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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 8 years ago

What house is your Moon in and what's the description for it? Is it accurate for you?

I have Moon in Aquarius and in 12th House and just reading its description reduced me to tears because it is all soooo true!

"To have the moon sitting in your 12th house indicates that you are very private. You withdraw any expression of your feelings and needs. You probably resort to repetitive, routinely habits in order to escape and forget about your inner feelings, as you are likely afraid of them. Child-like needs and dependency frighten you. You are likely embarassed and feel guilty about your inner-child screaming for help.

However you can't hold all that in forever, so sometimes it all bursts out of you as infintile cries. After these bursts, you feel as though you have behaved out of order and so you kick yourself. You are like alice in wonderland drowning in her own emotions, and due to feeling as though it's all too much, you further repress any emotions as well as emotional-expression. What is your motto? Is it "Be tough; don't show any feelings"? One of your worst fears is expressing your true feelings, and then receiving rejection in return.

It is possible that you had a horrible emotional experience as a child in which one of your parents did not meet your emotional needs or standards, and this traumatised you so you resorted to being completely independent. They were possibly somewhat cold in raising you, and you noticed this. So you detatched yourself as quickly as possible and strived to be as independent as possible.

You have probably succeeded at this, and developed your abilities to interact with others without actually getting yourself fully, emotionally involved. You know what responses are required of you and you act them well. But all of this repression, acting and having barriers leaves you feeling empty and fed up at the end of the day. The moon represent sustenance, in astrology, you need that.

The 12th house has your moon completely hidden and lost amongst your unconscious mind. You are so afraid of your needs for nurturance that you resort to refining your skills as an independant adult and become a nurturer for others, the very thing you wish someone else would do for you. You may well have patterns of behaviour which you find gives you some security as you put up this massive mask of independance to the world.

As a master at replacing the care from others that you feel you did not receive, with repetitive self-nurturing rituals, particularly in regard to food, you sometimes become ill to finally receive the nurturance that you're looking for.

The 12th house moon implies that you don't feel like you had a child-hood. There are a range of possibilities of why this is. But whatever the situation was, you were led to believe you weren't allowed to have feelings. You probably felt that the pain of being dependant was unbearable, because your needs weren't met, so you decided to never be dependant again.

One 12th house moon manifestation is that you may find yourself moving around a lot, not quite settling down anywhere, as you have sacrificed your roots (moon) for universal-development (12th house). You are truly a wanderer.

It is time you confronted and fully accepted your internal self. You can do this yourself by making the universe your mother, loving freely, indulging in emotional-bondage with others without fear of rejection. Feeling-oriented therapy, re-birthing, self-psychology, primal therapy, and past-lives therapy may help alot and further advance you towards these goals."

What about you?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    aww I know that Moon in the 12th is one of the hardest placements but I am sure we can overcome all our bad placements & make the best out of it,give it some time to understand this placement & your emotional needs.

    I have Capricorn Moon in the 2nd house,I agree with almost everything that is said about it,it makes me reserved,controlled,detached,then dark emotions/thoughts at times,even depression but I feel like this is something I must overcome & I am really working on it,it's definitely getting better with age (Cap/Saturn~time) and my Sag rising is def. helping with that lol,then the good things,it makes me ambitious & independent,loyal and supportive person,cautious and careful which can be good sometimes I guess

    Source(s): Cap. Moon (2nd house) Moon conjunct Saturn Moon trine Mars
  • The 12th house has your moon completely hidden and lost amongst your unconscious mind. You are so afraid of your needs for nurturance that you resort to refining your skills as an independant adult and become a nurturer for others, the very thing you wish someone else would do for you. You may well have patterns of behaviour which you find gives you some security as you put up this massive mask of independance to the world.

    That's eerily accurate...Aqua 12th (Not so much having someone nurture...But having them accurately depict/analyze myself)...That's funny because I call myself a "Wanderer"...It's kind of a problem like longing...Some site said my name meant lonely spirit.

  • 8 years ago

    I also have Moon and Venus in the 12th house in Taurus .

    I read your description and it somehow suits me , but not completely.

    Yes, from early childhood I have seeked out independence and I always thought that I must not depend on others, but only on myself and I can say that this thought served me quite well. No, I am not afraid to show my true feelings, but I am indeed afraid to show them to the wrong persons, so I am quite reserved and cautious until I trust that person. But otherwise, no , I didn't have horrible experiences in childhood, i don't have a cold-hearted mother or anything like that.

    Honestly, I have always found the descriptions for the 12th house quite depressing... so I don't take them into account. Everywhere is written about jails, hospitals, depression, mental health, absence of love, loneliness... blah...

    I think it means that our sensitivity is a bit hidden from others, but with great resources. ;)

  • 8 years ago

    I have Gemini Moon in the 11th. Moon in the 11th house acts pretty much like Moon in Aquarius and the descriptions about it are very accurate for me. I always treat my friends as a family in a brother-sister manner. Right now, I live with 4 of them in one house and everything is great. Even with the challenges.

    It is also true that I always intellectualize and analyze my feelings. It's not likely to be a good pair with a Water Moon placement and I really don't appreciate any sign of jealousy, envy and possessiveness. Experiments are always welcome, especially in all sorts of relationships. I don't think I fit in the traditional monogamous picture about family and relationships, so I've chosen to be a polyamory activist. Of course, I'm a member of other organizations about human and animal rights like gender equality and animal protection.

    Friendship, freedom and independence are indeed very important needs to me. Talking is the second close thing I'd do the most and I always have my cell phone with me, but that's also because my Mercury is in the 3rd house. To my friends, I always appear to be a chatterbox and they're probably right, lol. But I like communication and there's no denying it. I'm very playful too.

    On the downside, I can be rather unpredictable and sometimes erratic towards my moods and conditions. I don't know how I feel most of the time, maybe because I think and analyze too much. And because of my playful nature, I can really shock you with some tricks of mine for the sake of fun. Also, I tend to giggle or grin during sad movies especially when everybody else cries. That's a really old habit of mine which I have to remove and I have to admit: I'm not a guy who welcomes deep emotions.

    The good news is I'm less restless now.

    Well, I've explained pretty much my always-on-the-chase-for-knowledge Moon sign.

    Source(s): 11H Gemini Moon
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    12th house Leo Moon.

    It's kind of funny to consider that no matter how much my mom loved me-or how wonderful my parents tried to make things-I was born with a perception that would not ever experience anything other than what my 12th house Moon allowed me to feel or to see.

    This is the beauty of astrology-It takes time to comprehend fully, and some getting used to. It's no ones "fault," how we feel, it's all coming from within US.

    it's not a prediction of the type of family we'll have, but what we bring in to this life with us from our charts- and up to us to discover and accept about ourselves.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I have an Aquarius Moon as well but in the 3H

    “Listen to how I feel!” is the constant refrain of Moon in the 3rd House, not as a demand but as a plea, an entreaty to recognize and communicate the feeling nature, in both directions. The 3rd House Moon needs to express emotion; the 3rd House Moon also needs to exchange feelings with others. It’s as much about knowing how others feel as it is about putting the 3rd House Moon’s feelings out into the world.

    Even with my Moon in Aquarius, I'm very emotional. I like heart-to-heart conversation.

    Source(s): Leo Sun, Aqua Moon
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Taurus Moon in 10th house.

    A person with a tenth house Taurus is inclined towards his artistic abilities. Such a person is leaned towards his artistic abilities in whichever career he chooses. Art, theater and music play an important role in a person’s life with a tenth house Taurus. These qualities can be clearly noted in such a person’s social life and public image. A person with a tenth house Taurus should capitalize on his personality. He should find some way to sell his attractiveness, happiness and the comforts that help in this direction. Such a person is eventually recognized as a beauty or a beautifier.

    A person with a tenth house Taurus is usually driven towards money. This drive originates from his ambition to live up to his standards when it comes to social status. Such a person also has a strong drive for personal prominence. A person with a tenth house Taurus knows how to present himself in front of the public. Hence, such a person might not be able to do something in the best possible manner. But, his work will still be recognized because of it’s presentation. Such people are possessive when it comes to authority. A person with a tenth house Taurus resents control. He does not want to be over-powered by anyone.

    A tenth house Taurus does not allow a person to delegate any sort of authority. This is because such a person wants to prove that he can do everything by himself. As mentioned earlier, Venus, as ruler of Taurus, often inspires artistic leanings in the chosen career. Art, music and theater are good options. Such a person is interested in matters that bring pleasure to the public or anything that brings beauty to people. Beauty does not necessarily mean the physical appearance of a person. Such a person can even work to enhance someone's inner beauty.

    A person with a tenth house Taurus prefers to choose a secure and a safe career. Such a person also looks forward to a career which has high prospects of making wealth. Such a person is skilled with earth moving, building, shaping kinds of life work -- sculpture, landscaping, gardening, architecture, real estate, antiques and farming. All these careers are the best choices for a person with tenth house. Taurus are secure and have high prospects of wealth once they excel.

    Being ruled by Venus, a person with tenth house Taurus likes to create beauty. Such a person shines in visual arts, decorating, home renovation, performance arts, music and crafts. He is also able to see various business opportunities. Such a person makes the most out of them. Hence, a person with a tenth house Taurus can also be a good investor or a financial player.

    Source(s): It's accurate. I study Advertising because I want to give beauty to the public and manipulate their minds at the same time. And I'm not going to lie - 90% of my life revolves around creating things or working in order to get more money. I don't want anyone else money though, I'm not a gold digger but I just want more money that I've worked for myself. I like to travel to beautiful places and see beautiful things there as well.
  • 8 years ago

    Seriously who da'fuq launches a rocket at 6:28am!! >_< (I live near Vandenberg AFB)

    Yeah 11th house Gemini Moon - Acting like a Gemini makes you feel emotionally secure (Moon in where we find our emotional security/safety. It also indicates are automatic emotional reactions).

    You have a difficult time facing your emotions, and are more comfortable stuffing them with logic and rational. Unfortunately, you easily mislead yourself about what how you really feel about something, because you don't open up to your emotions.

    You are friendly to just about everyone (11th is the house of our friendships) in an emotionally-distant way. This might cause problems in intimate relationships if your partner wants more emotional meaning.

    As you mature and grow older, you will have an increasing ability to get in touch with your emotions. Until then, you are a bit divided between how you think you feel on the outside, and how you really feel on the inside.

    This is wut Been There say and it holds truth as far as myself

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have moon in Pisces in the 8th house. I also have sun and mercury in Cancer and in the 12th house. I wish I could change it all. Moon in the 8th house makes me be deep with my emotions which sucks because I'm too emotional, it makes me want to understand people all the time and I forget about myself, especially with the moon in Pisces.

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