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Muslims, do you agree with British muslim author Ed Hussain and his comment on the Woolwich murder?

He tweeted "There is nothing "Allahu Akbar" about killing a British soldier in #Woolwich today. Barbaric. Allah bless the soldier, prayers for family."

Do you agree with this?

Why or why not?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, because the soldiers are not fighting against Islam, but rather terrorists who bomb civilians on a daily basis. Even if they were fighting Islam, it is not allowed to kill the unarmed and outside of direct battle. Remember, the Quran says "fight those who fight you" and "do not transgress limits for Allah loveth not the transgressors". In this case, the soldier was in his own country and not fighting anyone. Clearly a transgression too.

    The existence of "British Muslims" in the millions alone proves that Britain is not at war with Muslims. These soldiers fight to protect British Muslims too.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Lol. Islam is about preaching peace? Take it you haven't read some of the verses in the Qu'ran then..

    Or watched the news stories on mosques teaching hatred of western ways and living to young muslim men..

    I don't know, of any other religion, at this moment. or EVER. That has caused this much hate, murder, and pain. It's like we're all so concerned with tip-toeing around them all. Nobody just wants to say. Actually. No. It's bull****

  • 8 years ago

    I agree.

    Those inhuman people who killed the soldier, should be brought to justice. They are exactly why Islam is in a bad name. Things like THEM bring shame. They should NOT be violent and why say "God is great" after a death? Any death is sad, upsetting, so REAL Muslims would not even think about saying that! Those 2 killers are not real Muslims. Islam is about preaching peace not violence.

    R.I.P Lee Rigby, you were a true hero, and still WILL be.

    My condolences to his family, stay strong. <3

    -My opinions are not "Islamic" or from an "Islamic" point of view just in case. This is just what I believe ABOUT Islam.

    I'm not a practising Muslim.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    particular. perplexing to not innit? yet I do ask your self why Muslims are Muslims first...and British as after thought. can we could declare to be Christian British or Christian Pakistani? Is it purely greater information of desperately wanting to be distinctive and an excuse for non integration in the country that feeds, clothing, colleges and delivers for their many toddlers? Why are Muslims so enthusiastic approximately sharing their religious identity with people who're not involved? As for speaking the evident - does he deserve a medal? inspite of the undeniable fact that it does make a metamorphosis - warsi and Ahmed in many cases blame the British for the movements of Pakistani Muslims....all those naughty little women making grimy previous adult males gang rape them.

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  • 8 years ago

    there's someone with his head squarely on his shoulders .. we have nothing to defend ourselves from here, if a muslim attacks someone in the climate as it is now then he's on the offensive side and is therefore a religious hypocrite.. so yea i completely agree with that .. not for 'tweeting' it, i happen to think that it's inappropriate to send messages liike that over a medium like that .. but the message itself, yea, i agree

  • Doong
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes. Agree. Because british in britain is not warring the muslims in britain.

  • Me
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Muslims always say this cr*p. They never actually DO anything about it. The problem is getting worse yet their communities take no action.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    He did not say something new or strange ..

    God almighty commanded us not to hurt others 1400 ago ..

    if others attack us to kill us, God almighty gave us the green light ( only in this situation ) to fight back ..

    To protect ourselves ..

    Otherwise, God almighty prepared a special torment for those who kill people ..

    Whether they called themselves Muslims, or Non-Muslims ..

    Killing is One of the 7 deadly sins in Islam ..

    Source(s): Jesus & Muhammad teachings ..
  • Maka
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    thats just damage control. moslems do that all the time.

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