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Lv 5

NRHH: I owe some drug dealers money but don't have it?

I owe these dealers £10 and I've only got £5.20 that I got out my moms wallet, so basically if they don't get the money they said there gonna knock me out, and one of the guys said he's gonna run me over with his motorbike.

I don't no how I'm gonna get £4.80 by tommoriw morning when I see these guys in college.

There's literally no money in the house and my parents are broke as f*ck.

My question is what should I do and how should I get this money urgently.


@miss useless knowledge- I no and I feel really bad but if I didnt get that money from my mom the dealers would have beat me even more than they already are, and I feel really guilty but I just don't wanna get my *** kicked

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    be a bad uss

  • 8 years ago

    Ok I'll spare you the speech about how drugs are bad and you'll learn a lesson, because you won't and you'll keep doing drugs. If you want to get money, save the money you took from your parents and pay them back later. Now take any extra stuff you have and have a garage sale. If you make enough money you can pay back your mom and your dealer. But pay back the dealer first. Hopefully you'll learn a lesson but I doubt it.

  • Didn't this happen before?;_ylt=AkQya...

    Oh yeah, it did. And I remember something about bullies going to beat you up a couple weeks back, right? What happened to that?

    You're either a sad person trying too hard to pretend you have serious problems, or you're an idiot who doesn't learn from his mistakes with real serious problems. You owe them the money, you made the choice to buy from them, you didn't have the cash to pay them, you stole from your poor broke parents who I'm willing to bet are the ones working their asses off so you can go to college, so now you are either gonna fix this or your parents are going to have to work even harder just to pay off your medical bills after you get stomped.

    Bottom line: think next time.

  • 8 years ago

    Man up and give your parents the money back and tell them what happened.

    Ask them probably if you need money to save you *** because of your OWN desire.

    If you use money you don't have than at least try to earn it yourself.

    I'm sure you could have mowed someones garden in the weekend, or help out in a small shop.

    I'm sure there is some small works to do, to get your needed £10, because at least its not £100

    I hope you learned your lesson

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  • 8 years ago

    So you stole money from your mom, and her and your dad are "broke as f*ck", just so you could buy some drugs....Gee, I'm glad you have your priorities right *rolls eyes*...You got yourself into this situation so you'll just have to deal with the consequences and learn from this....No sympathy here

    Sorry for getting on you, but things like that just bother me...Anyway, Do you have any friends you could borrow the difference from for a few days?

  • 8 years ago

    Do you have a car? Go to a DIY car wash and park in a stall. Feign putting money in the bill changer. After a few minutes go find the clerk and tell them the machine ate your 5. They get you a fiver and you are saved for another day of fun filled addiction.

  • Keep knocking on peoples door asking if they need any odd jobs done

    And stop taking drugs, its not worth it

  • Ripper
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Lololol again? Just do what you did the last three times. Them guys won't get their hands dirty just for 5 pounds.

  • 8 years ago

    $10 is nothing. You can make that in a hour or two. Think and be creative.

  • 8 years ago

    sell your shoes

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