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Lv 5

Why did you become a Christian?

Let's kick out the notion that it was programming that drove you into the arms of Jesus. I want to hear you out.

Was it because of a past tragedy (something really bad)?

Were you once a bad person?

Was there a 'void' in your life?

What was it?


When I say 'bad' person, I mean did you sell drugs? Did you rob people? Have you murdered or raped anyone? That's what I mean by BAD. Not something like, "Oh, I stole some grapes once and that's a sin." Nonsense.

Update 2:

Annnemarie, people also convert to Christianity in prison and certain suicide prevention clinics for teens who are depressed or had terrible things happen to them. As for the 'void'. I don't know what that is, either. I've heard Pat Robertson say it a lot.

Update 3:

Very nice, Don.

13 Answers

  • Pamela
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I became a Christian because I'm a sinner in need of a Savior.

    Not only to secure eternity with Him but for today.

    With Jesus in my heart I know His love for me which allows me to show it to others.

    I have His peace and joy no matter what happens.

    I have instruction and guidance when I need direction.

    I have His gentle conviction to admit my wrongs and His strength to become more like Him.

    I have His blessing and favor - His provision and comfort.

    I have His presence with me everyday and His promises to work His perfect will in my life as I trust Him:)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My soul was on it's way to incarnate on my home planet Ardis 7 as a theropod When a nuclear explosion on the planet earth punctured the membrane It was surfing and I fell through the opening into this time space mass dimension.

    It was quite a shock to pop out of an simian birth canal trapped in a tiny ape body. This was in the mid 1940s as earth time is measured. My extended primate family all practiced an ancient belief system compiled from other even earlier random Mediterranean basin belief systems for the purpose of streamlining commerce for the roman empire. They called it Christianity.

    It was astonishing that it was taken seriously at all but it was. It was difficult enough getting used to long ape arms and the lack of scales was even more difficult because the ape skin was amazingly fragile. There was no way that I could convince my fellow apes that their belief system was preposterous, much less tell them that I was not really one of them.

    So I just went along with the flow till I got old enough in earth years to find my own truth.

    I stumbled on the teachings of an itinerant jewish rabbi called Jesuha. They made a lot more sense than the Christian teachings I was raised with so I continue to follow them to this day.

    I like this a lot more than being a Christian.

  • 8 years ago

    Most people become Christians in there life because they were born into the religion. There parents were Christians and they chose to become Christians because that is all they ever believed in. Usually a person that has experienced a bad tragedy is a christian and can move on. But i really don't understand how a bad tragedy can make you a Christian. I don't know how bad people become Christians either. And i also don't know what a void is.

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Was it because of a past tragedy (something really bad)? YES!

    Were you once a bad person? I STILL AM BAD, the only difference is that now I'm forgiven!

    Was there a 'void' in your life? YES!

    What was it? ALL OF THE ABOVE!

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  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    After reviewing the available evidence (primarily scientific - Big Bang, Abiogenesis and Common Descent) it was clear that God made far more sense than No-God. Examining many traditions and many "holy book" I concluded the most likely correct faith was Christianity. Because as an atheist I had long since committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and there is no repentance or forgiveness for me I know hell is my final destination.. That notwithstanding, intellectual honesty demands I acknowledge the Christ even if it is too late for me to benefit from his offer of salvation.

  • 8 years ago

    God spared my life when I was about 10 years old. A runaway boat was about to smash into me. With nobody to turn it, it turned at the last minute and went up the bank of the shore just a few yards away. I was saved and was baptized. I still feel like a failure sometimes but Jesus has lifted me up in these times and I still try my best to serve him.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Everyone is a 'bad person' because we're all sinners who need a Saviour. A life without God is full of tragedy and everyone who isn't saved does have a void in their life, a God-shaped void. All of this combined will make people realize that they need something more in their lives and it will drive them to Christ.

  • 8 years ago

    We all have a conscience . So then when you hear or read about such a man as Jesus you look up to him for doing all that he did to keep his conscience clean ; and you want to be like him . So you read his words .

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I left Christianity because it didn't make any sense. I used my head and I can think for myself. I became a muslim and I'm a better person now. Everything just makes sense. I'm happier now.

    (No disrespect to Christianity)

  • 8 years ago

    Because everything Jesus said rings true in my heart and I long for all people to be with this grace and wisdom.

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