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Lv 6
viraat asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 8 years ago

Where do you go to have the peace in this world?

Every where different types of disasters. (religious,financial,population,mentality of the human being etc etc). may be you may say the peace is within you but how when your surroundings make you not just think about yourself to have the peace but must get other to have peace also before you sit in you. thanks for sharing your ideas. thanks.


there are too many good answers .so please help me to have the one of the best . thanks.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Any effort based on non-reality is doomed to frustration


    To have the peace in this world you start by sloughing off the ideas of in-outside yourself. These concepts are similar to the seven blind men and an elephant.

    Our animal bodies are aware of what is going on inside our skins, and whatever supports those processes. The human aspect of our minds knows that the shared carbon, water, oxygen cycles, and the cycling of ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, means that inside outside are not different in nature, just temporal function.

    The languages we use, the clothes, food, shelter we need, did not come from inside ourselves either. Humans should understand that, yet talk as though they did not.

    Once you have abolished that dichotomy, you can recognize that we are each unique, and interdependent.

    Then you can think about causes producing effects.

    Then you can think about how lives change, yet Life goes on.

    Once you recognize the three realities of unique-connected, cause-effect, change-consistency, you can see that these are the essential realities of life.

    A mind that is deliberately focused on these realities will become consistent with them. That will eliminate the rampant delusions that lead to the animalistic actions we have so much of.

    If you can condense the concepts of unique-interdependent, cause-effect, -change-consitency, focused mind-activity into single words, you have a formula that can change humans into what they want to be.

    That is the Strategy of the Lotus Sutra devised by Nichiren.

  • 8 years ago

    True peace can only be found in your own heart, as you also kind of mention.

    What you contain and radiate affects the world around you. Smile and you make other people smile, be filled with anger and that will spread like rings in the water too.. That system works for everything, including peace.

    To have peace in yourself, you must find peace in the now.. Not worry about the future, the world situation or delve into the past.

    As Gandhi said: "be the change you wish to see in the world".. is a very true quote spiritually/quantum physically.

    Our type of "civilization" doesn't induce peace in people. Rather it creates seperation between humans who constantly worry about money, future, being good enough etc.

    World peace will not happen until we radically change our entire way of materialistic life.

  • Gene
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    When were born we go though a very trimatic process coming out of the womb.Does that mean were born to have no peace in our life?No it doesent,Peace comes from who you surround yourself with.As you know a living has to be made so were exposed to others we dont choose to be at times but thats just life.When you ask if there is peace in the world I have to say no not in the world but there is peace on a personal level.But you have to create your own peace.When your off work thats your time and your choose who and what you do with your free time so if you dont surround yourself with good freinds and family thats on you.

    Source(s): Mother of 11 wife of one~Life is what you make it
  • 8 years ago

    World peace is not attainable for all opinions differ from each other, and there shall always be hate for hate is man's nature, a nature that no matter how hard we try we will never lose, but there will always be the few that fell that their hate is just so they act on that hate. Almost every human has acted on hate. So in it in human nature for world peace never to exist, but it is also human nature to dream of that which is unreachable and that is our driving force for every thing to reach the unreachable, and to do the impossible so one day all is possible.

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  • 4 years ago

    Peace has to start first from interior of one and all human beings, yet regrettably maximum human beings can no longer discover peace from interior of, and yet, all of us desire to discover peace from interior of, wishing that there is not any worry, no anger, no hatred, no resentment, no envy, no jealousy , no disappointment, no melancholy...and we've all grow to be relentless, attempting to make the peace from interior of happen on a concrete , textile point, think of that if we've 2 vehicles, a house, a kinfolk, 2 captivating babies, stable acquaintances and strong popularity, we are able to have peace. yet interior the tip, we are able to desire extra because of the fact all of us be attentive to we nevertheless lack something , perhaps a yet another new automobile, a clean relationship , new acquaintances, new place....and this will possibly under no circumstances end until we are able to make peace with ourselves ( and that i'm no longer asserting procuring factors is a undesirable ingredient, under no circumstances). And the criminal is in many circumstances our very own ego, and as long as people bypass, ego will exist, it needs what it needs, there will be no end to it, if an ego sees yet another ego having extra desirable than what it thinks it ought to have, then it relatively is going to attempt to up the different ego. And this cycle will under no circumstances end. this could no longer be a ask your self to you, many many human beings get exhilaration from tearing one yet another down, extremely than development one yet another up. because of the fact deep down quite, our very own ego is in worry that the different man or woman has obtained something that we've constantly longed for, inner peace. international peace is as substantial to me as my and your man or woman inner peace. yet as long because of the fact the latter dont exist, the former could no longer be a starting to be.

  • 8 years ago

    I have to think I don't have peace..even within me.. 24 hours a day, every day. I don't see that as possible when things happening in this world matter to me.

    The best I can do is find peace in myself...make peace with myself about what is possible for me to change and what isn't.

  • 8 years ago

    An island or paradise of peace and tranquility is a myth that can never be realized.

    The best you can hope for is a good woman and a good cigar and a 40-ouncer of Premium Malt Liquor.

  • 8 years ago

    Hello friend viraat, just dive within and you can find eternal peace. As one percent of population is capable of attaining such a peace then world peace is quite possible. Let us be optimistic and let us wait for such an excellent state.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Peace comes from with in.

    There is a saying "Mann jeetay jag jeet", once you have won over your CHANCHAL MANN you have won over the world. For example whatever not very nice someone said to us can be listened from one ear and can be thrown out from other but we never do so instead we either remember that to take revenge or we burst at that moment making life complex, it is worsen by our feelings which we feel and keep feeling for long time, a person who has won over his mann (mind) can just wipe out his brain from negative emotions and things is seconds we just can't and therefore are suffering.

    World is not perfect, neither are we.

  • 8 years ago

    ========NEW EDIT======

    FIRST OF ALL it would be good to focus in on what Christ stated what true peace was & is and where it would come from:

    (John 14:26, 27)

    “. . .. 27 I leave YOU peace, I give YOU MY PEACE I do not give it to YOU the way that the world gives it. . .”

    (Luke 11:10-13)

    “. . .For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. 11 Indeed, which father is there among YOU who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps hand him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he also asks for an egg, will hand him a scorpion? 13 Therefore, if YOU, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!””

    NOTE THE combination of other powerful qualities would be of necessity in order for peace to be functioning:

    (Galatians 5:22-24)

    “22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-24)

    “22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Moreover, those who belong to Christ Jesus impaled the flesh together with its passions and desires. . .”

    --THE QUALITIES above are emphasied many times in our meetings and worked on individually & organizationally in our imperfect state.

    WE ENDEAVOR to follow this Godly recipe:

    (2 Peter 1:5-8)

    “5 Yes, for this very reason, by YOUR contributing in response all earnest effort, supply to YOUR faith virtue, to [YOUR] virtue knowledge, 6 to [YOUR] knowledge self-control, to [YOUR] self-control endurance, to [YOUR] endurance godly devotion, 7 to [YOUR] godly devotion brotherly affection, to [YOUR] brotherly affection love. 8 For if these things exist in YOU and overflow, they will prevent YOU from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


    1 Corinthians 3:17

    17 Now the Lord the LORD,( Jehovah John 4:24; Gen 6:3 ) is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord the LORD,( Jehovah Isa 61:1 ) is, there is liberty. ......"

    (2 Corinthians 3:17)NWT

    “17 Now Jehovah is the Spirit; and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.”

    *** w94 2/15 p. 6 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult? ***

    “Absorbed in Humanity”

    Cult members often isolate themselves from family, friends, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses? “I do not belong to Jehovah’s Witnesses,” wrote a newsman in the Czech Republic. Yet he added: “It is obvious that they [Jehovah’s Witnesses] have tremendous moral strength. . . . They recognize governmental authorities but believe that only God’s Kingdom is capable of solving all human problems. But watch it—they are not fanatics. They are people who are absorbed in humanity.

    *** kl chap. 14 p. 134 Whose Authority Should You Recognize? ***

    . “If all the religious denominations were like Jehovah’s witnesses,” said an official in one African country, “we would have no murders, burglaries, delinquencies, prisoners and atomic bombs. Doors would not be locked day in and day out.”

    UNDER UNITY subheading:

    *** dx86-12 Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

    unity: w00 10/15 32

    all sitting together, not in cliques: w02 11/15 15; w99 11/15 32

    ‘brothers and sisters,’ they really mean it: jv 316

    example of how people can work and live together: jt 24; jv 282; br78 24

    if we had the same spirit, we would have solved our problems long ago: yb07 174; yb95 11

    I left feeling upbuilt by the unity: g02 5/22 13

    I’ve never seen a happy mingling of so many diverse peoples: g93 12/22 11

    mark of true Christianity: w04 3/1 7

    more successful than any other group in the speed with which they eliminate tribal discrimination: rs 305

    only group who can have the whites and the blacks together: yb95 8

    only organization I know that is not divided: w06 7/15 19

    praiseworthy unity of faith seems to distinguish them: w93 6/15 22-23; w87 1/1 29

    racial discrimination not a problem: g87 2/8 27

    racial equality: rs 305

    Source(s): OFFICIAL WEB SITE--What do JW'S do at our meetings , conventions:
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