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What should you do if your lonely in your marriage?

but nothing else is really wrong? You can't express you inner most feelings to your spouse, because they downgrade their importance or does not want to hear them at all?


his actions are what makes me feel lonely. I feel duped because when we were dating, he cared...I hate the fact that people are not who they really are when they enter a relationship and you end up falling in love with someone you really don't know....I could go on for days

Update 2:

Ms Frank..I know what vows are. Changing is changing, but being one way, and hiding it because you feel you might be rejected is another. If your husband stopped caring about your feelings, trust me, you would not being talking shyt here in yahoo would be hurt. My vows are what keep me here and have kept me here through all the adversity. My went through a phase about 4 years ago, where he mentally and emotionally abused me daily. Next time, be a smart @ss person and answer the question at hand, instead of talking shyt.

Update 3:

When I express my feelings, my husband makes me feel weak for having feelings. If I say, something has hurt me, no matter how nice, he begins to curse and get angry. It seems he just wants me to sit there and not say anything no matter what he does. I hate being tied down, so I do not stay on my husband case about things...I like freedom, therefore I do not try to jail him..but the first time I say anything, he becomes defensive. example. I am in pain everday. I get pain pills. He took some of them and sold them. When I told him how this made me feel, he pretty much told me to "shut the fck up", but not in those words...

15 Answers

  • NiKKi
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As they say, when a woman gets married she trades attention of many men for inattention of one. No wonder we feel lonely!

    What can you do?

    1. Rejoice, since this is not only your problem.2. Focus not just on your spouse, but on the family. Kids, friends, in-laws...see if you can find love and understanding in other people and if that can compensate for the withdrawal of your spouse.3. See if maybethe married life is not for you. I have being married twice, both times with the same issue. No I am turning down marriage propisals because I am now questioning if being married is good for me. . See if your spose would agree to family councelling and if it could help.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My husband and I are also 10 yrs apart in age (im 23 he's 33) but woman have always been more mature than men anyway so that's not a big deal... We have alot in common but two VERY different personalities, he's a little too laid back.. I think it's boring at times but I cannot be without him. We love each other enough to look past the little things. If you are in love enough than it will be okay with effort from BOTH sides. If you feel that it is a loveless marriage at some point then don't just settle because that's not going to help anyone.

  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If I'm lonely in my marriage what? Grammar is important.

    I'll quit being a smartass and answer. You have to redevelop your communication with each other. If you can't tell your spouse what's up with you, that's a problem. You may want to seek out counseling to get yourselves back on track.

    Edit: So did you marry him just for the wedding? I would NEVER marry someone I didn't know, and by the way, CHANGE happens. When you took your vows, you didn't vow to stay the same, did you? No, you didn't. You vowed to love each other no matter what, and guess what, sweetie, PEOPLE CHANGE in relationships all the time. It's not being in love and keeping the romance alive that makes marriage so important, it's how you GROW TOGETHER, CHANGE TOGETHER, and how you handle the bad times. Good times can always happen again, but if you two can't solve your problems together, you have much bigger issues.

  • 8 years ago

    You say "nothing else is really wrong", then say he downgrades the importance of your feelings and isn't interested in them, or you, at all! That my dear, is not "nothing"!

    You need to try to tell him what you are feeling one last time, to save your marriage. Really try. Pull out all the stops. Suggest ways you could both improve the current situation. He may be happy but you aren't and there are two people in a marriage, both of equal worth. Both who's needs should be met. If he wont listen and help you work this out, then you don't actually have a marriage. Marriage as in: partnership, commitment, loving relationship, caring about each other... So you divorce him and chalk it up to a learning experience, and start again looking more carefully at the object of your affections next time....

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  • these all superficial reasons 2 be lonely.

    Theres too much to do in life with a marriage 2 be lonely.Im sorry.

    If u dont enjoy a person IT COULD BE JUST Y.O.U. AND UR ATTITUDE.

    Change it around .AND FIGURE OUT A WAY.

    If u two were the only ones on 1 planet and nobody else was there .WHAT IDEAS CAN U DO 2 MAKE IT MORE ENJOYABLE?

    Now imagine a planet full OF THINGS? ...TO BE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE ...IS HOW MUCH WORSE IT CAN GET...>

    u have 2 fix it.

  • 8 years ago

    What else could be wrong in a marriage other than lack of communication and caring from a partner. All else is irrelevant. Its like serving a life sentence in bigger cell, that's all. You have the keys to that emotional imprisonment and that is your will to be happy and normal. You sit him down and stand your grounds and tell him you will not tolerate his lack of communication, then you start telling him all you want to tell him and how important those things are. Tell him you did not marry a retard who avoids issues. If he leaves the room or puts cottons in his ears, then start leaving him notes all over the place. He'll get the message, if he truly loves you, that is

  • 8 years ago

    loniness is a feeling we have so you must have had some expectations on your partner when you first got together you say he was different in the beginning of your relationship and has now changed in some way and this change has altered something you became dependant on to not feel lonley.

    did you ever experience loneliness before you met him? then despite how it looks your lonliness is not his fault i think YOU should seek counselling about what this loneliness is stemming from. I think personally it goes back way before you met your partner.

  • 8 years ago

    That's very sad that you can't express how you feel. Like the others said, try marriage counseling. If someone truly cares about the way you feel, they'll try to make it work. I believe marriage is a two way street, if my significant other didn't feel that way I'd just walk away. Sometimes distance makes the heart grow fonder. Good luck and God Bless!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    it always gets more REAL after marriage

    see dating is when you are at your best

    after you get married well the buckle gets let out a notch

    what worries me is that you cannot talk to him


    does he not listen?

    most of us fall for people we do not know

    how can you know anyone until you are with them..for life

    so try some more or get a couples therapist to help you communicate

    also sometimes those intimate thoughts you so need to express are given to our best gal pals

    just because you are married does not mean you fulfill ALL desires

    find out why you fell in love


  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I've been with my husband for 6yrs been married for 2yrs. I've learned in my marriage that sometime men handle things differently than us women do. Sometimes men feel they have to be strong so they be tough and try not to get so emotional. Sometimes also the things that we talk to them about becomes overwhelming for them especially if we talked about the same thing over and over to them. I went through the same thing and it hurts it do but, I learned to turn to God. Men get comfortable after being with us for so long. They shut down and sometimes become distant. Most of the time it's because, they dealing with things themselves.

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