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Lv 5

Why are there still Jews (following Judaism)?

no i'm not being anti semitic..

i mean, back in the old covenant, like when people didn't "deny themselves" (rest) during the sabbath, they die. or they did this and that, they die...

now nothing happens... wouldn't that be a clear example of the old covenant gone and the new covenant in effect.


just curious...

Update 2:

i mean a man not resting during the sabbath, died..

man caught the ark of the covenant (they were carrying it and it fell so he tried to save it), died...

wouldn't stuff like these be evident today if the old covenant is still in effect?

Update 3:

@smoke like what pick and choose would that be?

Update 4:

@N wouldn't the cross be the evidence that the 'veil' has been torn? (coming from a Christian perspective)

i don't know how it can be lost in the Jewish perspective (about to google it tho)

Update 5:


where does it say that the (what christians call the old covenant as being eternal?)

who has warned against it? would it be the modern day high priest teachings? or from the torah, etc?

could it be found in the bible? if not in the bible, can you post a link?

Update 6:


wouldn't that be "the God is sovereign" mantra in the Christian perspective (which is not actually true as much as people think it is)

and much like how the Jews blamed God for everything like the Amalekites? or being led by an evil spirit? or povert, etc (Hannah, Job)?


(1) Rom 2 and Heb 8

(2) about the teaching (Titus 2:11-13)

missionaries (somewhere in romans i just forgot the verses i can only remember titus)

Update 7:

i don't really study much about the old covenant... i write and study mostly about the new... so arguing with me would be pointless... you would be like talking to a tree. xD

Update 8:

i'll be torrenting south park season 4 now :)

gonna lose bandwith so i won't open my internet browser.. i'll be back after the download is done. and check back on here :)

Update 9:

@feivel i just said its not anti semitic...

i'm just wondering... in the 'old testament' people were being 'smitten'... and there are alot.. i'm not referring to people stoning or etc... i'm asking about those who died instantly.

Update 10:

@feivel again... don't want to know about it? i wouldn't have asked pols on where to find what he said... if it's in the bible he could tell me.. if not maybe a link... how is that not wanting to know about it?

Update 11:

@feivel again... don't want to know about it? i wouldn't have asked pols on where to find what he said... if it's in the bible he could tell me.. if not maybe a link... how is that not wanting to know about it?

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's true that many of the old testament laws aren't practiced anymore, although the dietary and dress ones often are. The ones that aren't followed any more are usually 'temple laws', which were about how an observant Jew should worship in the temple of Solomon (or later on, the temple of Herod). After it was destroyed, it became impossible to follow those laws anymore.

  • 8 years ago

    Because the Jew-haters have failed in two thousand years of systematic attempts to destroy Jews and the Jewish culture.

    Maybe that's the clear proof of the etternal nature of the covenant of Sinai.

    Note regarding Jewish failures in practice -

    - firstly -- God "striking people down" was never common -

    even Abraham did wrong things

    when Moses did wrong, he was not "struck down" -- he finished his job but was punished by being unable to enter Israel.

    - secondly -- see the book of Esther.

    By the time of Esther - we had "grown up" -- obvious miracles had been completely replaced by adult responsibility.

    - finaly --

    see the prophesies of Deuteronomy and a good number of prophets - we've been punished by exile, and, per the prophesies - we now have an independent state of Israel and rebuilt Jerusalem with "old men chatting in the market square and children playing in the street"

    However - Israel is under perpetual threat - so - you can't say "nothing happens" - perhaps Hamas is the price of Jews not being consistant at doing what we are supposed to.

    the "New Covenant" is a Christian belief.

    This is a different and very indirectly related religion.

    In the Jewish book of Jeremiah he mentions a renewed covenant --

    at the time when this comes

    (1) "the Torah will be in everyone's heart" - thus every Jew will be perfect in Jewish observance - so the very fact that there are "Jews who fail" proves that this time has not yet come


    (2) "there will be no need for teaching" -- so to the degree that Christians allege that Christianity is this "new covenant" -- the existance of missionaries who have to work hard to teach about Christianity disproves that it is related to what Jeremiah spoke about.

  • JP
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because our covenant is eternal.

    The whole "killing people" thing is an incomplete story. Torah instructs us to create courts of justice. Even in ancient times, the great court almost never enforced the death penalty, because the standard for application was very, very high. A court that gave the death penalty more than once every 7 years was considered a "bloody court."

    Needless to say, we don't follow a theology that says our covenant was replaced with another one. We were, in fact, warned against that.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    We do what God says, that's why.

    We don't have punishments as in the past because we haven't yet established a Sanhedrin and don't yet have a Temple. We were in exile for the last 2000 years, give us some time to get back on our feet..

    Besides, the Torah goes hand in hand with the Oral Torah (mishna, talmud etc) and this was always the case, from Sinai, and so xtians read the Tanach but they don't actually understand any of it.

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  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So you don't study the "old testament" much but feel expert enough to somehow scold us for "no longer following it". We do follow it and to explain all of this to you would be too in depth for YA. You obviously do not have the basic knowledge to understand it and probably no real desire to either.

    Torah is eternal. We have a covenant with G-d. We always have had and always will have.

    Source(s): Orthodox Rabbinical student
  • 4 years ago

    the define of the advent of female interior the Bible is very Symbolic. at the beginning it says that it is not sturdy for guy to be on my own (i'd choose to point out it does not say that approximately women individuals). Then it is going directly to talk approximately how women individuals replaced into created via pulling a rib out of Adam's Chest. no longer a bone from the foot to be trampled upon, and not a bone from the top to be above, yet a bone from the chest to be equivalent to. Now think of farther, what purpose do the ribs serve? They take care of considered necessary and existence giving organs. a female via God's plan fills the comparable place. they're to be respected, venerated, enjoyed, and guarded. interior the Bible do you be attentive to of everywhere it mentions God's spouse? it is not any longer in there. Why? no longer as a results of fact he isn't married. In Genesis God says a guy would desire to be married. with the objective to be proper a guy would desire to be married, and God is proper so God is married. If God is married why do no longer we study his spouse everywhere? answer, in case you knew that your call would be taken care of interior the way that God's has would any sturdy husband enable that to be carried out to his spouse? No, and so as a replace of doing something to shrink our organization He did no longer point out His spouse, and for this reason She does no longer have Her call desecrated like His has been. as far as a results of fact the passage you talk with in Timothy i'd think of it is between the various spots interior the Bible that have been the sufferer of intentional or unintentional mistranslations over the centuries. women individuals are no longer 2d type electorate. Christ in his ministry taught that, no longer with words yet His movements. in case you look on the respect that He confirmed the girls individuals He interacted with, and study that with how women individuals have been taken care of in that day, you will see he replaced into downright present day. He would have made noticeably lots any womens rights activist immediately happy. once you're taking that into consideration there are multiple the explanation why a female would be a Christian. Oh sure I would desire to point i'm a male.

  • Vexed
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Why don't Christians stone other Christians for eating shellfish or wearing clothing of two different fibers, or talking back to their parents?

    Some religious rules are okay to break if it's not convenient, I suppose.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Jews die today just like everybody else. And just like everybody else, Jews pick and chose what they consider accurate or acceptable interpretation of their Torah, just as Christians pick and chose what they consider accurate or acceptable interpretation of the New Covenant.

    Just sayin'.

  • 8 years ago

    I actually agree with you. Many jews think theyre the first religion and therefore the true one, but they dont even follow their actual first teachings and ways of life.

  • 8 years ago

    Because some superstitions never die for some people.

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