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Christians, atheists, and my fellow 'Muricans. Do Muslims _really_ deserve such a bad rap?

Preacher sais 'no'.

But what do _you_ say?

13 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The violence goes right back to a dispute over who had spiritual authority over the Muslim community after the death of the prophet Muhammad in what is called the “fitna” which translates as temptation or trial and caused all the discord within Muslim community.

    Shi’ite Muslims believe that authority was vested in his family; the Sunnis look to the sayings and actions of Muhammad as well as the Koran.

    The extreme sectarian violence has been brought about by Al-Qaeda Which while being exclusively Sunni deliberately set Shi’ites and Sunnis to kill each other in Iraq. Sadly more Muslims die by Muslim hands each month than were killed by the invading forces in the war!

    Hamas also kills far more Muslims than the Israelis ever have!

    An average of over thirty five Muslims a week were being killed by Muslims but in the last few years it has frequently been over a hundred a week!

    Whether it is a Danish Cartoon, book of fiction , a snippet of film or some other excuse, Muslims hit the streets around the world rioting, looting, burning and uttering death threats!

    Nearly all the Muslim countries are seeing Muslims attack Muslims destroying homes, businesses, infrastructure and targeting women and children particularly showing the extremists must surely be trying to turn Muslims into primitives living in caves and mud huts so they can be controlled more easily!

    The murders in London and Paris clearly demonstrate that the extremists are winning in turning Muslims into primitive savages!

    All that is required for evil to triumph over good is for good men to do nothing Evil can triumph only if good men do nothing – Edmund Burke

    So if Muslims want Islam to be a religion of peace and be able to live in peace what are Muslims going to do about it?!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    i am muslim and our religion strictly say dont rap

  • 8 years ago

    I think that in America, the media fails to provide a balanced presentation.

    Two people die in Boston and it is a major event!

    420 people die in India when an American factory blows up and it is no big deal! Doesn't even show up on TV news.

    If Americans were not all cowards, they would find it impossible to be threatened by a handful of people living in third world misery.

    I am an atheist and I approve this message.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Two militant Muslim extremists, who became radicalized in British mosques, murdered an off-duty soldier on the streets of our capitol City.

    The MI5 knew these two were a danger, but couldn't bring them down because they had a wall of silence from the local Islamic community who wouldn't help MI5 bring them down.

    It may have been radical militant Islamic extremists who committed the act, but it is the so called 'innocent Muslims' in their community that do next to nothing to expose and eradicate that extremist element they like to publicly condemn, whilst they prey with them behind closed doors.

    You're damn right they deserve it.

    edit: You can give me TD's all you like, it doesn't change the fact that Islam in the West is not doing their part to end radicalization and extremism among the Muslim community. Are all Muslims terrorists? Of course not. But there seems to be a massive amount of work to keep those who are terrorists under protection.

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  • 8 years ago

    No, most non-Muslims don't realize that only a 1-2% portion of Muslims are extremists.

    It sickening how they are treated just for their beliefs. The Muslims that deserve a "bad rap" is the ones who go to such extreme lengths, such as murdering non-Muslims or bombing buildings. THOSE Muslims deserve the hate. Most Muslims are quite peaceful. Not to say that there are no non extremist Muslims who use violence within their families.

    The only Muslims that deserve to be frowned upon are the extremists.

  • 8 years ago

    Probably not, but I think a good chunk of the Muslim world needs to realize that being secular and unbound by religious values isn't universally bad.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    How charitable of those Muslims...possibly putting themselves in harm's way on the behalf of Christians, so that the two groups could stand united over what they had in common.

    I couldn't see Christians doing that for Muslims anywhere, ever...or for that matter, Muslims doing that for Christians anywhere else, in a trillion years.

    But to answer the question, yes. A million times, yes. A billion times, yes. A trillion times, yes. Graham's Number to the power of Graham's Number times, yes. They do deserve it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    They are God's children too. That is not the problem. The problem is that they are not doing anything about those that are giving them the bad rep which is giving them a bad rep.

    This is to show you how and why they have a bad rep: I have never robbed a bank. I have friends who rob banks. I hang out with them daily. I know they rob banks because they told me they rob banks and have proved to me they do. They haven't robbed a bank since I started hanging out with them. One day they rob a bank. What should I do? Keep quiet not tell the cops because they are my friends?

    How about if I knew a person who has been to jail for murder? They haven't killed anyone since I met them. All of a sudden they come knocking on my door asking me for help. They killed some one. How should I help him? Should I help dispose of the body? Clean up the crime scene? Give them an alibi? Just ignore that they killed some one and continue to be their friend with out getting involved? Would not these action put me in the same category? The action that would give me a good rep would be me picking up the phone and calling the cops!

  • Anyone foolish enough to believe in unproven claims and commit unjustifiable acts because of it do deserve a bad rap and I'm not just talking about islam...

  • M S
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


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