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Acura tl 2006 oil change?

I'm going to do an oil change which one should I used for my Acura & can I use synthetic oil? I'm thinking about using royal purple

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your car calls for 5w-20 API SM SN, GF-4 or GF-5, synthetic or conventional.

    Royal Purple is fine as long as it's the API certified version

    It is good oil but will perform no better than the others.

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    Acura Tl Oil Change

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    Acura tl 2006 oil change?

    I'm going to do an oil change which one should I used for my Acura & can I use synthetic oil? I'm thinking about using royal purple

    Source(s): acura tl 2006 oil change:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    TL... My roommate owns a 04 Eclipse Gt (bought new), and I owned 02 Mitsubishi Mirage (Bought almost new w/8k miles), we both agree not to buy Mitsubishi again... we both had so many problems, one day the engine over heats, next day spark plugs go bad, next day the battery doesn't hold a charge, next day the AC doesn't work, next day doesn't pass emission due to bad Cadillac converter, and more... I finally gave up, and bought a used 03 TL with 40K miles on it. Now I've had it for two years, and I am at 85k miles. Besides regular oil change, there has been no major maintenance issues (once, one of the headlight did go out)... Yes, it is fast. I would def. buy another Acura and highly recommend it.

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  • 8 years ago

    Doing oil and filter changes yourself will not save you any money and the end result is you're dirty, full of oil and where are you going to take the used oil?! There are more people out there that have ruined there transmissions because they had no clue which drain plug to pull. Find an ad in the paper or mail coupons and you will save more money that way. If you want to make sure your motor lasts just change the oil and filter every 3,000 miles. People that use synthetic oil just don't get it that oil filters get dirty and are made to be changed at 3,000 mile intervals.

    Source(s): Mitsubishi Master Tech
  • 8 years ago

    There's some good suggestions here but somethings need to be added: #1.) Re- oil filters, you s/ know that superior & air oil filters will last longer than 3,000 miles. #2.) Not all synthetics are the same. #3.) It's smart to use the expertise of the OEM because if there's a problem that they can hang on you they will not use your warranty for your benefit. In other words, your warranty could be void if they can. I love to remind people of Magnison-Moss.

    Source(s): Experience &
  • Chrys
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    how about you take it to the dealer who will use the correct oil and make sure they put a new drain plug on for $25....yes thats all it costs at most dealers for an oil change...

    Source(s): 33 yr owner of Honda's/Acura's...43 yrs of sticks.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Synthetic is better but unnecessary.. It is true at the dealer we always replace the aluminum crush washer.. (but not the drain plug unless needed)

    Source(s): Acura technician
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