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Lv 6
ginger asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 8 years ago

what do you think about Alton Towers hosting a Muslims only day?

what do you think would happen if they had a White Anglo-Saxon Hetrosexual Christians only day/


GB, its on 17th September this year

Update 2:


19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a hoax, this event hit the headlines in 2007 and never happened, Alton Towers posted this on their Facebook page.... Alton Towers

    We would like to reassure you that as a completely inclusive Resort, we do not discriminate against our guests on any grounds and we would never refuse or promote entry to the Theme Park for religious or ethnic reasons. It would appear that an article from several years ago pertaining to an event that never took place has been republished and is now causing some confusion; we do hope that this misleading report has not deterred you from visiting the Alton Towers Resort, and we hope that we may look forward to extending our warm welcome to you in future.

  • 4 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    It's not true. There are no plans for a Muslim only day.

    An Islamic Recreation group did book a day once in 2006 (any group can make a private booking). It wouldn't have been a Muslim-only event but was marketed as Muslim-friendly.

    However, there wasn't much interest and so the day was cancelled. That was 7 years ago but unfortunately some stupid people spread the rumour that it's going to happen every year.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    One question Why ???

    I could under stand if it was a Bangra Day or a Far eastern day

    This would then allow seeks and to be honest any one

    But this is aimed at one religion and so it is racist against all other religions

    With the UK be a so called multi religious country is this saying were NOT!!!

    also with all the troubles in the past this is a Open invitation to People that Hate them

    Why does Altorn Towers Need to change just for them

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  • 8 years ago

    I think it's outrageous! I remember a few years back at the World Cup it was seen racist for BRITISH people their own flag on those own country yet now it's not racist to open a theme park to Muslims only! It's a outrage this stupid country puts foreigners before its own citizens! And if it was a only Christian day then god knows what would happen maybe the place would be terrorised ! I am not against Muslims in anyway I know Muslims I just feel we are being discriminated for being British in Great Britain witch is stupid . We need another leader like maggie facture!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The day that Alton Towers topic Park is having it is Muslim Day, a Chistian couple have booked to have their wedding ceremony interior the Park. they have been instructed that if their visitors choose to circulate on the rides the girls human beings could desire to be fulled lined - no undergo hands, legs or heads - and the girls and adult men human beings are to circulate on the rides seperately. each and all the nutrients they are to have could desire to be halal, and NO alcohol is authorized. They booked the park an prolonged time in boost, in the previous the Muslim Day replaced into arranged.

  • 8 years ago

    Anyone can attend, it's not just for Muslims... theme parks often have "celebration days" for all types of like-minded groups to attract business during slow periods. For example... Disney has Gay Days... anyone can attend, but it's advertised in gay media to attract that segment of the population, so a majority of the people attending will be gay, but nobody who isn't gay would be refused entry.

  • 8 years ago

    Money is the 'acceptance level' of any undemocratic function etc....whatever corporation is involved. - and should a A-S-H-C only group hold such an would be 'banned' as unconstitutional and racist against immigrants.

    The public are 'at last realising'....there are PC sympathetic rulings/laws for these Muslims and their communities - and the rest of us are 'continually restricted' by rulings that are issued by our government/authorities etc on a daily basis too 'control us' and our intentions.

    Once 'one event' of this sort is allowed - it will open the flood gates for other immigrant faiths too copy.....'all' escaping the 'political wrath' of our governments that (again) 'we' are controlled with every single day.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    As usual with the Sun, you need to actually read the story. An Islamic leisure company has booked the park for the day. A spokesman says anyone can book tickets, not just Muslims. That, of course, would be illegal.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I find it highly offensive.

    I used to go to a christain school next to Alton Towers and the area is very unmuslim so I guess the locals will have something to say about this.

    Would have soooo many protests if they had a 'White Wednesday' lol

    Source(s): Life
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