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Do you Support the Armed 2nd Amendment March on Washington D. C. July 4th 2013 by Adam Kokesh?

Give reason why you would, or would not support it.*...

5 Answers

  • chris
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    So that folks understand, Mr. Kokesh's plan is to have an "armed" or "open carry" march into Washington D.C.

    Yes I support it. The constitution guarantees the right of the people to freely assemble, free speech and the right to bare arms.

  • 8 years ago

    Absolutely not! If it wasn't Adam Kokesh, I would have thought this idea was dreamed up by the gun-grabbers as a method of discrediting supporters of the Second Amendment.

    A thousand armed civilians marching on the nation's capital? It would take the media exactly no time at all to paint the marchers (and, by extension, every owner) as delusional dangers to society, threatening the peace and population of the nation's capital.

    And when they do come up against the Metropolitan Police, then what? Kokesh says it will be peaceful and that those arrested should submit without resisting. But he doesn't seem to be telling his would-be followers that it's quite possible that they would be charged with criminal acts that could strip them of their right to own a gun forever.

    Adam Kokesh is an egotistical, self-serving idiot who actually managed to screw up an honorable discharge from the military by violating a weapon regulation. He obviously hasn't thought his grand scheme out or considered any of the potential repercussions. Does he really think the Metropolitan Police or any of the federal security forces are just going to stand down and wave as they go by and march around the Capitol and the White House?

    Worst of all, I'll bet neither Kokesh nor anybody else associated with this idea have thought about what happens if one of the marchers just happens to be a serious nutcase who decides this would be a perfect opportunity to open fire on government officials? Say the President or a member of Congress? Want to see some really tough gun laws rushed into (and through) Congress?

    If Kokesh was really smart, he would organize a march, without the firearms, to thank the 45 members of the Senate for blocking the background check legislation. I'll bet he could get a lot of support for that.

  • Harry
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I know I'll get thumbs downed for this but I don't. I think this idea is too radical to work. It doesn't take much google research to learn that Kokesh and every person he is with will break several DC laws by parading in without a permit and openly carrying firearms. I hope that this will be coordinated with the law to ensure the legal safety of the protestors, but I've been looking into this rally.

    So far, Adams plan seems to be to march into DC knowingly breaking laws and if they are met with law enforcement, then they will peacefully turn back around. And if arrested, Adam plans to take matters to the Supreme Court. Banking on the Supreme Court to hear the case anytime soon is a bad idea. James Yeager can be a bit of a nut too but made a valid point about this. Thousands of cases are presented to the Supreme Court evey year and hundreds are taken. Don't bank on it being Adams. DC should allow such a protest to take place because of our 1st Amendment rights but Adam needs to coordinate the event with DC law enforcement beforehand. As of now, he's basically planning to get a massive group of protestors arrested for breaking the law on public display.

    And even if it was legal, I still don't support. Rallying for our gun rights is a good thing but marching with armed rifles in a massive group is too aggressive. Laws that Adam is fighting are created and controlled by politics. We have the NRA and Constitution on our side. The liberals have fear and the media on there's. All this march will do is give the liberal media more fuel. The liberal media has successfully made some mothers scared out of their sense when they just see an AR15 on the news. Now 2nd Amendment advocates will be seen as a crazy ban of rebels armed to the teeth with assault rifles. Scaring the left and intimidating them will not help us. It'll only make us look crazy and dangerous. We know that this protest isn't a crazy rebellion. I know it too. I also know an assault rifle isn't a standard civilian legal AR15. It's a matter of what the public eye will see after its distorted by the liberal media.

    This march is too aggressive and will hurt the fight we are waging on Capitol Hill by giving the liberal media something else to portray as evil and needing to be banned. The AWB failed in Congress. The fight is not over but the wind is in our favor. Now is the time to continue supporting the NRA, write letters to our representatives, and most importantly, publicize FACTUAL information that supports our 2nd Amendment rights. This is the information the liberal media works so hard to ignore and overshadow with every act of gun-related violence they can find.

  • 8 years ago

    How about a real world example.

    People in California were having events like that where they would converge on a Starbuck's or other business while all exercising their right to open carry a handgun.

    California then banned open carry of handguns.

    People then converged in public places and demonstrated that the open carry of long guns was still legal.

    The California legislature responded by baning open carry of long guns.

    So what was gained?

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i support it, but can't be there. i'll be blowing up stuff in california desert.

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