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Lv 5

Religious folks, what's the point of attacking atheists?

Even if you disprove evolution, science, gravity and the Big Bang theory, it still won't bring you an inch closer to proving your god exists. Even if you prove that the Universe was created, then there's still the possibility that it was created by extradimensional aliens, or that a god created it and then died. So once again, let me ask you: what is the point of attacking atheists, when it doesn't help your case in any way?


Good to see you're still not answering the damn question.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Evilution was already disproven by the way. If humans came from monkeys then why we still got monkeys?

    Checkmate athiests

    Edit: God, have you people heard of jokes?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    As a person who thinks that Quran can not be the words of men, I totally agree with you.

    Having a short and friendly conversation sharing thoughts is always a thing that I'd like to do with an atheist, but what is attacking :O

  • 8 years ago

    I don't engage in the arguments much either way but I do understand the "attack" on atheists which is the question posed.

    Most of the conflicts are not between atheists (who do not believe in a God) and theists who do. Those are just discussions. There is an entirely separate group of anti-theists actively seeking and provoking a battle.

    They will inevitably get the same type of response to their attacks and that is exactly what they want.

  • 8 years ago

    I think that a major reason would be retaliation against what Atheists bring to the table. I'm not very religious but I cannot stand when an Atheist tries to disprove my beliefs when I never set out to try to disprove theirs. I am respectful of others' beliefs and I would personally like the same respect.

    Then again, there are extremists in both sides who tend to be very offensive. I've had many Atheist friends who are respectful and I am sure there are tons of religious people who disrespect non-believers' beliefs.

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  • 8 years ago

    NDMA: This is not a Christian chat group.

    Joel: Look up the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy.

    NDMA: And you do know why it seems that Christians are singled out on sites like this, right?

    >This site is English speaking

    >Users are probably going to be from a country where Christians are the majority, thus having the most impact on them.

    It really has nothing to do with disliking Christianity more than, say, Islam; most of us think the same of both.

    Anyway, I do sincerely hope that you have a good day or night.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    NDMA's failure to understand and write true statements never fails to amaze me. The point of attacking religion is to hopefully get religious people, mostly theists, to realize how absurd their beliefs are and how they destroy the ability to distinguish between what is real and what is pure fantasy. Take NDMA as a perfect example.

    Why care? Because these beliefs impact people's decisions and behavior. Behavior affects other people around them, and especially legislature. So if people have a load of nonsense beliefs, it is reason enough to try to change them for the sake of the world.

    NDMA, I highly doubt you get any of your misinformation from intelligent people.

    "Spencer even admits the atheist tactic of attacking Christians in this forum."

    /facepalm. So? Are you trying to suggest that this is the one "tactic" all atheists use? I sure hope not.

    Yet another /facepalm to NDMA...i haven't addressed what you said?? The second statement of my first paragraph addresses exactly your response to the original asker. You asked what is the point of attacking theists. I gave the answer to that question.

  • 8 years ago

    I believe in god, but I'm not religious and stuff.. And I have to say those religious people are dumb ***e's. They think they have logic of God but they don't understand 1 bit...... Btw maybe God is science....

    Any religious folks wanna argue With me add me on Skype: NinjaMaterial

    Unlike you bastards I see both sides..

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) i don't attack atheists, so i'm not sure what you're talking about. two of my dearest and oldest friends are atheist.

    2) i don't have to prove God exists... He's proven Himself.

    3) there is proof that the Universe was created. do the research, i'll not do it for you.

    4) once again, i don't attack atheists.

    5) i answered your 'question.'

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I believe that most people who claim to be Christians aren't. Being Christian is having a relationship with God which I think a majority of those "christians" don't have. God doesn't need to be defended by humans, its the other way around.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    And what is the point of atheists attacking theists, do you really believe that spamming Christian chatgroups and discussion lists with expletives and insults demonstrates superior free-thinking, rational, atheistic logic.

    When you have cleaned up your own house, then you will be in a position to look at somebody elses house!

    Spencer: Any intelligent person will tell you that attacking a persons belief system is a flawed strategy, if anything it makes a person dig in. In any event I am proud you would consider me important enough to slander and accuse - it means I am getting point across that you don't like!

    Atheist Pirate: That's nice, but the reality is Christians are the primary target of atheists in this forum. Spencer even admits to the atheist tactic of attacking 'religions' in this forum...

    NDMA, I highly doubt you get any of your misinformation from intelligent people.

    Edited 1 minute ago

    Given that so far all you have done is make accusations, without presenting any evidence to challenge my statements or validate your accusations, I am not not really concerned about your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everybody';s got one and they all stink!

    SPENCER: So? Are you trying to suggest that this is the one "tactic" all atheists use? I sure hope not.

    Edited 2 minutes ago

    No, I am flat out stating that you by presenting a justification for it, are affirming it is a tactic that is used, and you approve of the tactic. Noting in my statement indicated the scope of use (i.e. all or some) or the exclusivity of use - only that it is used!

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