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  • which fish tank should I get? Which is better quality?

    Either the 25 gallon Mr Aqua flameless cube ...or... the current USA solara 34 gallon frameless?????

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    problems with beta in community tank?

    My beta was fine for a week or so and then this happens I had him for a year and moved him to a larger community tank with tetras n Cory's and guppies.... After beta got sick I noticed a tetra die... It looked kinda bloated by the gills.... Why did this happen its an established tank and well taken care of

    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Tank is cloudy (green) please help me fix this!?

    I have many fish tanks all doing well... but this one, has a green tint to the water. which i believe is some sort of algae caused from too much light! the problem is it is in front of a window, but i keep the blinds down but light still comes through.... is the only way to fix this problem is to put it somewhere with less light.... extra details, i used CO2 maybe once a week.

    please let me know if that is what i should do!

    4 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Growing Dwarf Baby Tears?

    Hi, i planted my HC three days ago, i have 26 watt full spectrum light for a 8 gallon tank, which is more then the minimum of 2 wpg to grow these, i also have pressurized co2. But it looks like the edges of the the plant is dying away... is this normal? It is ok that pieces are dying and most look very well.

    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Planted Tank CO2 affecting PH?

    I just set up a new co2 system for my planted tank, and the ph went down very quickly... would this product be the proper thing to use to keep my ph stablized?

    SEACHEM Neutral Regulator, 500 g / 1.1 lbs

    Adjusts high or low pH to a neutral pH of 7

    Softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium while removing any chlorine, chloramine, and ammonia

    Use in combination with Seachem Acid Regulator or Discus Buffer to lower pH; Use in combination with Seachem Alkaline Regulator to raise pH

    250 grams treats up to 1000 US gallons

    i got this info from

    Thanks in advance if you know the answer

    5 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Guppy Giving Birth, Help!?

    I have a female guppy, who just gave birth to about 15 fry, But after a few hours she hasnt popped any more out, but she keeps swimming up and down against the tank wall, is she still in labor, and trying to get them out, ( she is still kinda chubby ) Or do you think she had them all

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • help with DIY acrylic aquarium?

    When putting the sides on the base of the tank, do i put it in to place, keep it still and then add the acrylic cement, lining both the inside and outside of the tank of where i attached it to the base, OR do i put it on as if glue two pieces of wood together by putting it on the actual inside of the touching pieces?

    Hope that makes sense

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Help with DIY acrylic tank?

    When putting the sides on the base of the tank, do i put it in to place, keep it still and then add the acrylic cement, lining both the inside and outside of the tank of where i attached it to the base, OR do i put it on as if glue two pieces of wood together by putting it on the actual inside of the touching pieces?

    Hope that makes sense

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Would i be considered an Empath?

    Here are a few things ive notice my whole life, but never thought about it.

    -Animals are attracted to me, they are never mean to me, and know that i will treat them well.

    -I can read a person immediately.

    -I KNOW when people lie to me, and KNOW when they are hiding something ( for example, someone will be hiding the fact that they are sad about something, smiling or enjoying themselves, and i will either ask them what is wrong, or they will soon tell me something sad that happened.

    -I will be out, shopping or something, be extremely content/happy/energetic, in the good mood, and within a flick of a switch i am extremely grumpy, angry, or upset.... and i am NOT bi-polar.

    -I tend to be a loner but am happily engaged.

    -Babys and toddlers always feel comfortable with me.

    -I cannot be envolved with any type of conflict, whether it be an arguement or fight, for some reason i feel like i am the primary recipient of all the stress and emotion.

    -I cannot stand seeing aniimals or people who are upset, in pain, or injured. like i know how they are feeling during their time of discomfort and distress. and have the need to help...

    There are many more things i could make examples of.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Would i be considered an Empath?

    Here are a few things ive notice my whole life, but never thought about it.

    -Animals are attracted to me, they are never mean to me, and know that i will treat them well.

    -I can read a person immediately.

    -I KNOW when people lie to me, and KNOW when they are hiding something ( for example, someone will be hiding the fact that they are sad about something, smiling or enjoying themselves, and i will either ask them what is wrong, or they will soon tell me something sad that happened.

    -I will be out, shopping or something, be extremely content/happy/energetic, in the good mood, and within a flick of a switch i am extremely grumpy, angry, or upset.... and i am NOT bi-polar.

    -I tend to be a loner but am happily engaged.

    -Babys and toddlers always feel comfortable with me.

    -I cannot be envolved with any type of conflict, whether it be an arguement or fight, for some reason i feel like i am the primary recipient of all the stress and emotion.

    -I cannot stand seeing aniimals or people who are upset, in pain, or injured. like i know how they are feeling during their time of discomfort and distress. and have the need to help...

    There are many more things i could make examples of.

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • Would i be considered an Empath?

    Here are a few things ive notice my whole life, but never thought about it.

    -Animals are attracted to me, they are never mean to me, and know that i will treat them well.

    -I can read a person immediately.

    -I KNOW when people lie to me, and KNOW when they are hiding something ( for example, someone will be hiding the fact that they are sad about something, smiling or enjoying themselves, and i will either ask them what is wrong, or they will soon tell me something sad that happened.

    -I will be out, shopping or something, be extremely content/happy/energetic, in the good mood, and within a flick of a switch i am extremely grumpy, angry, or upset.... and i am NOT bi-polar.

    -I tend to be a loner but am happily engaged.

    -Babys and toddlers always feel comfortable with me.

    -I cannot be envolved with any type of conflict, whether it be an arguement or fight, for some reason i feel like i am the primary recipient of all the stress and emotion.

    -I cannot stand seeing aniimals or people who are upset, in pain, or injured. like i know how they are feeling during their time of discomfort and distress. and have the need to help...

    There are many more things i could make examples of.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • GTA 5 Online Not Connecting?

    So, i go on GTA V online and make my character... but after that, i click ready to go, and it says failed to connect to host??? why is this? is it a bad internet connection or is something wrong with the server?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why have i never had a spike in NITRITES YET?

    Im about 2 weeks into cycling a tank, unfortunately with fish which has been so difficult to keep the ammonia low enough for them to be ok, and i did this because i thought the bacteria in a bottle would work as soo many people had positive results... I have to do daily water changes to keep the fish safe. sometimes 25% sometimes 45% changes.. I have ammonia, NO NITRITES and low NItrates... this doesnt make sense why have i never had any kind of spike in nitrites!!!

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Help with cycling a tank?

    I have a problem, i am doing a fish-cycle, which i learned all about after my research and prematurely added fish... i am already beating my self up for possibly hurting my fish, but my ammonia is at .50 ppm Nitrate 0 ppm and .10 ppm nitrites... unfortunately i need to do a daily water change of about 25% and that keeps my lvls pretty consistant at that reading... even though im still cycling is those water changes screwing this up?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • My Beta is Sick Please Help!?

    I have had the same beta for a little over a year, and out of nowhere he became ill, His fins have gotten very tense and his fins arent long and flowy anymore, they are bunched up, also i noticed a white spot forming on his skin, which i know is some kind of fungus or bacteria, but what is the best way to treat him, he will NOT touch the medicated food i bought for him, he used to never be picky with food but is now. And he is not as lively as he used to be, what type of medicine is best?

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Can you train winter white hamsters to be potty trained?

    My dwarfs are about a year old... is it still possible to teach them how to be potty trained?

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Do Guinea Pigs Know How To Use a Wheel?

    Do guinea pigs use wheels? but the real question i want to ask is.... Can a guinea pig figure out how to use one of those flying saucer wheels?

    5 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • My Gerbils Wont Drink From Water Bottle?

    I have 2 Sister gerbils, and they have 2 water bottles... one is new, one they had forever... the one they use is the worst kind..and i want them to use a better one, but i added the OVO water bottle and they just DONT USE IT, it looks like it would be easier for them but they just cant figure it out... they obviously know it has water because you see a drip on it but they just dont drink it, why is that???

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Zombie Movie Guns Question?

    Why is it that in zombie movies, especially the older ones... they have a whole bunch of guns and ammo, but they only take 1 gun and one set of bullets.... like seriously??? stock up dumbazzes

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Can my winter white hamster eat brown flax seeds?

    Does the color of flax seeds matter.. i know they can have flax seeds but is brown okay for them?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago