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Lv 5

Why do some Christians feel it necessary to declare or announce that they are?

I have seen where people announce or mention or declare that they are a Christian and/or God-fearing and I was just wondering why they do that? Am I supposed to be impressed? Are they trying to claim that they are special and perhaps better than non-Christians? Is it an ego-thing, or does their religion make them do that?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is complete ego. Also, people have different reasons. They want money. Forgiveness. They want a reason to back up their reason. If you are an idiot spouting nonsense, you can say God agrees. It also makes you extremely popular if you simply lie about seeing God in bread or a sock. You can sell it for millions of dollars. Back to money, and the churches. Churches take money and announce who they are. They want to brainwash people in other countries and seem superior.

    They can also be trying to confirm it themselves. If they sound and safe with the fact they are religious, they don't have to pull everyone aside on the street or stand from a building and yell "GUYS I BELIEVE IN GOD!!!!"

    They simply believe that. Somehow telling other people means they are telling themselves. I witness it everyday with my friend who has the Bichon and Maltese. She tells everyone she is Christian, but doesn't go to church or pray. She simply tells them and obsesses over the topic. I once heard her tell her parents how corrupt the Bible is, before telling me the *completely true, she says* stories.

  • dumb
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    For the same reasons atheists, political affiliations or anybody else declares some of their beliefs, which is often a shortcut from all the BS associatede with not using such a shortcut in the conversation. Why waste time when many assumptions are fully understood by the person taking a particular position on something in life. For example if you are applying for a job with the national democratic party it is more honest to come out and say you are a republican and will do everything in your power to dissolve the democratic political party than if you sneak around and say you a for Barack while actually targeting how to bring down the organizing for action network.

  • Calvin
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    When a woman gives birth to her baby, most every one is happy for her and the father of the baby.

    When a person becomes a Christian, that person has been born again. That person, if he or she has repented and has asked Jesus for forgiveness, that person has been born again, or to put it another way, has become a living child of God. That is not difficult to understand.

    That saved person will still sin while walking around in his human body. Peter wrote in I Peter 5:8 about the constant warfare between the flesh and the spirit of a believer. It happens.

  • 8 years ago

    It could be an ego thing like "I'm right because I believe it." but those people most likely have been taught to 'spread the word' from their churches. It's usually because they want to help you but it's your choice, like mine, to accept it or not. I am an Atheist, but religion can do some good for certain people other times not so much. They usually come off as annoying anyways.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No. It should give you an understanding for why they are saying what they are saying. If I were in the Law section and a police officer, I would provide the answer relevant to the best of my knowledge while indicating that I am a police officer so that the questioner understands that the answerer has experience with the topic.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i became answering a query took a splash too long to respond to it (the christian question person did no longer like atheists answering her question, how hypocritical suitable?) See christians experience that it incredibly is their duty to maintain easily everyone reason the inebriated human beings of their synthetic e book to existence talked approximately as the bible informed them to no longer decide others and do lots of of alternative crap. Seeing as somebody stumbled on opposite PSYCHOLOGY at an early state in existence, they re-worded this e book and made human beings think of "oh so i'm think to do what it says to no longer do". heavily the bible is a contradiction of a e book. If it became a real e book it would have one website that study in ambitious lettering "attempt to no longer be a cuuunt." i exploit to be a christian additionally, i became manically depressed nonetheless by way of fact i became attempting to be some thing that I knew deep down I wasn't, i finished believing and my existence grew to alter into much less annoying it grew to alter into greater useful I grew to alter into greater healthy. i'm proud to declare i'm an atheist yet as quickly as I run into one greater christian asssshole who thinks they are above us all and then say "in simple terms thinking approximately atheists evaluations" and that they get pissed over our evaluations, supply up being a hypocritical ignoramus fool who thinks they understand all whilst technology has shown that we are no longer from adam and eve, that evolution exists, that the super bang theory became possible and it did take place, supply up being a new child, by way of fact once you enhance up the priest won't manage you specific, and in all honesty you will finally end up like Michael Jackson lifeless at 50 nevertheless appearing like a new child.

  • 8 years ago

    Jesus said, whoever denies me before men, I will deny before my father (Matthew 10:33). But Jesus also says "They will come to Me saying Lord, Lord, didn't we (bla bla bla), in Your name?" and Jesus replies, "I never knew you!" (Matthew 7:22,23)

    If asked, Christians are to admit Jesus, humbly taking no credit for themselves. But to puff up their chest and egotistically use the Name of Jesus or God in vain is totally against Biblical beliefs.

    If not for Jesus saying that I cannot deny Him before men, I would never admit to being a Christian because I am ashamed of how some demonstrate His Name.

    Please do not judge the Bull by the crap that lays on the grass. But grab some A-1 sauce and taste and see that the Lord is good!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Firstly, we are proud to announce to the world who we are and secondly, we were not called by God to be undercover agents! Now if God is for us, who can be against us? If you can't beat us then why not join us? Carym

  • 8 years ago

    "The Bible tells those who teach the Kingdom message: You will save both yourself and those who listen to you." See: 1 Timothy 4:16 and Ezekiel 3:17

    "Preach the word, be at it urgently." 2 Timothy 4:2

    Source(s): The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
  • 8 years ago

    The book the sheeple follow requires them to announce their religious associations, and then whine or complain when people don't notice / care.

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