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jewish folks? according to judaism does God punish the people today as he did in the past?

he punished myriam the sister of aaron, the children of Israel in the desert, sodom and gomorrah and other people because they didn't obey God,does it happen today the same things?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    @Tiberia: For Jews there is no Hell. The closest reference to a POSSIBLE hell is the word Shelioh. For Jews ( Not counting Messianic Jews, because to a TRUE Jew Messianic Jews are not Jews at all because they believe that Jesus is the Messiah. A HUGE part of being Jewish is that the fact that we are WAITING for the Messiah to come ) there is no hell. When we die, no matter how evil you are, at MOST it takes 12 months and LOTS of prayers from family members for someone to enter Heaven.

    As far as G-d punishing us, I believe that YES, G-d does punish us when we sin. In my opinion, it depends on the severity of the sin and if when we sin if it only hurts us, or someone else.


    Source(s): Conservative Jew for all of my life. And have studied many other religions.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i wish you will agree that the criminal must be punished besides. yet while the crime is relatively enormous or too many such that an identical janma or maybe one janma isn't adequate then God has no option yet supply many births and make that jeeva go through to that end. Ex: assume one individual commits distinctive murders or commits adultery with many or an ordinary abuser. For considered one of those individual one beginning isn't sufficent to undergo the previous deeds. all each and every person is born to journey purva janma karma. yet interior the technique we commit many papa which require distinctive variety of janmas to exhaust. because of the fact each and every janma is constrained by potential of age and potential to journey the sufferings. So the papa karma has to roll over to next janma and so on. Coming to remembrance section Forgetting the purva janma is definitely a blessing given by potential of God. Remmebering even the present janma relationships and incidents is taken into consideration one of those complicated one for our techniques. So this is appropriate to leave the previous junk and start up afresh. If purely we had the techniques of the previous janma then this is going to be utter chaos. this is for our sake Bhagawan simplified by potential of making us ignore each and every of the previous. be happy that we don't rememeber our grotesque previous and get depressed. end God isn't purely independent yet in addition merciful in giving us this existence that's greater advantageous than what we deserve.

  • 8 years ago

    Many traditional Jews believe that God does, but not as publicly or in as extreme a form. For example, they believe that if they're very sick, it's a sign from God that they have sinned, and will repent and pray.

    Other Jews believe only that God punishes people in the afterlife (Heaven and Hell), and that He does not punish people by physical means, only spiritually.

    Some Jews believe that God has no direct role in the physical world, and some believe that there's no afterlife, either.

    For more information, please see:,214/What-is...

    @Leahla & Melkha: Yes, we do believe in Hell. It's not the same as the Christian hell, but it's still hell nonetheless. It's called "Gehenom," and sinners spend a maximum of one year there while their souls repent. After that year of repentance, they go to Gan Eden, or Heaven. For more information, please see:

    Source(s): I am Jewish
  • Melkha
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes, Detroit, MI is spewing people out just as the Canaanites were spewed out of the land.

    @Tiberia - Traditional Jewish people DO believe G*D promised a World-To-Come. We have no lake of fire or eternal fiery torment. Hell is the grave.

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  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The laws of the Bible are for human benefit ,it shows people the right path

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