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Asking the Jewish people, Moses often pleaded for the Jewish people when they erred in the wilderness?

and turned the wrath of G-d from them. Today since Moses has passed over the Jordan into the promised land, whom do they now depend on to intercede for them?


Russ in Nova, was referring to the spiritual promised land as we are all pilgrims passing through, until Christ comes again. Moses did stand in the breach for the Israelites while crossing the wilderness, when they disobeyed. Since the Jewish people do believe in the resurrection, was just wondering. shalom

Update 2:

patrick no I dont believe Mary being an intercessor, or the pope or any saint for that matter, I only believe that Christ is our intercessor or our High priest as Aaron once was. So was wondering since Joshua was a warrior, and did cross with the israelites into the land of Israel , given to them by God, and since they no longer offer an unblemished lamb for atonement of their sins. as Aaron once did, just wondering if they believe like us that Christ offered Himself to become the Lamb of God therefore fulfilling the Word of God "I will make a new covenant with my people, I will write my laws on their hearts and foreheads and I will be their God and they shall be my people. G-d bless

Update 3:

excuse me mama pajamas, but I do not believe in the replacement theology. that the church has replaced Israel, I do believe that when the chief scribes and pharisees rejected Christ, which was foretold, Isaiah chapter 53, that He then turned to the gentiles as Christ said I have other sheep which are not of this fold (Israel) whom I must also bring. there us gentiles, who believe that Christ is the Messiah, sent by G-d to make the Lord G-d of Israel known to us. so the rejection of Christ by the pharisees, means salvation for us as prophesied once again. So therefore we are grafted into the Olive Tree, as some of the natural branches were broken off because of unbelieve, but we are not to boast over the natural branches, as the Lord is able to graft those who were broken off because of unbelief back in. So that Jew and gentile will give praise and glory to the Lord God of Israel. shalom

Update 4:

and again,I believe you that God said "Am I man?" But Christ is the Word, made flesh, it doesnt say that Christ was man, He was sent by G-d to redeem mankind of their sinfull ways. With Adam's disobedience, came death with Christ's total obedience to the Word of G-d He redeemed us from our sinfull nature which we inherited when Adam and Eve fell from grace. Like the Israelites had to smear blood on the doorpost of their homes, for the angel of death to passover, so Christ with shedding His blood for us, has defeated death for us the last enemy to be destroyed. As their is no forgiveness of sin, without the shedding of blood.

Update 5:

Zvi, that will happen at the return of Christ our Redeemer, who now sits at the right hand of G-d making intercession for those who believe in Him, or pleads our case with G-d the Father, as we cannot come into the presence of G-d on our own as He is Holy.

11 Answers

  • Zvi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like many Christians, you quoted only part of that section of Jeremiah. Read on a few verses to where it says G-d will put his Torah in everyone's heart, everyone from the greatest to the least will know G-d, and no one will have to teach G-d to another.

    Jerimiah 31:33 (1917 JPS translation) and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the LORD'; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more. {S}

    Clearly that has not happened.

  • 8 years ago

    They didn't depend on Moses for intercession. Plenty of others interceded on their behalf before Moses came around. This does not mean that they require an intercessor between them and God. You must be talking about Xtianity and their intercessors: Mary the Mother of God,Jesus the Son of God,and all the little Saints who can beg God to please quit picking on you.

    Jews don't have a intercessor. I don't think they ever did.

  • 8 years ago

    They; at this present day, do not have an acceptable sacrifice unto the Lord. Jesus Christ is [the] lamb of God, for the price of sin for the whole world. This covered all of Israel as well. They are like the rest of the lost world, until God opens their eyes to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Personally I believe this will happen once the body of Christ is caught up, and the 2 witnesses come on the scene, along with the 144000 from the 12 tribes of Israel, except Dan, are sealed.

  • 8 years ago

    An intecessor is not and never was required in Judaism. We pray to and receive forgiveness directly from God Himself.

    Moses filled the role of leader just as THE messiah will do when we finally achieve our goal of universal peace on earth. The word messiah simply means "anointed," as in an anointed king/leader. There's nothing supernatural about the end of days in Judaism -- the world "as we know it" will end and we will live together in universal peace in the perfection of the Garden of Eden.


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  • 8 years ago

    Moses never crossed the Jordan river and entered the promise land. Joshua, son of Nun led them into the promise land. You should actually read the text in the bible before trying to ask such questions.

  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    answer: We don't and we didn't. Moses was being a leader, he wasn't being an intermediary BETWEEN us and Gd. No one does that and NO ONE can take on the sins of another. Gd told Moses that.


    You really need to study the Tanakh without your preconceived ideas and closed mind.

  • 8 years ago

    You and the Christians who have come here to speak for Jews with insulting misinformation are a perfect illustration of the differences between your replacement theology in your religion and the Torah and Judaism.

    You are completely cluess about the very core of the eternal covenant from Abraham, to Moses and about Judaism by the question and the misrepresentations you've given here. I respectfully suggest that you'll discover why if you read the Torah without using your New Testament to redefine it for you.

    This will present a challenge if you believe your Bible inerrant.

    The Christian dogma requires of its adherents, beliefs that God commanded Israel would separate them from God. Your religion remains antithetical to the Torah and impotent to negate God's word on the matter for Yisrael.

    Obviously you ignored or choose to believe God lied when He told ALL Israel, God does not become a man, and you choose to believe that God lied to Moses when he refused Moses offer to take on the sins of Israel, and God said no man can do this, that every person is directly accountable for their own sins. Ezekiel the prophet echoed this from God and Isaiah and Ezekiel condemend the very notion of any human being a god.

    Christian dogma completely changed the nature of God and God's prophetic vision of a Davidic ruler (Messiah). The Davidic messiah will be from the line of Solomon ( an not of those wicked non Jewish kings whose lineages were cut off from the royal line, Shelatiel and Jeconiah both in Jesus lineages according to the two different geneaologies) and the Davidic messiah ( anointed ruler) will be a humble ruler whose just and compassionate rule will break the yolk of political and religious persecution first for Jews and then for all the world, will lead the world into universal knowledge of God and universal brotherhood, recognizing the Torah precept that all humans are equal before God and equally capable of blessing and atonement, and the kingdom of God on earth will be when all humans recognize one another as children of the one creator and treat one another with honesty, justice and mercy.

    Obviously the beginning of the religion that morphed God's promise of a just king with a specific job, into a wandering teacher who wasn't a ruler of any kind, but a demigod ( physical offspring of God impregnating a human) as a sacrifice for sin ( and a sinful nature, antithetical to Torah as well), and created a religion that believes all but its adherents deserve eternal torture in a firey underworld ruled by a demon deity..didn't see any of God's promises transpire..but instead of peace, brought exile to the Jews, persecution, pogrom, inquistion and we've had chaos and war and strife and its clear from the answers here that brotherhood and univesal knowledge of God is far from a reality.

    Calling Jesus a Paschal lamb is actually calling him a false god of Egypt if you go by what the book of Exodus reveals the Paschal lamb to be. The Paschal lamb was the killing and eating of the sheep or goat was an act of defiance to the egyptians and an act of allegiance to God. Placing the blood, the "life force" of the representation of the false gods of Egypt was a powerful act of emancipation to do in front of the Pharaoh and Egyptians who were powerless to do a thing about it. Read from Chapter 8 onward in Exodus and you'll get it. It was not a sin sacrifice, and no Paschal lamb EVER sacrificed by any Jew anywhere in the world was ever a sin sacrifice in violation of God's commandment regarding Passover in the Torah. Jews sacrificed the paschal lambs as a rememberance of their deliverance from idolatry, superstition and physical enslavement..and as allegiance to the incorporeal Creator who is ONE.

    Moses did not take on the sins of Israel..God refused the offer explicitly, and the primary reason why Jews could never accept the replacement theology of the Christian Bible is that it negates the very affirmation of faith made a Sinai. To accept their covenant one would have to believe God lied to all Israel. Jews still daily affirm our commitment to the covenant between a Creator who told us He does not become a man. Jews won't leave God and our purpose as a people to worship a sacrificed demigod and consider his death atonement for a sinful nature and all past present and future sins.

    Source(s): < Scriptural reasons why your replacement theology is not appealing to those who follow the Tanakh.
  • Tiger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I am unsure if they truly believe in anyone. Lately I have studied Stephen`s sermon which ends like this. Acts 7 (AMP)

    51 You stubborn and stiff-necked people, still heathen and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are always actively resisting the Holy Spirit. As your forefathers [were], so you [are and so you do]!

    52 Which of the prophets did your forefathers not persecute? And they slew those who proclaimed beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, Whom you now have betrayed and murdered—

    53 You who received the Law as it was ordained and set in order and delivered by angels, and [yet] you did not obey it!

    That times Judaism, as it still is, was totally made into a heresy from what it was meant to be. God wanted a people that could present Him to the nations. Instead they became a proud people with 613 mitzvot ("commandments") laid on the people as a burden. They have become inward instead of outward. Instead of understanding the Torah and the prophets preaching grace by faith in Him, they still think because they are Abrahams children they are secured.

    Their time will come during the Tribulation. God`s promises are not lies, and they will get their awakining and salvation. Then the Kingdom will come.


  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We do not need anyone to intercede for us. We never did and we never will. When you get your information about Judaism from a xian text, it is bound to be erroneous.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sy, only one of 12 tribes was Juda. Silly question. There's no answer for that. No one prays to Mo.

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