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Who or what influenced and inspired Abrahamic Faiths?

Zoroastrian? Sumerians? Egyptians? If answers could have links, that would be appreciated.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Ancient Sumerians believed in a being called 'Enki' that came down and gave humans secret knowledge. The God Enlil did not approve of this.

    In the Abrahamic Faiths we find that a being known as Satan had come down and given humans secret knowledge. According to the Sumerians; Enki was banished. According to Christianity and Islam etc it was Satan that was banished by God Yahweh. And according to Ancient Greece; it was the being Prometheus which too gave humans secret knowledge who was banished.

    The Abrahamic Faiths have followed the commandments: do not kill, do not steal, do not bare false witness, do not curse, do not commit adultery which they believe was first given to Moses after he rescued the Egyptians from Egypt and its Pharaoh. Although a research into Ancient Egypt will show that all these commandments and lifestyle was practiced by the Egyptians and it is found in the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead'.

    It was the Egyptians that believed in an eternal afterlife, but first it was the humans that once dying one (i.e. living their first life on earth) they would have to stand a trial in front of the Gods in the underworld and when their life was 'weighed' on a scale, if found not guilty they'd enter paradise/Heaven and dwell with the heavenly and be able to drink, eat all heavenly riches - like the Christians and Muslims that believe that the afterlife will consist of physical things.

    It is too the Christians and Muslims that believe that all will be 'raised up' in front of God on the Day of Judgement. The Egyptians too believed in a Day of Judgement where the sinners would be tormented in a lake of fire - this is what Jesus taught in the Gospels. An enemy in Egypt that was reported to have been rebuked by God was the Serpent-Sabeu Fiend. Ironic the enemy in Christianity for instance is known as the Serpent-Satan.

    Although don't believe in the Jesus myth- December 25th date for all the Gods as I don't find any truth to that theory.

    Source(s): Books where I got my information from: *The Penguin Classics Edition of the Book of the Dead *Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion by Ahmed Osman *Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection (D.M. Murdock) *David Icke: the Biggest Secret (although as a skeptic I don't believe in everything from it) Some youtube videos about the similarities with Monotheist with the Pagan religions:
  • 8 years ago

    Egyptians not so much. We don't really have evidence of the Exodus from Egypt even happening, meaning the majority of Hebrew population was never even there.

    They are influenced by Caanite and Mesopotamian cultures. The Sumerians are part of Mesopotamia. Cities and gods of these areas are mentioned in the Bible, and this is the area from which the Hebrews originated. Every culture is influenced by the surrounding culture. Every single one of them. (The Mesopotamian cultures shared TONS of stuff, for example)

    The Jews were freed from the Babylonian Captivity by the Persians, who were Zoroastrians. Jews and Zoroastrians saw a lot in common with one another. Many jews were discussing Zoroastrian ideas at the time of Jesus, but eventually rejected them, unlike Christianity. Zoroastrianism teaching things like fire in the afterlife for the wicked, a spiritual battle of good and evil, a final Judgement and an End Times. Basic sources on Zoroastrianism are going to discuss this.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Ancient Hebrew Religion

  • 8 years ago

    well i think sumerians were one of the first to actually consider a perfect god

    but the concepts of evil and heaven and hell and morals come from zoroastrianism

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  • 8 years ago


    (although the Jewish people may have picked up some practices from the Egyptians, during their slavery.)

  • 8 years ago

    GOD lmfao...

    The abrahamic faiths while having some similar characteristics to these ancient religions differ in technicality to those faiths. They actually differ on small, yet greater levels. They define themselves. While the gist of the story is similar if not the same, there are very technical aspects which make the abrahamic faiths different. It requires years of study to discern this, many scholars that have studied the word for 50+ years still don't find it.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Universe Might Finish
  • 8 years ago

    actually all true religions were came from the God. But later people alter them as we see the remain today.

  • IVOR
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    People with vivid imaginations !!

  • 8 years ago

    hallucinogens and goats

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