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Boo-Bottle asked in PetsRodents · 8 years ago

how to fatten up my rat?

i have a 1 year old hooded pet rat called hershey. he turned 1 two weeks ago, i noticed he was getting a bit thin, he eats all his food and once a week has a few bit of tomato/cucumber or even rice crispys. i weighed him and he weighs 200g's. i read up that rats she be between 400 -800g and now super worried.

he never had any problems before. and he is the only rat due to his brothers and sisters didnt interact with him because he did his own thing. and was told by the breeder he was way more independent then the others a d proferd to be doing his ow thing. i have him out all day more then 4 hours and he just sits on my lap or shoulder. he has toys but dosnt play with them. he very solitude but attached strong to me.

please help me im so paranoid

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't worry, he'll be fine just try him on the following: porrige oats, unsalted crackers, dog biscuits and he'll plump right back up!x

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Are attempting any of the seed mixes, ideally those with out the lab blocks. Or a % of the sunflower seeds. On the way to fatter her up beautiful quick. Then, when she's the load you wish to have simply feed her the lab blocks for weight renovation. Which you can supply a bit of of fruit/nut combination as a treat, too. Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    Eggs and protein

  • 8 years ago

    if you want to fatten him up give him a lot of nuts, they have a lot of fats in them

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