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Simple chemistry gas law question? Im so confused?

I really don't know where to start. I know that Boyles alw is p1v1 = k ......p2v2=K and that p1v1 = p2v2

A certain gas is present in a 12.0L cylinder at 2.0atm pressure. If the pressure is increased to 4.0atm , the volume of the gas decreases to 6.0L . Find the two constants ki, the initial value of k, and kt the final value of k, to verify whether the gas obeys Boyle’s law.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the first condition:

    P1 = 2.0atm

    V1 = 12.0L

    P1V1 = Ki

    2*12 = Ki

    Ki = 24

    In the second condition

    Pt = 4.0atm

    Vt = 6.0L

    Pt*Vt = Kt

    4.0*6.0 = Kt

    Kt = 24

    Conclusion : Ki = Kt .

    Gas obeys Boyle's Law.

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