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Is Islamic extremism taking over UK cities?

In this video a young woman returns to her town of Luton, where there are protestors chanting slogans such as 'Uk burn in hell' and 'British police burn in hell.'

Apparently a muslim woman had been arrested (sparking the protest.) The young woman says that she thinks it is a minority group and says that the Quran says muslims should respect the law of the land, but she is treated (imo) very rudely.

Is Islamic extremism infiltrating the UK as suggested by the video title?

Is multi-multiculturalism failing?

I am mixed race, and I love how everyone can mix nowadays, but I know many people hate it and would rather us all all separate and for people of my skin tone not live in the UK. What are your thoughts, and why?


7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live in the UK and I wouldn't say Islamic extremism is "taking over" our cities, but I do think it's a significant problem that's not really being addressed.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Its uncommon muslims do combination British human beings are predicted to understand learn and coach admire for everybodies custom yet their own , it fairly is erroneous , as a British guy or woman i think of the foreigners could learn the English language and coach admire for our custom , that's our united states of america we are the folk who've households who've fought in wars British human beings should not be taken care of like third type electorate and below asians , homes could be allotted to our very own human beings first no longer anybody does combination , it can be a better united states of america if all of us did

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well I think Islamic extremism has been festering

    for years now in UK towns and cities.

    Just today a soldier walking in a London street

    was murdered (decapitated) by murderers shouting

    Allah Akbar, God is great. If people equate Islam

    with Terrorism and Murder who can blame them?

    Ordinary members of this so called peace loving

    religion show that they condone the terror by not

    speaking out about it.

    As for Luton, with 10 shooting related crimes so far

    this year, the whole town is in fear of crime, not a

    pleasant place to live, though the shootings are

    supposedly drug related.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Europeans wanted multiculturalism, which is good as long as foreigners respect the native culture. Multiculturalism will be a demise of European civilizations. Centuries from now, people will look back at these events in disbelief of how Europeans made it happen.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My thought is that some EU countries screwed them self, and it could get really ugly.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yep its really a religion of peace and if Americans keep falling for their peace line we're next

  • Me
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    No. There are a few nutjobs, but they have little influence.

    Unlike in America, where Christian extremists hold public offices.

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