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What motives drive anti-Semitism, particularly those who hate Jews?

I have trouble understanding the ethical stance of such people - how they justify it in this day and age.

Any insights into this behavior?

Please don't confuse "Jews" for Israel. That's like judging all Asian people because the behavior of the nation of North Korea.


I am a firm believer in free speech if only for what people reveal when they post things.

Read the answers below and learn about the reasoning of those who hate Jews.

Very revealing stuff.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a story that could fill volumes of books, and has.

    Just very briefly.

    Hate for Jewish people is rooted in apostate christianity.

    The Jews have been vilified for almost 2000 years because mainstream christianity (the catholic church) has blamed them for "killing their god." (they believe in the impossible notion of the trinity..and the fallacy that Jesus was a part of that trinity.)

    Secondly...they resent the fact that the Jewish people have rejected Jesus.(Who, as I said before, they believe is god )

    Many people in the 21st century find it hard to understand how something like this could have caused so much devastation the the Jews over the centuries.

    We must remember that religion played a VERY powerful influence in previous generations.

    Also the Jewish people largely keep to themselves and when ever a scapegoat was needed by some despot leader, the Jews were always a convenient target.

    Regarding muslims.

    Again the Jews are a convenient whipping boy.

    Jews are "different" and muslims just can't tolerate the fact that there is a thriving predominant Jewish state in what they consider their "hood."

    The irony is that the nations of Israel and Judah were there fifteen hundreds years before Mohamed invented the islamic religion in the 6th century AD.

    There is a lot more to it but this is the basis of the irrational anti semitism the Jewish people have to deal with.

  • 8 years ago

    Anti semitism has many roots. If you want the honest answer, I believe it comes from two things.

    First is the division of the Jewish community. Jews tend to separate themselves from the gentile community where ever they live. Of course there are exceptions to this, but for the most part, the Jewish community likes to be left alone. And i don't believe this is a bad thing, Jews are able to take great care of their community, however it does lead to separatism, and this can lead to animosity against Jews.

    Now because of this sense of community among Jews, Jews are able to provide great schools for their children, great synagogues, and Jewish business owners tend to want to hire Jews over gentiles (you can say whatever you want, but this is a very true fact, look at Hollywood). And again, i really don't think this is a bad thing, I think people have the right to hire who they want, However, this is where much anti semitism stems from, it's this inclusiveness. And the problems begins to grow larger as Jews become more powerful.

    Something that cannot be denied is that Jews are very, very powerful in America and Europe. They own Hollywood and the Media, they run many of the banks, the Rothschilds (Jewish banking family) basically own the Federal Reserve, they control the SPLC and ADL, they have footholds in major universities, and AIPAC is one of the largest lobbying groups in America. And this creates more anti semitism, because more problems can be blamed on Jews.

    Another thing to research is the racist anti gentiles quotes from the esteemed Rabbi Mendel Schneerson. He even said one time that Jews have an entirely different body from gentiles, and that gentiles are a different species. Racists like Rabbi Schneerson are a major source of anti-semitism.

    Also, research the shockingly racist verses in the Jewish Talmud.

    From everything i have researched, from asking myself this same question many times, and listening to men like David Duke and George Lincoln Rockwell (out of curiosity), this is what I learned from them, and this is why anti Semitism exists.

    Whether you agree or not is irrelevant, i am simply telling you why some people have a grudge against Jews.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What other kind of anti-Semites are there other than the ones that hate Jews? I would say it comes down to the dis-like of any people. For example I can't stand the Polish on the job sites. They control the brick layers trade by me and will drop stuff on you without a "heads up". I don't know if you live in a major city, but the Jews will walk around in that goofy black outfit looking down on us in our country. I can see how people don't like it. When I was young I was on a job to paint. The owners of the building (64 floors) were Jews. They showed up with there family, looked down on the workers like slaves, and the boss had us running around. I was asked to dust tables for these people for God sake. Sorry, get my money. I was hired to paint, not kiss these peoples butt.

  • Stanny
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Conspiracy theories. Look, I'm a tin foil hat man myself. The issue is that everything the governments all over the world lie. So we all come up with these crazy stories that are more logical than what the media says, but there's no absolute truth, so it becomes an inception in philosophy. The only reason Jews are blamed is because of the Rothschild family, which generated the money for the French- English war. They manipulated it so that Napoleon didn't have the resources to win. History says they stopped, but what corrupt human would dissolve themself of that power? It's total crap, so no one believes that the NWO exists, because of anti-Semitic theorists, and secret society theorists.

    Source(s): Corruption and Greed is set in the hearts of all men. If conspiracy theorists want any credible reputation, the ones with no proof need to gtfo.
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  • LeKat!
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The motives, in my opinion, are:

    1) Jealousy - Jews are a small portion of the world - yet they are pretty successful.

    2) Xenophobia - not only against Jews, but against other minorities too

    3) Hatred based on religion - In Islam it is a very strong hatred and mockery towards the Jews, and Christianity was like that for many centuries, until it progressed. Today Jews and Christians are in very good relationship, one could say.

  • 8 years ago

    Jews aren't so much hated, they are actually more blamed or scapegoated. They typically hold high positions of power in the media, banks, political offices, and executive levels of industry. If something goes wrong they get blamed first. From the great plague to the great depression we've seen it through out history where people blame them for tragedies and kill them. Throw in a little white supremacy, radical muslims and christians, and communism and you have an answer. Also they make up roughly 1% of the Earths population and hold 30% of its wealth so jealousy is also another contributing factor.

    Source(s): Look it up if you don't believe me you already have a computer at your disposal.....
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1.because of their religious beliefs ,the way they dress and look,their culture

    2.some other people hate jews because they blame them for getting jesus killed

    3.Most is from hear say just like some people hear about blacks , browns and asians supposedly this and that assumptions at times people are to weak to find out the answers at times and believe there uncle joe or grandpa so an so, it's seems that arabs and jews argue about who was choosen to occupy the land and what makes it worse is the beliefs.

  • BMCR
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    "I have trouble understanding the ethical stance of such people - how they justify it in this day and age.

    Any insights into this behavior?"

    And how would they justify it in any day and age?

    Anti Semitism is illogical. Hence any "justification" for it is itself "illogical" and thus not a valid justification.

  • 8 years ago

    for building communism. Initially, most of the NKVD forces, soviet version of waffen ss, were mostly Jews.

    Additionally for that, how they treat Palestinian nation, crying in the same time, about all the crimes done to Jews long time ago

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Jews are unfairly blamed for the death of Jesus.The Jews did not kill Jesus it was the Roman gigh officials.There is also a lot of jealous of Jews and there achievements .

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