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Mucus stuck in my throat, what do I do?!?

For the past few years I have been dealing with a quite frequent uncomfortable feeling of mucus in the back of my throat. My nose is never stopped up, and coughing doesn't help. Its as if my throat is being squeezed and getting a bunch of mucus stuck. Whatever I do, I can never get it out. I just constantly have to hock and make weird noises with my throat, and then it feels like I get the mucus more up my throat, but never enough to spit it out.

This is driving me insane because I don't know what it is! I don't think I'm allergic to anything, but yet it gets triggered sometimes by drinking soda. That is only SOMETIMES though. I'm usually fine 75% of the time. Is it my tonsils? When I was a kid I had breathing problems and almost had to get my tonsils taken out, but ended up not.

I asked my doctor about it about a year ago but she just told me it was allergies to whatever was outside. I know that can't be right though because I know what those allergies feel like, and this is different. Plus this is a year round on and off thing.

Help me!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can relate to that feeling but not as frequently as you are reporting. And it is usually when i'm having a seasonal allergy. i don't react seasonally all the time but i do in high pollen years like this one. and that is the feeling, or how i would describe it. so maybe you are having an allergy but to something in your constant environment. possibly a food ingredient or even a shampoo or detergent you consistently use.i'm actually in this forum looking for answers to a potential allergy of my own but can't see an allergist until next week. but if your regular dr. is not giving you answers maybe its time to go to allergist too and an ear nose throat guy. when my son was having health issues and his regular dr didn't seem to give it much attention i took him to ears nose throat doc and we got our answers. so don't get discouraged just because your general dr. brushed it off. if its bothering you this frequently, go get some answers from a specialist. sounds very uncomfortable!!! if it's an allergy and you are not getting mucus up , it may not be mucus at all. i get that feeling because my throat or bronchial tubes are swollen. good luck!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Have you tried sodefed. Im not sure how to spell it but it sounds like this (sue-de-fed).

    Source(s): I took it when i was sick. I had muscus in my throat
  • 8 years ago

    drink lots of water. take a decongestant

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