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Is justice in the U.K biased in favour of the poor victimised Muslims?

I am puzzled,a brave Muslim soldier of Allah punches a white woman in the face at an E.D.L rally and is not arrested for G.B.H yet an 85 year old lady who outraged at the brutal execution of the innocent soldier going about his business,who then shouted at Muslims outside a mosque,to go home, is arrested by Muslim plod who where in a van and waiting to go to Friday prayers and took away in handcuffs.

Are Muslims getting favoured due to their endless claims of victim hood or are they frightened of an 85 year old woman who reacts to a totally alien religion and culture in an understandable way while Muslim "men" think it acceptable to beat a woman yet ignore the men,why are Muslims always being pandered to by politians,the police,the main stream media and the liberal multicultural half wits.I will be interested to read opinions.


Stan.I am a realist not a bigot or racist.Muslims need to assimilate and keep their hands and other things to themselves,am I the only one sick and tired of Islamic hate preachers,Jihad merchants and ungrateful and ungracious Muslim colonists.

Update 2:

Angelina and Tiger Lily,I would be delighted to see the Ladies battering some Muslim bully boys,good for you.

Update 3:

Gent,nice one but I feel Islamonausea fits the bill more,the Muslim Brotherhood are not the only ones as you say who can make up words to suit their agenda.

Update 4:

Strawberry,I saw the photograph,the Muslim thug hit the woman in front of the police so no one could get him,a picture says a thousand words.

Update 5:

Richard,Chucky,Jack,W.S.P et al,can you imagine a westerner doing this in a Muslim country,there are too many of these religious,devious professional victims who are taking advantage of this politically correct,liberal blinkered quasi-intellectual,media ignoring and self deluding society and its happening in all western countries.

Update 6:

Hal,I know now why your confused,we all are,check out the Jihad Watch site for today and subscribe,you will get your eyes opened at the levels of Muslim double dealing,dirty tricks,lying and deceiving in western countries on a global scale and how high in the power scale it goes,Obama is a prime example,he cares more for the Arab Spring Muslims than the Christians they beat,murder and oppress as do all western politians,makes you wonder.

Update 7:

Billy and Collie,spot on,it seems the authorities are pandering too much to these people and it is time they were dealt with whenever they whinge,riot or threaten because they think their religion is gold plated,no religion is,any moron can claim to be in touch with a previously pagan god whose daughters can be written out of history to suit a man made ideology that has more to do with warmongering,social control and the oppression of women,any fool can see this.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Punched a woman in the face? He would have met his match if he had punched me I can assure you! I am sick of this pandering all the time to one section of society. It is getting beyond the joke now and I am beginning to wonder if there is an ulterior motive behind all this.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Asked many times ;Why do blacks/asians get away with being racist to whites and if we do commit a breach of the peace by shouting swearing it is a £150 fine but if asian/blacks say we mentioned something about colour it is a 3-6 month jail sentence on there say so obviously they have plenty of witness's ........i'm not in any way excusing drunken behaviour in take away shops but it is true and realistically they can give as good as they get when it comes to name calling.Which is leading to false convictions.

    Me and friend stopped 4 steroid pumped asians battering hell out of a drunken idiot in the middle of the day as he was being racist to them fair enough,

    No he was quite a big guy out his head with drunk barely walk but three steroid guys hold him on ground while the others kicked the shlt out of him ,we inter veined and were promptly arrested we know the asians well and they had us released (as they no what would happen for false allegations against us ) but if they decided to play the race card we would have been directly remanded in prison then jailed on there word .

    This is a double standard that is out of control ,(i know they were full of steroids ,i do know them well).

    sadly the locals were all oohhing and ahhing and saying how terrible it was like in woolwich we acted and were blamed ,no recourse as we told them clearly we can turn the tables very quickly so dropped any claim of charges but i see in england the sheer numbers are making this difficult to control.

    Source(s): i do not condone this behaviour but it is a fact that they don't lie and are accepted of telling the truth while manipulating our system ,Why do they have the benefit of doubt
  • 8 years ago

    Without a doubt you only have to read some of the leftist rubbish on here in there deluded world the poor soldier was a result of our foreign policy not the fact that there is a political islam that wants to change this nation into a sharia state. The left liberal mentality has damaged and weakened this country its brainwashing our kids to loathe our history and accept the EU and branded any opposition as racist we need to shake up the establishment educate our own kids for a start and make it clear don't like our country and heritage then put up or get out!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    this is the united kingdom (not united for much longer now that us scots are getting sick of the torres) where the minority gets treated better than the born and bred brits.

    i find it hilarious that muslims can build mosques here, attack innocent people, protest whenever they want, open sharia courts, follow there own rules not ours, burn poppies, spit on our soldiers, KILL our soldiers, force hundreds of thousands of jews out of muslim dominant countries, yet we complain about any of these points and we're racist?

    heres something for you to think about, lets say 2 christians murdered a muslim in a muslim country (lybia, turkey, egypt, tunisia ect) and said its because of sharia law and that they should live by western laws. what do you think would happen? would they have a 2 minute silence and put down flowers for the innocent man slaughtered in the street? NO their would be riots and protests in every country that has a muslim population, the 2 people who murdered the muslim would be lynched in the street, churches would be burnt to the ground, innocent people going to church on sunday would be attacked, every christian in these arab league countries would be forced out by the government.

    so tell me who the real racists are...

    Source(s): not bnp, edl or any other extremest group member just a born and bred brit.
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  • 8 years ago

    How do you know he hasn't been arrested? I have googled it and the all the video's I have seen cut immediately after the punch is thrown. It doesn't say which event it was at nor how many arrests were made.

    If he hasn't been arrested he should be!

    But unless you can provide any evidence that this man hasn't been arrested, or the police aren't looking for him I have to conclude that you have been taken in by video that is designed to whip up racial tensions and act as a recruiting method for radical white extremist groups.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Of course it is.

    Where do I go to commemorate the dead,and traumatised muslim victims of terrorism in England ?

    Name calling IS lethal isn't it ?

    More cameras needed to watch evil White Beasts,none to watch the oh so innocent ,hard done by,Westophobic immigrant " community ".

    Does the " K ",in UK,stand for "Kalliphate " ?

    Not Yet ?

    @ 8,,,,,What IS the " H ",word ?

    Sorry I'm just a knuckle dragger,so I don't know.

    Source(s): Westophobic,,,we can invent words too !
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Thanks for getting my blood pressure up so early! Im with Angelina in this one, if one of them attempted to punch me he would be going home in instalments. I would go ballistic. How are they so brave by punching women and cuffing an 85 year old, doesn't that go to show even the police among them think the same as the mental ones? I hope this is highlighted and those officers are arrested for ABH and racially aggravated assault.

  • 8 years ago

    I am genuinely suprised that woman beater didn't get set on. Or maybe he did? I don't know the story but I can't imagine the EDL standing for that.

  • Billy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    @stanpomray......Is it any wonder that they, (muslims) are reviled in this country? Most of them are here illegally, they wont integrate, all they want to do is recreate their country of ethnicity in whichever country they have infested, what with islam 4uk ,sharia4uk, and all the other heathen crap what do you expect?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    yes It's an absolute omission of equality under the law. the socialists reintroduced child slavery on the back of their dogma, where was the law, where was social justice? one thing is true you have no rights in our multicultural hell if you don't fight for them..

    'left by fellow knuckle dragging "politically spastic and proud of it" brigade members', you've got a ******* cheek haven't you, arrogant hypocrite.. happens a lot..

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