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What is the difference between earthly peace and...?

the peace that passeth all understanding mentioned in the bible?

We hope for peace, long for peace, strive for peace as human beings. Yet, if achieved, it seems to disappear one way or another, though it might be called back or recreated at other times, in different ways and in different contexts. What does this earthly peace give to us?

And what is the peace that passeth understanding? Is it something we can know as part of the dream we are dreaming? Or is it incomprehensible here?

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Peace whether in this world or world after, is connected with mind. When we go in the sanctuary of God, we generally pray for peace both here and there (after life).

    Small happinesses can not give us ever sustaining peace. It only comes with the grace, kindness and mercy of supreme Lord God through a true Guru.

    When we follow the instruction of a true Guru and meditate on His mantra, a stage comes when we become worry-less tension free with continuous joy raining. In that stage we experience such a taste fun, that we didn't have before. This is called the nectar of God.

    Peace in this world, peace in the next world and peace forever, remembering Him in meditation. Chant forever the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

    The sins of past lives are erased, by joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; new life is infused into the dead. ||1||Pause||

    In power, youth and Maya, the Lord is forgotten; this is the greatest tragedy - so say the spiritual sages.

    Hope and desire to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises - this is the treasure of the most fortunate devotees. ||1||

    O Lord of Sanctuary, all-powerful, imperceptible and unfathomable - Your Name is the Purifier of sinners.

    The Inner-knower, the Lord and Master of Nanak is totally pervading and permeating everywhere; He is my Lord and Master. ||2||2||54|| {{{Guru Arjan Dev Ji Raag Dhanaasree 683}}}

  • 8 years ago

    Everything we experience as humans tells us something about peace, because we can always choose. What we receive is either consistent with peace or it isn't. It's about the easiest thing to discern. So we can always do and be in peace instead. We can just get better and better at understanding more deeply and more expansively, in order to preserve our peace, so it gets easier and easier to see what is peace and what isn't and deepen and expand peace in line with the deepening and expanding understanding. Then it does pass any and all understanding that might have been there before, and basically it's just because we won't let go of peace and to keep it we kind of have to understand better.

    So even when someone says "We all have to do what we don't want to. It's not about world peace you know." we can say "I don't have to do what I don't want to. And it can be about peace if I like."

    And they may come back with "You DO lack insight", but then we can just go into the back garden, while they come after us and persist that noone is allowed any peace, because someone somewhere thinks they have a better idea and superior decision making capacity to attempt to make that true for everyone.

    Peace that passeth all understanding. That's just peace in of and with self and and with everything else, and when the understanding is complete, it is in of and with everything including self, even if some don't know how that can be. Peace is kind of like around the centre of the pie, so the pie isn't kind of divided and broken up, and made to be that way. It's not that hard to get the general picture, or see that peace that passeth all understanding is possible. If get it the right way up, it goes peace that passeth all understanding ... -> .... earthly peace.

    Peace is kind of like the hub of the wheel on one of those fairground big wheels, and kind of transferred through all the struts to strengthen them, and to keep all the bits around the outside in one piece as well. So absolute centre is like God in the bible and peace is real close to that, and comes out to the earthly peace from there.

  • Tiger
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I believe the earthly peace gives us a feeling of being One as we are experiencing ourselves in physical bodies. I think Earthly peace and divine peace are the same but expressed in different realms. The peace that passeth all understanding means, that its not an object or a form to intellectualize. We cannot grasp it, or learn it. Its an inner sense of being with the one and at peace that goes beyond our mind. Mind separates and divides and places experience in content or as objects. Peace comes from the soul or spirit, an inner essence of who we all are. I really do believe that we can all know it while we are here. But, since the material world is made up of duality, one thing opposes the other. I think it would require many many of us to wake up first.

    Just my thoughts...

  • 8 years ago

    Spiritual Peace relies upon What Is, that perfect state of Being in which all things find accord in God while worldly peace required the alignment of all things in the corporeal world to be in harmony which happens only momentarily and then is gone. In this realm there is one constant called Change but in the Spiritual world there is only One, never changing, every new awareness of Peace itself, the solid rock upon which all things apparent appear.

    It is incomprehensible to the ego/mind level of experience but open to the Pure awareness of Being which lies in the silence behind the restless and turbulent ego/mind. That is the reason and purpose of meditation. "Be still, and Know,,," is how the Christian path declares It.

    In that Stillness is where that Peace which passeth all understanding is found. In the restlessness of the ego/mind is where the peace which does not last is found.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A true story can illustrate Godly peace. During WWII, a young Catholic priest was furious with the Nazi party. He preached against the Nazi's. He helped many Jews escape from Nazi Germany. In time, the Gestapo learned of his activities. He was thrown in a concentration camp. He was sentenced to death by firing squad. On the day of his execution, Dietrich Bonnhoeffer wrote a short entry in his diary. "This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice, and be glad in it." Then, he calmly left his cell to meet his death. THAT is the peace that passes ALL human understanding. He was dying for GOD-----and he KNEW it.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Well, earthly peace is peace on earth and the peace which passes understanding I take it is just that, in order to understand, peace 9of mind) is required. We have to stop the mind and only when the mind is stopped it can then assimilate, elaborate and understand.


    What is the difference between earthly peace and...?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    Earthly peace is a myth.

    The peace of knowing sins forgive and being sure of heaven gives a peace to the soul that does pass all understanding.

  • 8 years ago

    Earthly peace is like the coming and going of winter, summer and rainy seasons. As every thing is changing in the material world, happiness and sorrow and peace too do not last.

    But one who is self-realized within, content within, he is not disturbed by the ups and downs of the world around him. Such a soul is connected to the divine.

  • @ Zadok__007

    "Earthly peace is a myth."

    You keep telling yourself that and you'll make it happen. Who told you so? What justification do you have for that claim? History may seen to justify your stance, but the future is not completely determined by the past. We have some control over our destinies and the world. Perhaps more than you know according to chaos theory. It's this self-defeating attitude that makes it so. You have only yourself to blame if this is your premise.

    "The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad."

    ~~ Friedrich Neitzsche

  • 8 years ago

    Earthly peace is RIP.

    We will transcend that only when we evolve past jealousy and vengeance.

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