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Lv 4

Christians: Why isn't my heart broken over sin?

Lately I have been having trouble dealing with a certain sin. I realized that I am saved by God's grace and not works but I do believe in repentance. However, I have not been able to mourn over my sins. I understand that God grants repentance but lately I feel stuck. I do battle heavily with depression and I feel alone in my battle. What advice do you have for me?

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer




    Maybe your Conscience has been “seared,” made unfeeling by continued violations of wrong actions. Only you know what you have done. Remember that the conscience has the capacity to look at oneself and render judgment.

    Conscience is inherent in man, having been made part of him by God. It is an inward realization or sense of right and wrong that EXCUSES, ACCUSES & JUDGES. It also can be trained by the thoughts and acts, convictions and rules that are implanted in a person’s mind by good parental moral guidance from the beginning, study and experience. Based on these things, it makes a comparison with the course of action being taken or contemplated. Then it sounds a warning when the rules and the course conflict. Conscience can be a moral safety device, in that it imparts pleasure and inflicts pain for one’s own good and bad conduct. What did you do????

  • 8 years ago

    One thing to do is to think of things from God's perspective and be humble in our dealings and thoughts about God. We all have an opportunity to be saved, but really the scriptures don't support a once saved always saved concept as many believe. It is a constant struggle to maintain our relationship with God and we must do all we can to seek God's approval. Does it take works? Absolutely, the scriptures say at John 14:15 that we have to obey commandments to thus show we love God. This requires action on our part not just sitting back assuming we're saved. Noah had to get on the ark, build the ark, gather the animals, preach to a ungodly world at that time, not just sit back and say i'm saved I know God, he had to work.

    Fortunately you don't have to feel alone and depressed, because God knows we are mere flesh and blood and have many weaknesses. We have plenty of examples in His word the bible to help us cope with whatever hardships we face. Notice Jesus words at Matthew 11:28-30, this helps us to see that when we follow in Jesus footsteps we're refreshed. Its when we stray out and do things our own way that we face mental anguish and troubles. Never give up in you search for truth and the knowledge of the true God Jehovah. - John 17:3 Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think you show contrition just by asking this question ...

    Just ask yourself: Would I do it if I went back in time?

    If the answer is no, then you've really repented IMO.

    If you are BOUND by a sin and can't stop doing it. That is different scenario. Keep trying and keep repenting and don't give up. You don't have to be super sad every time you give in.Then you'll end with a mental disorder because you're so sad and worried. Don't let it bring you down. Repent immediately, get back up the moment you fall down and keep going, keep trying.

  • 8 years ago

    True repentance comes from sincere regret from our wrong course. You don't have to be heartbroken Prov. 24:16, shows we sin many time but a Christian does not give or simply makes a practice of sin.

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  • 7 years ago

    Your question is spot one in recognizing the crux of the problem: you are not "mourning" over your sins as the fundamental problem that is EVIDENCED or proves a lack of repentance. This despite your acknowledgement of sin and acknowledgement of the remedy of God's free grace and Christ's work for forgiveness rather than any work on your part. While we never are as heartbroken over sin as we should be for its betrayal of our Lord who loves us, SOME Holy Spirit genuine heart-centered heart brokenness that turns from sin IN OUR HEART/EMOTIONAL/AFFECTIONAL LIFE is critical, and the dividing line between false and true repentance.

    Do not take some of the false comfort offered with some answers here: Answers that you need not "mourn" over your sins so long as you "acknowledge", so long as you "regret", so long as you would not "do it if you went back in time", that "you don't have to be heartbroken"... that is extremely wrong-headed advice to you. True Christianity from beginning to end, Old Testament to New, is a matter of the heart. These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me... with the heart one believes/has faith (and repentance) and is justiifed (Rom 10:10). The bible is replete with God's rejection of surface level repentance that only acknowledges and regrets consequences suffered in true seeking of forgiveness but without the heart turning at the core of what we love and hate that defines us, it is not acceptable to a God who looks upon the heart. Not acceptable repentance that is a turning away in hate from sin that is the flip side of the same coin of a true turning of the heart in faith to Christ who offers Himself and free forgiveness.

    So what is the advice, the remedy? The same as for original salvation/conversion. We cannot change our bad hearts but we can humbly and desperately and sincerely ask and beg for the free GIFT of sincere-heart repentance (Acts 5:31; 11:18; 2 Tim. 2:25) that only God can and must give ( That asking itself is a fruit or first fruit of His Spirit and Word's work in you, just as your acknowledge and question I believe are. God is gracious and faithful to his promises and may not answer in a moment, but because of the work of Christ you may be confident he will answer in good time the honest faithful prayer for "a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, (which He) will not despise/reject" Ps 51.

    Finally, remember that our hearts are very deceptive (Jer 17:9) and our own judgments about how emotionally sorry we think we are is not the final arbiter compared to a God whose piercing gaze sees the core of our hearts, but A good indicator for confidence that a true turning/repentance has occurred is to see if the fruit of changed behavior accompanies the sorrow felt over sin.

  • 8 years ago

    When we start to wake to the reality of good only, then it becomes easier to detect sin and root it out. As we all learn, the nature of sin is to come undetected or to rationalize itself so it can remain "in control" of its subject. It is the human mind that is the sinner, but not God's idea of Himself, which is the spiritual universe, including man. Our job now is to become spiritually advanced so that we know when we are being attacked by suggestions of all forms of sin (error), and know that God gives man all power to overcome sin completely. Forgiveness comes when there is nothing left to be punished. This means that we are in possession of one mind only.

  • 8 years ago

    Time is absolutely over and you must dedicate yourself to Jesus now while you have the time. Soon it will be too late but I want to warn you that time is absolutely over. It is time to dedicate yourself to the Lord and come to him quickly or you are going to be caught right out and then you'll wish that you had heard and had heeded the warnings of the Lord sends out. It is time to dedicate yourself to getting to know the Lord in repentance. It is time to give to people. It is time to give and help others. It is time to give the Lord what he owns, your soul. You service, your money, everything. Give it all to the Lord and ask him what he wants you to do. It is no good you going along to church and doing your tithing and continuing to live your own life with self-will. That wont save you. There is no good professing you are saved because you profess Jesus with your mouth. That wont save you either if you go on in sin. The only thing that will save you is if you seek to know the Lord and to have a relationship with him and to turn away from your sins and asked him what he wants you to do with all you have. You can't just give Jesus 10%, you got to give Jesus everything. You've got to be prepared to turn away from your life. To no longer chase after your careers and dreams and all the things that you want to do. You instead have to give yourself to the Lord and no longer be self-willed, otherwise how can he help you? How can he lead you to the kingdom. Because time is absolutely over. You have to come to the Lord quickly. If you leave it until too late then it will be too late soon enough. The Lord gives a little time for people to repent, but then when he brings an end to your time then it is finished. And as much as you would like to change it, it is finished. Friends, time is absolutely over, you have to dedicate to the Lord now. You have to start being righteous now. Give now. Give yourself all to the Lord now. Turn away from what you want to chase after. Give everything to Jesus and ask him what to do with what you what you are and where your life is headed. Ask Jesus what to do. Let him continue to lead you in all you do. If you don't know just keep praying. Be righteous in how you act. Be holy, the Lord is looking for those who look to him in holiness and give themselves to him and turn away from their sin. He will lead them he will show them what to do. He will show them how to fix up their lives. But you have to be prepared to go to the Lord now, so do it quickly, do it quickly...

  • 8 years ago

    get some real-world help ...

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