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Lv 6

Question for Witnesses?

I have heard this before, and this a quote from a recent post:

"All who die now come back in the resurrection and so if you do die before Armageddon, then definitely you can look forward to the time, when all your suffering is over."

What scriptures prove that those who die after Armageddon will not come back in the general resurrection (that is earth)?

As far as I know "all who are in their graves" will come forth, that Jesus died for all who are in Adam, so how do you make this exception?




So far what I am reading is not proving anything.

I have no problem with what the second death is and that it is applicable in the Kingdom and that there are certain cases like Judas of individuals who are now worthy of second death---Judas was called of God to the high calling and murdered the Messiah--other than him--one has to have the Spirit--that is be begotten of the Spirit to sin against it---so Spirit begotten Christians are liable to the second death---that has nothing to do with the question.

One said there was only one resurrection. If that is so, why are we told the resurrection of the sleeping saints and the remainder of the Little Flock still alive right now are called the first resurrection? If there is a first resurrection, there is a second at least. And then the resurrection of the just and unjust--will get to that later.

There are a lot of quotes about second death,--but none of them have anything to do with Armageddon. They are completely out of context

Update 2:

with the question.

Armageddon takes place before the Kingdom is even inaugurated--so how can anyone be liable to the second death before the Kingdom is set up? Before Jesus and the 144K are even judging the world?

So I ask again, what scriptures prove those who die in Armageddon are second death?!

I am not looking for generic second death scriptures--I want ones that are directly linked to Armageddon.

Some quoted: The resurrection of the just and unjust--those who get life and those who get judgment.

The resurrection of the just and those who get life---are the 144K, they are "just"ified---Only those who are spirit begotten are reckoned just before God.--that means everyone else is "unjust"ified--and they get the resurrection of judgment---that is the Kingdom, the Millennium. The whole purpose of the Kingdom is for the masses to come to a complete knowledge of God and be under judgment (that doesn't mean condemnation--it means on trial for life).

Update 3:

Sorry if I offended you by quoting you, didn't think it would be a problem, since I didn't say anyone in particular made it, and spoke nothing derogatory about you.

Update 4:

Sylvia--I would agree with a lot of what you said, except it is very easily proven that the 144K is not literal Jews. See my answer here:;_ylt=AiBJO... your answer doesn't really address my question.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What this means is that anyone dying before Armageddon gets to have a second chance and so they obviously need to be alive - hence the resurrection.

    Anyone who is against Jehovah and dies at Armageddon does not get to be resurrected as this rather defeats the object of Armageddon to oust wicked from the earth.

    The quote by the way was from me! Although I type what I believe, I would appreciate it that in future you email me personally and ask or put a question in that does not include my quote. I do believe this goes against Y!A rules!

    Edit: Ah that's ok:D I guess I over reacted because I really hate having things glaring at me like this - even if it is I who is recognizing it as my quote and no body else has! You are right of course, that not saying who it comes from means that you were not causing any offense, so lol tis me who should apologize to you:D

    I am also sorry you feel that we have not shown enough evidence. I suppose you are looking for a scripture that says: those who die at Armageddon who are proved wicked, will not be resurrected? The thing is you have to work on logic here (which I do confess I miss an awful lot) because as I said if Jehovah is doing this to get rid of the wicked, it surely makes sense that they will not be resurrected eh? Whereas when we die now, our sins are wiped clean which puts us in line for the resurrection.

    psalms 37:10

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not meaning to offend anyone but there are no true witnesses alive today. no one a live today saw Jesus raised from the grave also there will be both the righteous and the unrighteous resurrected at the same time and then the judgment will happen. the first resurrection was when Jesus came back to life also he went to hades and lead captivity free he preached and resurrected those who believed and they are in heaven under the crystal sea waiting for the rest of us to be resurrected for the judgment day. yes those who are alive when he comes will go up into the clouds but I say there is only 2 resurrections and the first one already happened. Thanks for the question friend. God bless.

    Source(s): my opinion
  • All who are in their graves at the time of the resurrection will come forth, some to everlasting life and others to judgment (John 5:28,29).

    But if you go through that scripture, notice this:

    John 5:28,29 (King James Version, just so no one can say "we are making things up" with our Bible, even though our Bible says the same thing that the KJV does, but that is a sidepoint)--

    28) Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,

    29) And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

    Notice: how many "hours" are coming in which all those in the graves shall hear his voice and come forth? There is only one hour in which this occurs. There is only one resurrection. Jesus himself said there is only one resurrection because he said there would only be one hour in which this occurs. It was not an ongoing thing. Once the resurrection occurs and everyone is alive again, that's it. Any death after that is the second death: that is, the permanent one in which there is no more resurrection.

    If you enter your grave after that (which does not happen to those who are faithful because at that time they will have been made perfect, but if you actively choose to disobey God at that point...), then you were "not in the grave" at the time of the resurrection.

    Remember, Jesus said only those in their graves at the time of the resurrection call will come out, not those who are living at that time and may die later should they choose to disobey God.

  • 8 years ago

    There will be no adamic death after Armageddon because the bibles says "death will be no more..." Rev 21: 3, 4

    Thus if people die it will have to be as a direct result of God's intervention (because left alone they will live forever). If it is God's will they die, nothing can counteract that. As Jesus said in Matthew 10: 28 "[...] fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" . In short those that are judged as unworthy of life by God can have no hope of future life. And this regardless of when that judgement takes place. (compare Mat 25:31-46)

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  • 8 years ago

    Jesus, of course, spoke often of the resurrection; indeed, it was a pillar of his teachings. According to Jesus at John 5:28 and 29, "all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrect ion of life, those who did vile things to a resurrection of judgment." What does that mean - resurrection of judgment? It is not speaking of vile things done before the person's death. Death pays the ultimate price for sin. So a person would not be resurrected just to be punished for what he did before he died. That is not justice and Jehovah God is the epitomy of perfect justice. No, this person evidently gets a resurrection and then does not practice good, does not learn righteousness, refuses to meet the standards set by God. He gets a resurrection of judgment because now - because of his continued wickedness - he will suffer the second death - from which there is no resurrection - no future - no nothing.

    You are right that Jesus died for those who inherited Adamic sin. That does not mean, however, that every single person who has ever died will receive a resurrection. There are some people who have received the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction. Jude mentions them at Jude 7. Jesus also taught that one guilty of committing the unforgivable sin (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) will never be forgiven, no, not in this system nor in the next. Since that person receives no forgiveness, that person will not receive a resurrection either. Jesus called Judas the son of destruction. He will not receive a resurrection either.

    It is noteworthy that the Greek word rendered above as 'grave' or 'memorial tomb' is mnēmeion. One Bible dictionary describes it as any visible object for preserving or recalling the memory of any person or thing. The scriptures also speak of God's book of life, in which he writes names. Malachi 3:16 speaks of a book of remembrance in which Jehovah begins to record the names of those thinking on his name, those in fear of him. We see then that there are loyal, faithful, obedient ones in the book of God's remembrance and in the 'memory' of God. Abraham, Sarah, David, Joseph, many come to mind. But there are many who are not. They are not worthy of a resurrection.

    Those who die IN Armageddon - or by means of Armageddon - will have received the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction. This is so because Armageddon is God's war against wickedness and wicked people. Reasonably, if Armageddon is the cause of one's death, that one is not worthy of resurrection, yes?

    Not quite sure what you mean by those who die after Armageddon. Perhaps one suffers a massive coronary right after Armageddon is over? I suppose that could happen. He would receive a resurrection. It is much better for us to remain rooted in the scriptures to the extent that we can; that is to say, those who die by means of Armageddon will not receive a resurrection. Beyond that, we will simply have to wait and see. As for all who are in Adam, while Jesus provided a ransom sacrifice, it is not automatically applied to every breathing human. One must exercise faith in the ransom sacrifice and qualify - meeting God's standards. If there were no standards to meet, why provide a ransom in the first place?

    Hannah J Paul

  • 8 years ago

    I dont believe the 144,000 are Jehovah witnesses, but that they are chosen from the tribes of Israel, Israel having 12, tribes and 12,000 x 12,000 makes for 144,000. No other nation has 12 tribes or the 12 sons of Jacob. and also Paul mentions that when the fullness of the gentiles has come in, then the Lord will return unto His own, the Jews or Israelites.

    as for Christ second coming, Thessalonians describe it this way.chapter 4-16. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God,and the dead in Christ shall rise first." Notice these are the ones who fell asleep believing that Christ is Lord and saviour.

    4-17 "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

    Christians are removed from the earth, so that God's wrath can come upon those who mocked christ's suffering, and did not give praise and honour to His Name.

    Then the Lord will create a new heaven and earth wherein will dwell rightousness.

  • 8 years ago

    "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE." Revelation 20:15

    Source(s): King James Bible
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Wait for it...they are checking with the Watch Tower to see what they're supposed to think!

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