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mother think she perfect.?

okey gonna try sums this whole thing. 

so basicly. rick my bf mother badgerd him all his life to get a life. she kept getting breast cancer and kind of used that as an exscuss to be controlling and mean. Rick dosent have anything todo with his dad as rick beat him out of his life after his farther beated his mother up for the last time. Rick has a younger brother and for the last 5 years they were both told there farther is a monster and wad never aloud back.

Rick meet me 8 months ago and i stay at his nearly everyday and payed my way tryed offering help but being denied it multipul time. at first me and his mum got on then she started to become seriously jelous of mine and ricks happyness and how his younger brother took to me very easly.

4 months ago on the 15th of dec we told her we had plans of moving out in the new year and she hit the roof kicking him out. claming he was no son of hers and telling the police after ringing 999 that we attacked her, she also threatend to kill my pet rat and tried to get rick done for assult. he spent that night in a jail cell as she was checked over in hospital.

4 months to this day and she has sent some horrid messegers over facebook to him making up more lies. rick was let out of the police with no evidence of force injuries and the hospital said she was in the clear. we found out she let the monster of a farther back into his younger brothers life only to let him screw round with his head making him sceared of rick.

Rick yesterday 25th april meet up with his mum to see if she say sorry and patch it up. knowing she would denie every bit of what she say to rick if we confronted her about it we secretly recorded the convosation.In the whole 1:30 minutes of the talk she not once asked how are you son, talk about a way for him n his younger brother to meet and not once said sorry or thank you. She dominated the conversation about her, how she felt, how she hurt, and it was like she couldnt care what so ever of how rick was. She pick on my 3 year brother, lied about the night and said the police were wrong and so is the hospital.She denied so much and hated the fact when rick would put her right and back up me, my family and what was really done/said that night.Now rick is at a loss and not sure what to do. he knows he now has the full right to tell her to go away forever as he gave her an offer to say sorry and she meterphoricly spat on his hand.He just wants to see his brother whos 15 and has no idea what to do as he angry at his mother who now made it clear. she bealives she perfect and did no wrong.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    .... generally, all mothers think that

    they are perfect,

    do not take tensions

  • Rick B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Sweetie, you really really need to learn spelling and grammar. My fourth grader can do better than this.

    Aloud means out loud. Allowed means granted permission.

    Exscuss? Excuse.

    Dosent? Doesn't.

    Payed? Tryed?









    In any case, assuming Rick is an adult, he needs to move on. He should block her on Facebook and move away. If he wants to see his brother he can email or text him and meet him for dinner once in a while.

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