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ching c asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 8 years ago

What should I do about my sister in law?

Help! I'm stuck in a situation that I don't know how to get out of! I tried to help out my sister in law and she has been a complete cow! Nothing I do is good enough for her and all she does is moan and complain about things that have nothing to do with me! Its wearing me down and making me depressed. She hasn't even acknowledged the fact that I have tried to help and just moans about everything not being good enough for her. Any advice is appreciated.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow sounds like my best friend, she is never happy. Life is always bad for her and never sees the beauty she has around her. I have no parents, 2 disabled children no family, I am in a long distance relationship for 5 years with some one I love and may never even get the chance to meet. Yet she moans about her partner, moan about her kids moan about her life! It can be draining so I know how you feel. It can take away the happiness in your life to, some times I have good news and can't share it with her as she turns it around to make me feel bad and guilty. She uses me for my money to and it hurt very much. I have now told her the truth of how I can no longer be around her, I would travel some distance with my boys to see her but yet she would never come to my house, so I have old her i will no longer go and I need to focus on my life. I know it seems like am writing about my life but I want you to see your not alone and that she is taking advantage of your soft good caring nature. You must put some distance are bounders between you and her unless you will just get to low.

    She has husband where is he in all this? Be hard and stand up to her, let your voice be heard. Ever since I told my friend about my feelings I feel much better and would rather sit alone in my house than with people who don't care for me. Maybe write a letter to her and explain your feelings.

  • 8 years ago

    Your sis in law is a self-centred whinger. You very kindly tried to help her out but you didn't get any thanks for it. How annoying for you. People like her are NEVER satisfied and grow misery lines on their faces at an early age. It's called having a sour puss - and being a sourpuss too. Simple answer is DO NOT HELP HER anymore. Next time she comes whining....and she will....say 'Oh dear - how sad' and then shut up. Do absolutely nothing. She'll moan about that too - about how you refuse to help her in her hour of need. At that point you can tell her that when you tried to help before all you got was abuse from her so you aren't going to bother again. Suggest she goes and moans to somebody else. This is HER problem, NOT yours. She's a miserable cow and you're not. End of story. Keep away from her if you can because she's dragging you down. If she continues, tell her husband and maybe he'll stop her constantly complaining. This woman is NOT your problem.

  • 8 years ago

    Just tell her that as she is never satisfied with any help you give you won't be giving any more and let her moan about that.

    Once you stop helping her she will see how much you have already done and apologize.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think the best thing you can do is to make her aware of how you feel. I know that is easier said than done but it's probably the easiest and most effective way of solving your (or in this case) her problem

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  • 8 years ago

    She's married to your brother, confiding in you and you have not let him know yet? Tell him and if your brother asks for help, say you have done all you could and just be there for your brother to talk to(as long as he is not like your sister-in-law)

  • 8 years ago

    Don't help her. Obviously, she knows best, and nothing is good enough for her. Leave miss High and Mighty on her throne, and get on with your life and problems. Don't waste your time on someone unappreciative and selfish.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You should sit down with her, it would be better if someone else was there too, maybe one of yours/her parents, preferably her husband and discuss it. If nothing works, then ignore her, im sure there are other people which value you more than your sister-in-law.

  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    oh! god help her ...... message will be sent from god tomorrow don.t forget to check your inbox

  • 8 years ago

    Kill her.Or shag her, then kill her. Whatever floats your boat.

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