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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why have a congress at all when they are not doing their jobs thanks to tea party extremists who?

refuse to compromise?

It's their way or the highway. They behave like the spoiled brats they were raised as.


Capitol Hill least productive Congress ever: 112th fought ‘about everything’

Everyone thought it was true, and now there is official confirmation: The 112th Congress, which came to a close last week, was the least productive on record.

Together, the House and Senate enacted the fewest laws, considered the fewest bills and held the lowest number of formal negotiations between them — all measures that helped Congress to a historic low in The Washington Times’ Legislative Futility Index, which tracks floor activity in both chambers.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why have a congress at all?

    Good Question

    you're gonna love my answer.

    It's that pesky little thing called THE CONSTITUTION


    TEA Party Extremeist.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm sorry. It is not Congress' job to negotiate with the Democrats, but to represent the people who elected them to office. And I thank them for it.

    We don't need more laws. Lord knows we have too many as it is! And negotiations? Let me ask you, if a guy has a knife at your heart, do you 'negotiate' the speed that he pushes it in or do you stop him from killing you? You see? Some things, like freedom, are non-negotiable. What don't you tards understand about this basic fact?

    When the Left in Washington stops pushing its fascist ideology, maybe we can talk. Sound fair?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Just a history lesson, but John Quincy Adams Jr. faced a congress that wouldn't work with him at all. There is a good chance they were worse than this one, but we don't have records of everything they debated to my knowledge.

    But yes, this isn't the most productive time in history.

  • jl
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    the republican party since nixon has been a coalition party of right wing extremists, religious nutjobs, racists, and simpletons. This is their achilles heel. If they try and break from any of those notions, they risk splitting their party. The classic example is the 92' election of clinton. GHB was actually reasonably intelligent and dedictated and wouldn't cut a deal with ross perot and his reformists. As a result the repubs split their vote and gave cllinton the presidency. Ever since then the repubs will do nothing to quiet the extremists of their party for fear of a splinter group: most recently the "tea party" bunch of idiots. they would of actually tried to run independently and completely crippled the republicans rather than compromise.

    As a result the republicans are a mish mosh of ridiculousness; from the well meaning fiscal conservatives right down to the birthers and white racists. The repubs are not willing to clean their own house, so they lose the most crucial votes on the table: the moderates. the so-called "reagan democrats" in he 1980's.

    Whats' worse is today's public is much better in tune with the world than it ever was in the 1980's. where-as in the 1980's you had 3 news networks, today you have the internet where everybody and his brother is watching everything. shoot I wonder how many people are actually reading this post. I couldn't even come close to imagining being able to publically broadcast my oppinion in the 1980's.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because hopefully someday Americans will wise up and elect decent representatives.

  • 8 years ago

    The Tea Party are economic terrorists doing all the dirty work for the Koch Brothers.

  • 8 years ago

    we have no one to blame but ourselves.

    the tea party representatives in congress are a reflection of their electorate.

  • 8 years ago

    by "obstruction" I assume you mean forcing Democrats to talk jobs, spending and the economy when they were trying to push gay marriage, gun control and pandering to Latinos...


  • 8 years ago

    No, we have an administration not doing their jobs. LOL! Talk about utter shear incompetence. LOL!

  • When government does nothing wrong then people are winning.

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