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Are we as humans really any different from other Animals?

Why do we believe that we are different from other Animals?...

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, because as far as we know we're the only ones that are ABLE to believe we are different.

    Source(s): pretty sure I'm a very different animal than justin Bieber
  • gene
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I'm not really sure what this is doing in the hunting section it seems more suited to the philosophy section. Since we don't know how or what other animals believe we can really make an informed decision. I think it is reasonable to assume that all animals with brains have some type of thought process going on which means that they probably also have beliefs.

    The only difference between a human and a goldfish would be the complexity of the thought processes that are occurring.

    Source(s): 40 plus years of hunting and shooting
  • akluis
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We are NOT different from animals, because we are animals.

    But when a beaver builds a dam and it floods the forest upstream from the creek, causing all the trees to drown and drastically change the environment, that is considered 'natural', so as we too are animals, shouldn't our altering of the environment also be considered natural?

    In any given species, the first, foremost, and ultimately LAST goal of every individual in that species is to see that species as a whole thrive and spread, with no regard to whatever species may be pushed out, replaced, or driven extinct. So why is it considered so wrong when we set ourselves apart from other species. ALL species do that. Wolves think they are more important than deer (well, as much as they are capable of thought) and don't shed a tear when they eat a newborn fawn or an old buck. By the same tolken, a mother deer thinks deer are more important that wolves, and would have no problem if each and every deer successfully ran away from the wolves every single time, causing the wolves to ultimately starve to death.

    So why do people think it is so wrong for the human species to think it is special. It is NORMAL and RIGHT for the human species to see itself as special and more important than any other species.

  • 8 years ago

    Technically we are animals, but there are a couple of things that spring to mind that really set us apart:

    1) At some point during "creation / evolution" something very unique occurred. Humans require large amounts of protein to function, yet with only a few exceptions any meat we eat must be cooked. While we can eat bugs and stuff like that and survive "on the edge" if needed, to be healthy our existence depends on our ability to make fire. Every other animal can exist in a healthy state simply by eating unaltered food directly from the food chain in their environment.

    2) Self awareness and all of the ramifications of that. Specifically spiritual belief systems and activities.

    3) Problem solving. Our problem solving capabilities are truly unique in the animal kingdom.

    4) Climate change capabilities. Related to #3, one of the keys to our existence is our ability to adapt and live in different climates. Because of #1 we don't rely on food within a specific environment. Instead we can eat virtually any animal if it's cooked and even most plants. As climates change and environments change animals simply become extinct because their food supply disappears. Humans simply adapt their food or move to another area and eat something new.

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  • 8 years ago

    One way we are different is we are at the top of the food chain with no natural predators. So we have bred and bred and bred until there are too many for the world to sustain. Go watch the old movie SOYLENT GREEN. We may not come down to eating each other like in the movie but all the rest is pretty accurate as to the energy situation, the housing situation, the desperate situation for jobs, etc.

    Plus notice how hot it is in the movie. Welcome to global warming.

    AND other than China, we are too stupid to try to limit growth. We still got religions who are big into the "go forth and multiple" and encourage people to have a ton of kids. We need to limit it to two children per female and that is it.

  • 8 years ago

    Well...we are an animal we are decendents from monkeys which were the first animal to ever figure out the use of tools and making things they also have sex for pleasure as well as reproduction. We are just more evolved and complex in the brain than a m9onkey but we are basicaly the same

    Source(s): Years of studying evolution
  • BBean
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes, humans are different. People take on orphan animals and feed them with money they don`t have,live in filth, refuse to destroy them, and turn against anyone that tells them different and eventually drives a wedge between them and family members or anyone else that interferes in their ideology.

    Oh yes, let`s tell a tale about how a boy was raised by wolves and get a tear jerker.....truth is the wolves ate the boy and weren`t even hungry.

    Sorry, I am a person with a soul....not an animal.

  • 8 years ago

    Because humans can actually reason and feel emotion. Animals all act on the physical. An example would be if something is painful for them they won't do it. If a dog gets "spanked" for crapping on the carpet it won't do it again because it doesn't want to feel pain. Humans have to do the right, which can sometimes be painful. We have souls; animals do not.

  • 8 years ago

    We are different because we were created in the image of God and were given dominion over all the animals. If your an atheist then you probably believe you aren't different from other animals.

  • WRG
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because we are self aware and have the ability to think outside of the box of food and reproduction. Well at least most of us do.

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