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Lv 623,732 points

They Don't Like Me!

Favorite Answers10%

I am a 31 year old woman. My responses vary. But I promise to always tell you the advice you need to hear, and not the advice you want to hear. I do talk trash, especially if someone talks trash to me first. I can be a jerk, and @ss, but I am also very caring. I give best advice to those asking relationship questions.

  • I just realized I have been abused for years?

    My husband has never slapped or punched me, but he has grabbed me and pushed me into walls and closets. He has also thrown things at me. This last time he pushed me so hard into a closet door that the door broke into the closet. I told his people and everyone is like "OMG", I didn't tell them it has happened I feel about him has changed this time however and I think I want to leave...but I am not sure how or if I do. Is it time to go?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • is it safe to assume your husband cheated?

    If your husband uses cocaine sometime and you know it makes him a sex fiend. Is it safe to assume, that when he was using it when you weren't around, that he messed around with someone else. This husband has strong views on cheating, but what does that mean? People lie everyday for less. I think the husband felt a puss or got some head or something.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Is it wrong for a scorned wife to beat up the mistress?

    Now I know its the husband and wife who have taken vows. I know that the husband is the party who is most wrong. I think he deserves a beat down also..however, if the mistress knew about you, knew that was your husband...doesn't she deserve a beat down of her own?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • does anyone else think that marriage is unatural ?

    Or is it just cause I have bpd.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Do you have an apple shape women?

    If your stomach just wont go away? Try this for one week and see difference in stomach:

    Day 1 fruit and oatmeaal breakfast. No bananas or apples. Citrus is best. Lunch. Tuna sandwhich with whole grain bread. And a salad. No meat. No eggs. No cheese. Drink water. Dinner veggies only. Exercise ABS with hypertension bench (ask the person

    in gym how to use.) Do as many as you can.

    No snacking. No sugar no carbs but fruits veggies and whole grain. Also do the elipitical for at least 20 min.

    Apple bottoms it hard to loose stomach this does decrease stomach size. Also this the most important tip. Suck it in. You need to try to hold your stomach in all day. You might get muscle failure but that OK. Hold it in every time you think of it. Stick to this one week. Change up veggies and fruit. No rice. No potatoes. No corn. No sugar

    Gender Studies8 years ago
  • Who is wrong in th is situation?

    There is a husband and wife. The wife has let the husband pretty much run the finances for 6 years. The result..not one penny in savings, investments or property. The husand for lack of better words sucks at managing money. He is also an impulsive buyer who has in the six years financially drined all the wifes assets she had coming into the relationship. Knowing that she has been his financial codependent she has decided to protect her income from him. The husband in turn says this shows lack of support. The wife says thus is a move for self preservation as well as a move to secure the famalies financial future. Who is in the wrong here ? should the wife allow the husband continued acess to her funds when it has been proven the husband is not good at finances? Also the husband in the past has gone as far as over drawing her account monthly.

    The husband refuses to stick to a budget and will use any means to get what he wants. He will use emotional abuse and will steal if given the chance.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • If an unlicensed driver has an accident in a car not registered to them?

    What happens to the registered driver?

    What if the car was taken without consent of the registered driver, but was given by the registered drivers spouse? They live in a community property state.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Who is wrong in this situation?

    There is a husband and wife. The wife has let the husband pretty much run the finances for 6 years. The result..not one penny in savings, investments or property. The husand for lack of better words sucks at managing money. He is also an impulsive buyer who has in the six years financially drined all the wifes assets she had coming into the relationship. Knowing that she has been his financial codependent she has decided to protect her income from him. The husband in turn says this shows lack of support. The wife says thus is a move for self preservation as well as a move to secure the famalies financial future. Who is in the wrong here ? should the wife allow the husband continued acess to her funds when it has been proven the husband is not good at finances? Also the husband in the past has gone as far as over drawing her account monthly.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Is there a way to teach your spouse how to consider your feelings?

    Or is it something chemical?

    I found out the word for my problem with my husband. It is Impasse.

    Example. If something belongs to me and he wants it, regardless of how I feel about it, he will take it and attempt to make me feel bad for not giving it.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What should you do if your lonely in your marriage?

    but nothing else is really wrong? You can't express you inner most feelings to your spouse, because they downgrade their importance or does not want to hear them at all?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • why is it ok to freeze embryos but not a fetus?

    Isn't it a bit creepy?

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • What is the male equivalent to a Beauty Pageant?

    Also, since awards and accolades are given to women based on beauty, what does that say about our society?

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • What would have to happen 20 December for you?

    to beleive that the world was going to end the next day?


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I was called a sexist pig today...why am I not offended?

    Do you think its because I am a woman that I am not offended by being called that?

    Have other women been called this? Did you think it was funny?

    Men, have you been called this? Did you think it was funny or offensive?

    15 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • I heard on the net that to be a multi millionare celebrity that you?

    have to sell your soul to the devil.

    Those who are you think this is true?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If there was no s e x ...why would men even date women?

    I mean gay men don't try to have relationships with if there was no sex to get...

    why would men even start relationships with us?

    I don't think they would. I think that most men would chose to hang out with other men.

    19 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Was this guy wrong? Video included?

    Two women attack his girlfriend. This guy does more than pull it apart.

    Did he go to far to help?

    2 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • How far into a relationship does this happen?

    There is a time in a relationship where power shifts.

    First the man is doing the persuing, so he is doing most of the work, while he tries to win the girl.

    Eventually, the girl becomes very passionate about the relationship and is now doing everything she can to keep the guy.

    Does this happen after the first time they have sex...or another time in your opinion?

    8 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago