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Gun Law in the USA . What do you think ?

I realise that the American constitution allows an American to bear arms. But this was written in the Constitution about 240 years ago, and it was felt necessary at the time, because the country then was mostly unsettled, and people lived in remote places., and the law hadn't reached these places, so people had to bear arms to protect themselves and their families.

However the usa is no longer a wilderness, but a very modern country now., so why is it still necessary for people to be in possession of weapons such as Assault rifles, and powerful handguns, Shotguns etc. I am in the Uk, and no one here own any weapons such as this. We have had the odd drive by shooting by gangs in the Big cities, but they are far and few between. It is a very rare thing to hear of a criminal carrying a weapon here. I have read of the school children who were killed by some maniac in your schools, but this could have been prevented surely by stricter gun control. Would you like to see the Law changed on this matter.


The British Police in the UK are not armed, but if there is a situation where the Police are confronted by an armed criminal, then the Tactical Response Unit is called in to deal with it. These firearms officers negotiate before any shots are fired, and I can count on my fingers how many times this has occurred in the last 5 years. Last year in the USA, 96,000 People were Killed by Firearms .

Update 2:

The British Police in the UK are not armed, but if there is a situation where the Police are confronted by an armed criminal, then the Tactical Response Unit is called in to deal with it. These firearms officers negotiate before any shots are fired, and I can count on my fingers how many times this has occurred in the last 5 years. Last year in the USA, 96,000 People were Killed by Firearms .

Update 3:

Why are you yanks being so rude with your answers. I did ask for your opinions on any Gun law, not to be told not to poke my nose into American affairs

Update 4:

Why are you yanks being so rude with your answers. I did ask for your opinions on any Gun law, not to be told not to poke my nose into American affairs

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    After the Boston Bombing the 2nd Amendment is just as justified as it ever has been. In Athens, TN 1946 a group of armed civilians stopped corrupt officials from rigging an election:

    The 2nd Amendment NEEDS to stay the way it is. No more, no less.

  • 8 years ago

    As long as their are bad guys with guns, there needs to be good guys with guns. I'm going to assume your pretty young because MANY people in your country owned guns up until the 90's when things went to hell over there. Also, there are still MANY UK Gun owners now! Just not handguns. If you actually research the issue the UK Violent crime rate is 4 times higher than the US. Sure it's not guns killing people, but people are still dying. All banning guns from law abiding citizens does is make them defenseless. There is never a time where it's ok to restrict and punish law abiding citizens for the crimes of criminals. You country's government believes that YOU are THEIR property and that they know whats better for you than you do! This has always been the case over there and THAT is why we went to war and America was formed. We believe in freedom. Your country does not. If gun control worked there, then why are their more armed police there now than at any time in the past, including when guns weren't banned? Think about that!

  • 8 years ago

    The second amendment had nothing to do with being armed in the wilderness. The second amendment was written to recognize a humans right to defend themselves from a tyrannical government. You need to read our founding fathers writings before trying to school us on the intent of the second amendment.

    In regard to the school shootings, the criminal had to violate a plethora of laws to commit those acts. What makes you think one more law would prevent them from doing so? Guns are banned in those areas and that act is why criminals are so successful. There is no resistance.

    "I am in the UK, and no one here own any weapons such as this." Actually there are a lot of illegal firearms in the UK. Look around on the internet and you will see several instances of guns being used in the UK. Look at my source below for some information on how a word game is being used to make gun bans in the UK appear successful against crime.

  • 8 years ago

    You haven't spent much time over here, have you?

    We still have a big country, and most of it's sparsely populated. As an example, if I were to have a robber break into my house, I'd have to leave, travel 15 minutes to get cell phone reception, call the police, wait at least a half hour for them to respond, and hope nothing would happen to my family in the interim. But I don't have to do that, because my better half has a 44.

    You also might try feeding (yourself to) the bears in Alaska if you think powerful firearms aren't very useful over here. Those of us in rural areas also very much still use our firearms for animal control, and there's simply no alternative. It's just different on our side of the pond.

    I'd also be careful about suppositions regarding prevention of tragedies. You're insular. We have huge borders that can't be guarded against smuggling, so even the strictest laws would simply generate another large black market.

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  • 8 years ago

    That the "country then was mostly unsettled, and people lived in remote places" had little if nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. The amendment is there for the purpose of defending the freedom of a country. Defending the very constitution that limits government. It limits government, not hand out rights and privileges to the people.

    “The second amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed. Where the government refuses to stand for re-election and silences those who protest ; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once." - Alex Kosinski (Federal appeals judge & immigrant from Eastern Europe)

    Samuel Adams: "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

  • 8 years ago

    The 2nd Amendment wasn't about shooting stray bears in the woods. It was about being able to shoot Redcoats when they marched to violate people's freedom. You forget that at the time, everyone was a British subject, and the Redcoats were the same as the Army today.

    The 2nd Amendment is to remind the President that he can't use the Army to make the US a dictatorship. Think about it. It doesn't matter who won the election. It doesn't matter what all the Senators and all the Congressmen say. It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says. If the Present orders the Army to put all the Congressmen and Judges in jail, who's going to stop him if nobody has any weapons but the Army? That's what the 2nd Amendment is for.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Are you also going to tell us Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of the Press are outdated concepts? Maybe we don't need these things either....

    As much as I like the UK (and I honestly do), you are aware that your violent crime rate is 3.5 times higher than the US?

    Both of our states of Vermont and New Hampshire have some of the least strict gun laws and both have lower per capita murder rates than the UK.... It is crime, poverty, and high population cities that cause these issues, not the guns.

    And no, stricter gun laws would not have prevented the Sandy Hook shooting you are referring to..... He killed his own mother to take her guns then shot his way into a locked school building..... no further law would prevent that if you are willing to do those things.

  • 8 years ago

    I for one am for restricting guns, not banning guns. I doubt I'd ever need a fully automatic assault rifle to defend my home from a burglar. Guns are necessary, however, and won't deny that the idea of banning all guns is violating our rights as Americans.

    Source(s): "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns."
  • lost 1
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The UK has a much more higher violent crime rate then America has. I'll keep my guns and take care of myself

  • 8 years ago

    I think it's time for foreigners to start minding their own damned business concerning the right to bear arms in the US. You don't see me going around annoying Brits about their choice to be weak and vulnerable do you?

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