere Christianity)

    Why I'm Not An Atheist

    A Reason for Faith: A Look Around Us

    New Atheists

    Why Do We Believe in God

    Who Is Jesus

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    that is exactly what is was going through. God got me out of it. I just asked him why did Jesus come. what did he do. How do I know he is real. He answered. The answers weren't all at once. Jesus came to pay the death that we oweded to God. He gave his commandments and we so easily broke them. The punishment for that is death. I am 14 Too. Just trust in him. Just ask him what u need too ask and he will tell u. I was seriously like 2 weeks ago on that topic with GOD.

  • 8 years ago

    Pray to God and explain to Him exactly how you feel. He understands so He will be able to help you.

    When the devil is making you think that Jesus is not real, firmly tell it in Jesus's name to go away and not bother you.

    Also talk to God about your doubts. He knows you want to trust HIm. He will help you.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You don't know god is real

    Most of what Jesus did is not true

    The devil isnt making you think anything, you are thinking this because you have a working brain

    You are not a sinner, you are just a normal adolecent human

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Umm nicely i believe in the darkish God and Goddess, they dont somewhat care if I make blunders....see you later as I dont reason harm to nature, which i ought to by no skill do because i'm vegetarian and that i recognize the Earth =)

  • 8 years ago

    First of all, your concern about your faith shows that you care enough and believe that God is real. If you didn't believe, you wouldn't care.

    Second, I would highly suggest that you get into Christian apologetics, which will help you defend your faith when others question it.

    Third, keep reading God's Word. It will strengthen your faith.

    Try this website for apologetics:

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hi 10girl,

    Just pray and have faith.One thing that helped me when I was an Atheist was common sense.Look at the world around you. We have water to drink.Food to eat.The Earth just happens to have gravity.The human body is quiet amazing.The world is beautiful.Do you think we got this by chance.

    Source(s): Christian:) ex-atheist
  • 8 years ago

    This isn't god testing you. It really isn't. I went through the exact same thing. I wanted to believe. Why not just don't believe in the devil if he's pulling you away. But I'm pretty sure it's just your senses kicking in

    Source(s): Ex-Christian
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Read about Edgar Cayce. It helped me.

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