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Do you take offense or get annoyed when people say you don't look like your ethnicity?

I'm mostly of Italian descent with some Irish/German mixed in and consider myself to be Italian-American. Sometimes (not very often but it's happened on a few occasions), people have told me that I don't look like I'm Italian, and I have to be honest, it really rubs me the wrong way and I get irritated by that. Now on the other hand, I also get people who tell me I look very Italian or at least significantly so (which frankly I agree with...I have thick dark brown/black hair and eyebrows, green eyes, a pale but olive-ish complexion that will tan well if exposed to enough sun, and facial features that I think look rather Mediterranean/Southern European, like a Roman nose for instance. Even still, Italians vary widely in looks and range from blond and blue-eyed to nearly Lebanese-looking, with everything in between (with the average Italian honestly not looking too much like the stereotypical image that many Americans have of Italians).

Additionally, I also think it's rude to even ask a random stranger out of the blue about their ancestry and their ethnic background and to me it tends to suggest a lack of education or class. I don't do it to other people for this reason and I certainly don't question people's claims about their heritage/bloodline as that's even more offensive IMO. I know I probably shouldn't let this get to me, but I can't help it. Ignorance is annoying and I feel like a lot of Americans in particular are extremely ignorant about other peoples/cultures.


@Fernando: Yeah that must get frustrating. Don't people understand that Native Americans (since you're Mexican I'm assuming you have some Native ancestry) are also ultimately from Asia, hence it being quite reasonable that you look the way you do on account of your Mexican ancestry???

You'll like this too. I was recently told that I didn't look Italian by a.....blond-haired blue-eyed Italian. I had to laugh at that one because this guy didn't even look anything like a stereotypical Italian and it was worse than the pot calling the kettle

Update 2:

@Autumn: Thanks for the answer. I suppose it doesn't always reflect a lack of education, but frankly I believe it often does. Maybe I shouldn't get as offended as I do, but I can't help it, I'm not perfect lol. I also just think it's particularly funny in my case because I have several traits that are often regarded as stereotypically Italian (like dark hair, thick eyebrows, and a rather prominent nose).

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am constantly asked or actually people just assume I'm Italian.I have never just walked up to some one and asked them what their ethnicity was.That question seems like one you would ask as you get to know someone,not a question you just throw out at the super market.The good thing is, when someone asks you questions like that,it means they like something about your look.A man may like your hair,or a woman might think you have a beautiful complexion and they are just curious to your background.I know it can be irritating.I am of German decent and some people just refuse to accept that answer.I don't believe it's a lack of education as much as is it is a lot of people feel like it's not too invading of a question anymore.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm Brazilian and I get the same: half the people think I look Brazilian and the other half think I look like other peoples. I particularly don't care and do not find it offensive or rude. This is a mixed country made of all sorts of immigrants so it's only natural that people wonder where you're "from."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, I just say I am American. We all have roots that go way back. Italians do get hot headed, though!

    Ignorance is just not knowing and no country or income level is more ignorant than another. You find that everywhere. Be cool, say I am glad you asked and say you are an American.

  • 8 years ago

    I know the feeling. I'm Mexican and you won't believe how many times I've been asked if I was Asian. I have no Asian blood or Asian family members. Yet, people keep asking me, "Are you Chinese?" "Are you Asian?"

    I can't walk into an Asian restaurant without the employees ( all Asian ) stare at me. They even try to talk to me in their language, which I don't understand.

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  • 8 years ago

    Ummm no.

    Source(s): Human Race
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