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lilith663 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 8 years ago

Anyone out there on Weight Watchers?

I used to be and still have all the books and the little calculator. Do you know how to calculate how many points you are suppose to use each day on that thing? I would like to try it again but I cannot afford it, well I could either afford the fee or the food not both. I don't see directions on how to do this in any of the books I have. It would be appreciated.

7 Answers

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Used to be.

    Then I quit because it is not a good program for athletes. I don't like the way they weight points.

    It's much better to count over all calories.

    I have used many different weight loss methods and I just starting using myfitnesspal. I highly recommend it.

    Now the program has my daily caloric allowance very high. I am a young male but I have low T and hypothyroid, plus I just don't naturally have a high metabolism. I find that I lose weight best at 1700-1800 calories per day. Too much less than that I go into starvation, too much over and I don't lose. It has my recommended allowance around 2,000. So I just count everything based on 1700-1800 calories per day.

    So if you know what caloric intake works best for you, use that number rather than what it gives you.

    The program makes it very easy to count calories, fat, carbs, proteins, sodium etc. It's GREAT. I wish I started one much sooner. I used to count calories but I'd guestimate after a while and I think that is mostly to blame for why I'm not successful at losing body fat.

    It's free and easy. I recommend it a lot.

    I just don't like weight watchers because they make a crap ton of money off a different way to count calories. I honestly think it's easier to count cals than try to figure out points.

    Another thing I don't like about weight watchers is 0 points. Sorry but fruits and veggies have calories, you need to count them lol


    Source(s): Pre Med and long distance runner
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Be practical. Crazy goals like losing two dress sizes in a fortnight will almost always end within tears, lost motivation and regarding green little comfort eating. You can only ever look like a thinner you – so set standards you know you can achieve.

  • 5 years ago

    People who plan their weekly meals are more successful at losing weight than people that don’t. Plan your dishes to incorporate healthy carbs such as lovely potato and wholegrain pasta, vegetables and lean proteins, buy all the ingredients in advance and don’t be tempted you can eat out or order in.

  • 5 years ago

    Banish salt from a foods wherever you can. Not only does it raise your blood pressure and play havoc your blood, but sodium makes you retain water contributing to overall ill health and weight gain.

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  • 4 years ago

    Cinnamon: Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon each day, sprinkled into your breakfast cereal, can help you shift an amazing one kilo on a monthly basis.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Banish salt out of your foods wherever you can. Not merely does it raise your blood pressure and play havoc your blood, but sodium makes you retain water contributing to overall ill health and weight gain.

  • 5 years ago

    Time your feeding on and exercise appropriately. Never eat before you work out, and wait 30 to 60 minutes after training to make sure you catch your metabolism on its highest.

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